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Welcome to Stocksvill Epilogue part 1 (f/m, f/f)


TMF Expert
Jul 2, 2003
Previous Stocksvill Chapters

Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter One
Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter Two
Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter Three
Welcome to Stocksvill Chapter Four

Welcome to Stocksvill


Rod awoke with a loud yawn. He opened his eyes slowly, feeling the sting that accompanied waking up in the morning with the sun peeking in the window. It didn’t help that it still felt weird waking up in a bed that wasn’t his. Sitting up with a slight grin on his face, Rod looked over to his right to see the sleeping form of the person beside him.

Gloria was comfortably asleep beside him, slumbering gently. Rod watched her body slowly rise and fall as she breathed. She looked incredible, even when she slept. Like god had placed an angel beside him during the night. His angel.

Looking at the alarm clock, Rod could see that there was still another fifteen minutes before it would go off. Rod decided to get up and shower. That way there would be no competition for the washroom when Gloria woke up.

Rod hopped out of the bed, quickly putting on some boxer-briefs. He had been sleeping naked, mainly because of last night’s activities with Gloria. The girl was a machine. But, as Gloria liked to sleep in the nude, she wanted Rod to as well. Rod suspected this was because she simply wanted easy and quick access to his more intimate parts, so should the mood take her, she could then take Rod only a moment later. It was a little weird for Rod, as he had always slept in his underwear, but having Gloria naked beside him, and knowing Gloria had a lock on her door to stop any surprise visits from Dawn, made it easier.

Rod gathered some fresh clothing and put on a housecoat. He imagined Dawn was up and about already, and didn’t want to be caught in his underwear by her. She had already seen enough of his flesh during last Sunday.

Peeking outside the door, and seeing no sight of the busty blonde, Rod slipped out of Gloria’s room and made a bee line into the washroom down the hall. Rod quickly locked the door. He didn’t want Dawn making any “accidental” visits. Of course, Rod wasn’t sure Dawn would go that far, but he didn’t put it past her either.

Once the door was secure, Rod turned on the water in the shower to warm it up. He took this time to look in the mirror to inspect his lower lip. It was still swollen, but at least the split had healed up well enough. It could have been a lot worse then a split lip though. A hell of a lot worse.

Rod had pretty much expected to get hit. He had hoped he wouldn’t, but the realist in him knew that there was a price to pay for stealing Tads girlfriend away from him. Of course, Rod hadn’t stolen shit. Gloria seemed to want Rod as much as Rod wanted her. Rod really wasn’t sure why, but she genuinely did seem to care about him in a romantic way.

The two of them had decided on the Monday (The day after their unexpected sexual activities and hooking up, not to mention merciless tickle torture) that it was best to straight up tell Tad instead of letting him find out through the school grapevine. So, between third and forth period, the two approached Tad. The fight started a few minutes later when Tad punched Rod in the face, splitting his lip, and flooring Rod. It ended three seconds later when Gloria placed a well aimed knee to Tads groin and followed up with a left hook to his jaw while he was doubled over.

These strikes were enough to hurt Tad, but certainly not enough to stop him. They didn’t need to, however. Gloria was a smart girl, which is why she chose to tell Tad during school hours. The little argument/fight had caught the attention of a large crowd of students and now the eyes of the school were on Tad. He had two choices now. Swallow his pride, laugh the hits off, and walk away, or hit Gloria and watch as his reputation and social life get destroyed. Being the son of a hero let Tad get away with a lot of things, but hitting a girl who was the daughter of a hero was a line that Tad couldn’t cross unscathed.

Tad gave both of them a quick look (and if looks could kill, Rod was sure both him and Gloria would have been dead that day) then got up and walked away. Gloria helped Rod up, his lip bleeding nicely and head still ringing from the punch, and the two headed towards the nearest men’s washroom so Rod could clean himself up. Most of the bystanders dispersed, realizing that a fight wasn’t going to happen and that they needed to get to class.

