Kitten, I appreciate the thought and the post. Thank you.
I do want to make one point. Thank you for what you said in the other thread. Venray made an excellent point in the thread of something being discussed in chat, and then brought into a war in a thread. I was not the one who started it, and while I do admit that I got pretty sharp in some of my comments in that thread, those were said as a result of frustration of an ongoing situation that has existed for a long time. It is my intention to ignore the individuals involved in the situation, and move on. If I became sharp or unpleasant in my thread, I apologize to the community members and the mods. My whole point in this is the idea of live and let live. If Iam discussing something with a person, the issue should be between me and that person, and I do not appreciate being harrassed and portrayed as some kind of a weirdo because I have an alternative fetish.
I discuss ladders. I admit it, and dont try to hide it. If a girl doesnt want to discuss said subject of tickling, feet or ladders with me, then fine, I move on and dont persue it. My point is that this is an alternative fetish site. Maybe I dont agree with certain methods used in bondage or tickling, but if Iam not the one being bound, who the hell am I to judge, say you, or anyone else, at how they live their lives, and how they tickle? I can handle good natured teasing about ladders, and have been good naturedly ribbed about the subject by several people on this site, who I enjoy talking to, and consider close friends. I dont care. I'm a guy who can poke fun at himself. What I dont like is when those not involved in the conversation, or not involved in the interaction, call me a freak or such for liking this. I could say nasty things about them too, but dont. It isnt my business, and I dont care. My belief is if you dont like someone, ignore them, and move on.
Thank you for the supportive post. It is appreciated. Iam done with this. It has gotten way out of hand, and all I want to do now is put it behind me, and the forum, and move on. It would be nice if others could do the same.