Sadly, more often than not, against. Here is what I mean:
On a scale of -10 to +10, suppose the average politician rates -3. There is an election. The usual case is A vs. B, where A rates -3, and B, a particularly odious power-greedy control freak, rates -7. So I vote for A, which is really a vote against B being in office.
It is not a matter of party; such odious characters exist in all political parties.
These days, I vote for people, not parties. I'm frustrated by the choices out there, but I'll vote for every race. There are crooks in all parties, so sometimes the best I can find is a minor-party candidate. So be it. This isn't contest to see who can pick winners, it's picking the best people for the jobs.
I have always found it interestingly amusing that regardless of opposing viewpoints most politicians involved seem to manipulate (or attempt to) the way they word their campaigns and interview responses so that they are addressing what every possible voter wants to hear...without actually comitting to saying know...ambiguously responding to a direct issue by articulating as slowly as possible so that by the time they are done you forget what the original question or topic was...((kind of like when I respond to a post))...(smile).....anyway...I vote for people...and not necessarily by what they say as much as whether or not they seem believable (not credible...there's a difference) and that there is a greater liklihood of what they are saying actually being delivered because they care about doing it not simply because they want the job. But never listen to me...I know nothing about politics...I am just unable to sleep tonite🙂
~ticklemmmeeeeeee (please?)
I usually vote Democratic. Unfortunately, none of the candidates vying to face off against Bush next year appeal to me. It sucks to be a Democrat now. 🙁
I vote for the person... and I don't give a rat's behind about their party affiliation.
Much like sports, there are certain things thet should be done as a team, and certain things that should be done individually. Voting is most certainly an "individual event," which is why I'm not a member of any party. 🙂
If I can't stomach any candidate in a particular race, I vote for a friend, an acquaintence, or even Donald Duck. I tend not to vote for anyone on the ballot whom I have heard nothing about, on the grounds that they're probably some one-issue, left/right wing nutcase.