Rod for his part had been both angry and embarrassed. Rod hadn’t wanted to fight, but he had resolved himself to the fact that he might have to and had prepared himself mentally for the beating he was most assuredly going to be taking at the hands of Tad. What he hadn’t been prepared for however was for his girlfriend to step in and fight his fight for him. While it was true that Rod didn’t have much of, if any, social status at high school, he still had his pride as a man, and what Gloria had just done flew right in the face of that pride.

Rod didn’t say anything to Gloria as he walked into the washroom. His lip had been pretty bloody, not to mention there were a few good blood stains on his shirt. Taking a few wet paper towels, Rod cleaned himself as best he could. It stung like a bitch, but his sense of pride hurt worse. He decided at that moment that he and Gloria were going to have a chat.

Once Rod had stopped the bleeding and cleaned himself up a bit more, he walked out of the washroom, a stern look on his face. He had planned to say something, but as soon as he saw Gloria, all his anger drained away.

Gloria was leaning up against the wall opposite of the washroom entrance. She had her head down, and was tenderly holding her left hand. As Rod got closer he could see that the first and second knuckle of her hand was red and swollen. She seemed to be inspecting her hand for damage, touching the knuckle and wincing slightly.

When Gloria noticed Rod was there, the look of concern quickly disappeared, a warm smile taking its place. Her hands wrapped around behind her. “How’s the lip?” She asked, her own injury seeming to disappear from her thoughts.

Rod smiled back at her, his own anger and pain forgotten. He loved this girl. Everything about her. So what if his ego took a bit of a bruising. She was his, and he loved her, but Rod also realized that he was hers as well, and she was willing to go to any lengths to protect him. Pride be damned.

Rod chuckled as he shook his head a bit and stepped into the shower. He was a quick showered and was in and out of the shower in probably seven minutes. Sometimes there were definite advantages to being a guy.

As Rod headed downstairs after drying off and getting dressed, he was greeted by the heavenly smell of pancakes wafting out of the kitchen. It was a bit strange, though. By Gloria’s accounts, Dawn only cooked breakfasts on Sundays. However, it seemed that every night Rod stayed over this week, in the morning Dawn would cook something for breakfast. It wasn’t like Dawn needed to impress Rod, or give him more reasons to spend the night (Gloria did an excellent job of that herself), so Rod couldn’t figure out why Dawn was going to all the trouble of cooking breakfast for everybody.

Walking into the kitchen, Rod could see the table had been set and that bacon and sausages had been taken out of the fridge to be cooked. No sight of Dawn however. Rod was certain she’d be back soon though and took a seat in one of the chairs.

Just as Rod decided to reach for a glass of water he suddenly found a pair of female arms reaching over his shoulders and coming down to cross over his chest, while something big, soft, and warm came to rest on the top of his head.

“Good morning. How’s my hot Rod today, hmm?” Purred Dawn as her hands caressed Rod’s chest with a feather like touch. Rod could feel Dawns breasts on his head moving gently with each breath she took. “I have a couple of flap jacks I can’t wait for you to put in your mouth.”

Dawn then let out a playful giggle, giving Rod a quick peck on the cheek, and then walked over to the counter to begin getting the bacon and sausage ready. Rod scratched his head, his face bright red and feeling a little flustered, not to mention a little aroused. He was glad he was seated, or Dawn probably would have been able to see the hint of some swelling in his pant leg. “You’re too much Dawn, you know that?”

“Better too much then not enough, dear.” Dawn turned around, giving him a sexy wink. Rod and Dawn had come to something of an agreement over the past week. Both of them fully acknowledged that Gloria didn’t like it when Dawn flirted with Rod. They were boyfriend and girlfriend now, and even though Dawn had made her intentions clear, it still bothered Gloria. So, Rod and Dawn had a little talk in private. Dawn was a natural flirt, but she promised that she would do her best and try and keep herself in check. Rod was glad that Dawn had decided on such a course of action, though Rod had to admit, he was going to miss the playful teasing and innuendo just a bit.

