Nice find!
Both are from Indonesia.
I really liked the second one. The reporter was basically saying things like the following:
1:30--"A spa treatment that tickles you? Wow, why not?"
2:03--"Already I'm experiencing ticklish sensations that are extraordinary [luar biasa means beyond the norm]"
2:08-- (rough translation) "I'm laughing so hard I'm beginning to cry. I'm getting tickled without mercy." (Like I said, this one is a very rough translation. My Indo isn't as good as it used to be.)
2:29--"Next, I get tickled by feathers"
2:38--"Mercy!" ("Ampun"). Then I couldn't understand when she dubbed over herself, but I did catch something like "This tickled more than I expected."
2:48--"Now they're tickling me with their hands. The therapists have to be people that...OMG that tickles! It really tickles with the hands."
3:03--"If there is anyone out there that has a hard time laughing or is not in the mood to laugh, here you can laugh for 90 minutes straight when you're tickled like this!"
4:18--"Thank you! When you're tickled so much that the laughter is released, it gives a stress relief. The stress is gone and...[I can't pick up the rest. Sorry. It was something about how the body benefits]"
The cool thing is at 5:14, when the anchor says "I've already decided that this can't be an option for me [because she's too ticklish]."
There, I hope that helps.