I'm asking this sincerely, and I hope it will be accepted as such..
Recently, I've been watching old Party of Five, Starsky and Hutch, and episodes of other shows on Youtube late at night. It seems that I can find some episodes of these shows, but not others. Is it just that people are posting episodes of the shows from their personal DVDs on Youtube, without anything being "official" from the productiion or DVD distribution company? I think some of the same can be said for the Howard Stern tickle episodes too?
Thoughts? Advice?
Recently, I've been watching old Party of Five, Starsky and Hutch, and episodes of other shows on Youtube late at night. It seems that I can find some episodes of these shows, but not others. Is it just that people are posting episodes of the shows from their personal DVDs on Youtube, without anything being "official" from the productiion or DVD distribution company? I think some of the same can be said for the Howard Stern tickle episodes too?
Thoughts? Advice?