As things turned out though, Rod didn’t end up missing them at all. It turned out that when Dawn promised not to flirt with Rod anymore, she hadn’t meant she would totally stop. It only meant she would try not to flirt with Rod when Gloria was around. When Gloria wasn’t around however, Rod was fair game, and it seemed Dawn was intent on making up for lost time by flirting even more when she got the chance. Yes, it seemed that Dawn had no intentions of giving up her tease toy just yet.

What Dawn was currently wearing was a prime example of how she had turned up the heat several notches. Normally, Dawn wore a typical terry cloth bathrobe. One that came down to her ankles and was less form fitting. She still looked good, mind you. Granted, Dawn would look good in a burlap sack covered in mud. Sometime this week though, Dawn had decided to buy a new housecoat. One much more form fitting and revealing then the last.

It seemed that Dawn had decided to go with a more Japanese look this time. The new housecoat in question was made of an extremely sheer blue satin with a gold moons and stars design on it. The new housecoat only came down to Dawn’s mid thighs (Rod suspected she would have gone shorter if she had felt she could get away with it.) showing off her rather shapely legs. Instead of having a belt, this housecoat seemed to have a rather large sash that reached from Dawns full hips tightening across her stomach, and stopping just under Dawns even fuller breasts. The opening in the top of the front was big enough to show off some cleavage, but when Gloria wasn’t around, Dawn folded the sides of the top inwards so that it was open to the point where Dawns nipples were almost exposed and every step she took, causing her breasts to jiggle, made promises of that exposure becoming a reality. Dawn’s guns never did fall out of their holsters, if you will, but they certainly did a good job of making promises with the possibility, which made it even more difficult for Rod to tear his eyes away. It was safe to say that this housecoat was much sexier then the last.

“So, all set for your big date today?” Dawn sat at the table, coffee mug in hand.

“I think so. I just hope she likes it.” Even though Rod and Gloria had been dating for a week now, they had yet to really go on what Rod would call a real date. So, after some careful thought, Rod came up with an idea for a first date he thought would be particularly special.

“Rod, Considering how thoughtful your plans are, I’m sure she’ll love it.” Dawn took a sip of her coffee. “Want some?”

“I’m good, thanks.” Rod had told his plans to Dawn before he had cemented the idea. As Gloria’s mother, Dawn seemed to be a good person to run his idea by, especially given the nature of it. Rod took one of the glasses of water on the table and sipped it. “Dawn, can I ask you something?”

“Fire away.” Dawn sipped her coffee.

“Gloria told me you don’t really cook breakfast as a rule except for Sundays. Now I know you used to cook it for us when we were kids and slept over, but this isn’t exactly the same. Every time I’ve spent the night you’ve made breakfast and I’m just wondering if theirs any particular reason.” Rod drank some more water.

“Mainly it’s my way of thanking you for plowing my little girl’s pussy.” Dawn laughed as Rod began to choke on his water. “God, Rod, your so cute!”

“You’re kidding, right?” Rod managed to get out between coughs.

“Not in the least, hun.” Dawn gave a dismissive wave with her hand. “I love my daughter to death Rod, I really do. But frankly, she can be a real bitch at times, particularly in the mornings. She gets that mostly from me, but I outgrew it eventually. Well, for the most part at any rate.” Dawn gave Rod a slight smirk. “Ever since you two hooked up though, her whole mood has changed, especially on the mornings after you’ve spent the night.” Dawn gave Rod a mischievous grin before she took another sip of her coffee. “Of course, if I had a man who made me make as much noise as she does, I’d probably have a grin on my face from ear to ear all day as well.” Dawn’s grin broadened at Rod’s sudden discomfort.

“You…can hear us?” Rod felt his face turning a bright red.

“Sweetie, my room is right beside Gloria’s. Add in the fact that the
walls in this house are paper thin and mommies little girl is a screamer, which is something she also gets from my side of the family, if you were curious.” Dawn winked at Rod. “I pretty much hear anything that goes on in that room above a normal voice. Gloria thinks she’s quiet enough, but trust me, she isn’t. Granted, She seems to be pretty good at making you make some noise as well.”

