Ways Not Yet Disclosed...*WEG*
As jen said, I might be able to make a helpful contribution here. In my and jen's playstyle, we like to use a double-ply leather riding crop, very carefully on the meaty parts of the soles...The strike intensity has to be very carefully managed, as it is easy to do damage to feet, if you are not experienced in this technique.
The safest approach to this type of play is to keep the intensity of the strikes very low, and allow the sole flesh to engorge with blood from the light agitation imparted by the crop....then...one "medium" strike, immediately followed by tickles with tactile implements or fingers. Of course, this technique will probably not work for "light touch" oriented ticklees, since the psychological fallout from the perception of actually having their feet "lightly beaten" will likely be more than most of them can bear...but...if your ticklee can get past that, there is likely to be some yet uncharted opportunities in this mode of play.
Oral tickling is yet another very successful approach. Light bites on the sensitive "inner toe flesh" followed by a good salivary wetting and raking of one's teeth along the soles, particularly the insteps and on the balls of the foot, can bring AMAZING results from even the most stoic of ticklees...*WEG*
Aren't you "foot-sensitive" ticklees glad I wrote now?
Be safe, tickle, and be tickled!
*GuitarPeteTklr shreds his way back into tickling oblivion...*