Rod was left speechless. He didn’t really know what to say, if anything. He knew Dawn’s room was right beside Gloria’s, but he didn’t know that Dawn would have been able to hear what was going on. He had certainly never heard anything from Dawns room.

“For whatever it’s worth, you’ve made her scream more, louder, and longer then any other guy she’s had up their. And it’s not because of that anaconda you have down there.” Dawn’s eyes made a little dip downwards, and Rod didn’t need the table to be absent to know what her eyes were gesturing towards. “It’s because you want her to be happy, and let me tell you Rod, that’s better then all the big dicks in the world.”

“I do…” Rod cleared his throat, still a little embarrassed by what Dawn was saying. “I do want to make her happy.”

“Exactly.” Dawn smiled, getting to her feet and slowly walking towards Rod. “And if you weren’t already head, shoulders, and cock above everybody else, then you would be by now.” Dawn slipped around Rod, placing a hand on either shoulder. “You make her happy, Rod because you care about her.” Dawn leaned down and whispered in his ear. “Of course, having a horse cock doesn’t hurt either.” Dawn winked at Rod, and before he could make a comment, her hands found their way to his ribs. “Or being super ticklish. Kitchy kitchy koo.”

“Ah! No stahahahap” Rod laughed out loud. Doubling over in his chair and trying to protect his sides. Of course though, once Dawn sank her claws in, she was hard to get free. Every time he would take a hold of her hand to try and pry it away from his sensitive sides, she would expertly twist and slip her hand out of his grip and then strike his sides again like her hands were some type of homing missile.

The sound of Gloria’s feet descending the stairs put a stop to Dawns playful tickling as she released Rod’s sides, turning away from the stairs and heading back to her seat, making sure to turn out the top of her robe to conceal her breasts better. She was sitting down just as Gloria turned the corner into the kitchen.

“Somebody sounds like they’re having fun.” Gloria commented with a grin, coming around to the back of Rod’s chair and leaning over to give Rod a quick peck on the lips. Rod himself was still trying to get the last of his giggles out. Gloria was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and gray t-shirt, both of them pleasantly form-fitting, the t-shirt only coming half-way up her torso, exposing her rather toned abs and hugging her large breasts.

“Morning mom.” Gloria circled the table and gave Dawn a little peck on the cheek. “Giving my boy an early morning workout?”

“Morning hun.” Dawn replied, sparing Rod a quick “I told you so.” look as Gloria went to pour herself a glass of milk. “I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist giving him a little tickle. He’s just so fun.”

“Mmm.” Gloria took a good gulp of milk then smiled at Dawn. “That’s true enough.” Gloria slowly walked over to sit beside Rod, smiling at him playfully before she turned to look at Dawn. “Those pancakes smell great mom.” Reaching over, she lifted the top of the serving tray in the center of the table up, revealing the stack of fresh, golden pancakes underneath. She quickly began scooping a small stack unto her plate.

“I was going to make some sausage and bacon, but Rod distracted me.” Dawn gave Rod a playful smile.

“Tsk, bad Rod!” Gloria scolded, giving Rod’s thigh a few quick squeezes under the table.

“Ha ha ha, stoppit!” Rod protested his leg spasming in reaction to the tickling until Gloria stopped a moment later to butter her pancakes. “You Rose women are evil.” Rod chuckled, watching Gloria warily.

“And don’t you forget it.” Gloria leaned over and gave Rod a quick kiss on the lips.

“Heh.” Dawn smiled at the antics across the table. She then pushed herself up and away from the table. “I’ll have the meat cooked up in a few.”

“That’s ok as far as I’m concerned mom. I mean, I’m ok with just pancakes.” Gloria nodded towards her plate. “I don’t want to be too full for cheerleading practice.”

“What about you Rod?” Dawn asked.

“This is great Dawn.” Rod had never really been a big breakfast guy. That wasn’t to say that he didn’t enjoy a plate of fresh pancakes or over hard eggs with home fries and toast. His mother simply didn’t believe in cooking for breakfast, so he was just used to bowls of cereal or a glass of milk with a few pieces of toast. A stack of pancakes was a feast compared to what he would consider a normal breakfast.

“Alright then, I’ll forgo the bacon and sausage. Truth be told, I’m only going to have a light breakfast as well. I don’t want to be too stuffed for Alicia’s training.” Dawn frowned.

“How’s that going, by the way?” Gloria grinned.

“It’s a million and one laughs, smart ass.” Dawn hmph’ed. “I so do not deserve this hard of a spanking. I mean, ok, I broke a few rules, but two hours of tickling every day except Sunday? I’m going to lose my voice or rupture a lung or something if this keeps up. Hell, my poor sides are still sore from the last session.”

“Awww…” Gloria got up and walked around the table, throwing her hands over her mother in an exaggerated hug. “Poor mommy. You want me to talk to the big bad Victoria and tell her to stop being such a meany head?”

“Mess with the bull and you get the horns, dear.” Dawn said, and a second later Gloria exploded into laughter as Dawn probed ether one of Gloria’s sides with her index fingers. This was a bit of a “Dawn Classic move”. As far back as Rod could remember, Dawn used that exact same phrase and technique whenever somebody was playfully teasing her. Rod could remember being on the end of those horns more then a few times, and how devastating it could be.

Gloria laughed, pulling away and moving to the counter, still giggling and eyeing Dawn just in case Dawn decided to press her tickling attack. Dawn remained seated however, giving her daughter a bit of a smug grin. Gloria just smiled back playfully and sat back down in her chair.

Rod hadn’t realized it till now, but Dawn was right. Gloria did seem to be in a very good mood. Normally, Gloria would have been irritated with Dawn tickling her, and at the very least given her a few dirty looks. That didn’t happen though. Gloria was still smiling and giggling as she sat down and began to eat her food. Had things really changed that much between Dawn and Gloria because of him?

“Just remember to save your appetite for tonight. We’re having hot, juicy Barbequed burgers and ice cold beer.” Dawn reminded Rod and Gloria. Tonight was going to be a one part celebration for Alicia passing her admittance test for the church, and one part just for the hell of it.

“No worries, we’ll have plenty of room. Rod told me not to eat lunch.” Gloria gave Rod a side glance. “He won’t even tell me why though. He wants to keep it a surprise. I even tried tickling it out of him, but the boys got stamina.”

“Oh, I know.” Dawn gave Rod a conspirators wink when Gloria wasn’t looking. “He’s told me what he’s got planned, and I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“I better or somebody’s in trouble.” Gloria teased, finishing off the rest of her pancakes. She then leaned over and gave Rod a kiss on the lips. “Ok, hun, I’m off. I’ll see you at noon.” Gloria got up and quickly left the kitchen. A moment later the sound of the door opening and closing could be heard.

“I guess I should hurry up and eat as well.” Dawn grabbed a few pancakes from the stack and dropped them on her plate. “I don’t want to be late for Alicia’s practice, or Victoria will just add more time.”

“I suppose there is a sort of poetic justice in all of this.” Rod grinned, eating his pancakes.

“Quiet you or you’ll get the horns as well.” Dawn growled at Rod, but coming from Dawn it sounded more like a deep-throated, sexy purr.

Rod just laughed softly. He finished off his pancakes and placed his plate and Gloria’s (who in her rush had forgotten her plate on the table) in the dishwasher after giving both a good rinse.

“I have to get going Dawn. I’ll see you around six.” Rod waved to the women and headed for the door.

“See you hun. Don’t forget your trunks.” Dawn waved over her shoulder.

Alicia knocked on Victoria’s door. She was early for her training, but she liked to show up early. It gave her time to talk with Victoria, and hang out with her, something Alicia was enjoying more and more as time went by.

Alicia found Victoria to be an extremely interesting person and was learning more about her. For example, Alicia had learned that, aside from the occasional romance book, Victoria was a big fan of classic literature. She had in her collection books by Edger Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, and even a few books by H.P. Lovecraft. Victoria also had a bit of a sweet tooth, chocolate seeming to be favorite treat. It wasn’t too uncommon to see her bringing something like some chocolate truffles from home for a small snack during the day (which she always shared with Alicia if she was around.). Another love Victoria seemed to have was for older movies as well. Of course, she still liked newer movies like “Forest Gump”, but she seemed to rather enjoy movies like “Gone with the wind”, “The Maltese Falcon”, and “Casablanca”. Victoria had even loaned Alicia her copies of the movies, and Alicia could certainly see the charm.

Of course, most of the things Alicia was learning from Victoria were church related matters. Being the Mother Superior was a lot of work. Not only was Victoria responsible for writing and giving the Sunday sermons, she was responsible for overseeing all church activities, which member of the clergy was doing what job that week, payroll for the church members, distribution of church funds, the annual church budget, and several other jobs. How Victoria had time to do all of these things and sleep was a mystery to Alicia, but she would have to learn, as Victoria seemed to have chosen her for the position of Mother Superior when Victoria retired. Alicia had some big shoes to fill, she knew that much, but Victoria could probably fill the role for the next twenty years, considering how fit she was, which was plenty of time for Alicia to learn the job.

“Come in.” Sounded Victoria’s voice.

Alicia opened the door and slipped into Victoria’s office. Victoria was comfortably seated behind her desk, a steaming foam cup of coffee in her hand. Victoria really wasn’t much of a coffee drinker as a rule, but she enjoyed a cup in the morning on occasion.

In front of Victoria sat a brand new computer. Victoria, as it turned out, was horribly computer illiterate. She did all her work with pen and paper, an impressive feat, in Alicia’s opinion. Victoria’s math skills alone never failed to impress Alicia. Alicia had seen on more then a few occasions Victoria do mathematical equations in her mind in seconds what would have probably taken Alicia minutes to do on paper.

Despite being rather set in her ways, Alicia had managed to show Victoria the advantages to having a computer handy. Alicia had brought her laptop in to help in the writing of this week’s sermon. Alicia had showed Victoria how using the writing program would correct any misspelled words and how the internet could be used to look up various verses in the bible. They even had websites were bible verses were categorized by subject. This, along with the fact that Victoria would be able to easily make back ups of her sermons on the hard drive, were key selling points. Apparently at one time Victoria had a rather large file box filled with about ten years of handwritten, painstakingly sorted and categorized sermons. Mysteriously it went missing some years back. All rumors pointed to Dawn, but nobody really knew.

“So, how do you like the new computer?” Alicia circled around Victoria’s desk so she was now standing beside Victoria.

“I have to admit, it is still a bit difficult for me to understand all of the in’s and out’s of this machine, but I am slowly getting used to it. That program you had them load on about learning how to type has helped me a bit. I admit though, I really like some of the comfort features.”

“Comfort features?” Alicia looked at the computer. What was Victoria talking about?

“Yes, like the cup holder.” Victoria beamed proudly. “It is just like in my car. You press the button and out it comes.” Victoria reached a hand over to the tower under her desk and pressed a button. A second later the CD drive popped out, and without missing a beat, Victoria placed the Styrofoam cup in. It was a perfect fit.

“See? Cup holder!” Victoria looked so proud of her discovery it took every fiber of Alicia’s willpower not to burst out laughing. She had to literally dig her nails into her hands to keep control. The sad part was that Alicia was going to have to point out Victoria’s mistake, and she seemed just so damn happy with her accomplishment. It was going to be like explaining to a little kid who was so happy about finding a nice, shiny loonie in the sand at the beach that he still wasn’t going to be able to buy that ice cream cone with it he wanted.

“Victoria.” Alicia spoke once she felt she had enough control. “That’s actually the CD drive. You put the CD’s on there.”

“Oh…” Was Victoria’s response as she blinked at Alicia. The smile seemed to fade from her face. She then looked down at the cup and took it out, placing it on her desk. “Uh…I hate computers…” Victoria’s shoulders slumped as she grumbled.

“I’m sorry…” Alicia wasn’t really sure what to say, though she regretted having to correct Victoria.

“It is alright child. I need to learn these things, I suppose.” Victoria gave a bit of a huff, but then she was back to her regular cheerful self. “So, how are you this morning? Looking forward to your training?”

“I’m well, and yes I admit I am looking forward to my training. Truth be told, it’s been rather fun to have Dawn under my nails and unable to do anything about it.” Alicia giggled. It was true though. Spending as much time as she had at Dawn’s house growing up meant she had been a frequent target for tickle attacks. It was nice to get some revenge on Dawn. She wondered how much Rod, Mandy, and Gloria would have paid to get a chance at Dawn like she got.

“I admit, I am also enjoying this, Dawn’s…punishment not being the only reason, though it certainly is an enjoyable reason.” Victoria smirked slightly. “That woman is long overdue for learning a lesion about actions having consequences. You seem to be coming along very well also. You are picking up the various techniques quickly.”

“Thank you, Victoria.” Alicia beamed. Praise from Victoria was high praise indeed. However, mention about Alicia coming along well reminded Alicia that she had a question herself, though she was hesitant to ask it. “Um, Victoria, can I ask you something, and I’d like you to be completely honest with me.”

“You are welcome to ask any questions you have my dear.” Victoria smiled back in a way that alleviated some of Alicia’s tension.

“Well, it’s just…” Alicia fumbled with the words. It had seemed like it would be a lot easier in her mind. “It’s not that I’m not honored that you chose me to take the role of the next mother superior, and I do want the position, but I guess I’m just curious why you chose me when I’m so new to this.”

“Alicia,” Victoria folded her hands in her lap as she gave Alicia a motherly smile. “There are many good reasons why you would make a fine Mother Superior. Your scores on the test were exceptional, for starters, which tells me you have a good understanding of the bible. You have been coming to this church ever since you were a little child, despite that fact your father is an atheist, which tells me you are committed. You have a very forgiving personality, and that is-“

Without warning, Victoria’s door slammed open. Dawn stood at the entrance, panting. “Oh my god, you both have to see this! I double-dog-dared Randle to try and put his fist in his mouth, and he did, but it got stuck! Then Mina tried to help him pull it out, but her grip slipped and she fell into the garbage bin, and now she’s stuck too! It’s fucking hysterical!” With that said, Dawn spun on her heels and ran out of the room, undoubtedly back to where Randle and Mina were.

“I…really didn’t have any competition, did I?” Alicia turned back to look at Victoria, feeling as though she should have realized that simple truth some time ago

“Not in the least.” Was Victoria’s dead-pan response, a frown on her face as she continued to stare at her open office door. A moment later and she spun in her chair to face Alicia, the smile returning. “I did mean what I was saying though. You do have many good qualities that a person holding the position of Mother Superior should have. You just need some experience and training and you will do just fine.”

“Thank you for answering my question, Victoria.”

“It was my pleasure, child.” Victoria stood up. “Now, I suppose we should go and try and get Randle and Mina unstuck, than get about to business.”


“Hey, do I make any bonus pay on this stuff?” Dawn walked behind both Alicia and Victoria who were walking side by side.

“No, Dawn. Like everybody else, you are on salary. You get paid
the same every week. Sometimes though, as a member of the church, one must work a little harder then normal. Think of this as simply picking up a few extra chores.” Victoria smiled slightly as she spoke. Alicia didn’t doubt that Victoria was indeed enjoying Dawn’s punishment.

“But this su-ucks!” Dawn stomped her feet a bit. “Being tortured is not an “extra chore”.

“Now, now, you are not being tortured. You are being an instrumental help to Alicia in learning her religious duties.”

“Yeah, then why don’t you let me strap you to the table and show Alicia how to tickle a persons ribs until they are in tears? I’m a pretty damn good tickler too, you know.”

“It is the Mother Superiors job to train her replacement, Dawn. Not yours.” Victoria stopped by the entrance of the basement and opened the door. “Now, in you go Dawn.”

“Gee, thanks.” Dawn pouted and walked through the door. Alicia followed her while Victoria entered last, locking the door behind her.

“Now, I believe we shall be working the abdomen today. The rack is ideal for that. Dawn, if you would be so kind as to remove your clothing.”

Alicia went to the first door on her left of the room, opening it so the three could walk in. Apparently, this had been the room that Gloria had found Rod in. Apparently Dawn had gotten Rod to strip down and put on only a leather loin cloth. Just the thought made Alicia giggle. She didn’t doubt Dawn had put Rod through the wringer, as anybody who came down here (a real rarity) undoubtedly would be in for a serious tickling. Of course, then Gloria had found Rod when Dawn slipped away, and well…Gloria hadn’t exactly stated what happened, but knowing Gloria, and the way the two were dating now, Alicia was pretty damn sure that Gloria had saddled up that horse and rode it to town and back. It would only be a matter of time and tickles before Gloria spilled everything. She always dished on her boyfriends, and while Rod was a little different then most guys, he was still a boyfriend.

It had been a bit of a shock, to state it mildly, when Mandy and Alicia had been told about Rod and Gloria. At first, Alicia had been a little skeptical, thinking that perhaps the two were playing a joke. However, she had heard, like the rest of the school, about the incident Monday involving Tad. A rather sloppy kiss placed on Rod’s scabbing over lip seemed to seal the fact that they were indeed dating.

Alicia would have been lying if she said she wasn’t a little concerned about the matter. A concern that Mandy had shared with Alicia. The four of them had been friends for so long, if Rod and Gloria had a nasty break up, she wasn’t sure what would happen. What she was sure of is that both of them seemed very happy together, and as their friend she would give them as much support as she could.

“Just don’t stretch me as tight as last time. I swear my shoulders almost popped.” Came the grumpy voice of Dawn as she proceeded to lie down on a wooden rack and set her ankles in the holes at the end to be locked in securely.

There had been more then a few rumors in Stocksvill that Dawn Rose tended to wear absolutely nothing under her habit. These rumors turned out to be untrue, at least from what Alicia had seen. However, there was something to say about the rather lacy and revealing underwear that Dawn did tend to wear underneath her habit. Alicia suspected that it was probably no different then the normal underwear Dawn owned, but it was also very possible that Dawn was simply choosing the sexiest underwear she had to irritate Victory a bit more. At the moment, Dawn was wearing a black bra that at best covered little more then half of her breasts and a black g-string.

“I will try and leave you a little more slack this time, Dawn.” Victoria replied, focusing her eyes on Dawn’s wrists as she bound them in the leather wrist cuffs and proceeded to crank her body taught.

Dawn smirked as she looked at Victoria work the crank. “You know, I think you like to stretch me on the rack because of the way it makes my chest stick-ow!”

“Oops, too tight?” Victoria gave Dawn an innocent look as she loosened the winch a few clicks. Dawn just scowled. “Well then, let us get started.” Victoria positioned herself so that she was standing directly beside Dawn’s abs while Alicia stood across from her on the opposite side of the rack.

“Now, the first thing to keep in mind when tickling somebody’s stomach is that the abdominal area is not like a foot, or the ribs, or the armpits. There are no bones there to enforce the surface. This means two things. One, the stomach can move around a great deal more, even if the person is completely restrained, and two, when tickling the stomach you have to be careful you don’t dig in too much, or you will get less of a reaction and potentially cause discomfort as opposed to the sensations you wish.”

Alicia was always a little surprised about how clinical Victoria made tickling sound. Growing up, tickling was simply a matter of squeezing, kneading and stroking a piece of flesh until the other person cried uncle. Even the times that Dawn had showed her a trick or two while torturing a defenseless Rod or Gloria, it had been different. Dawn always had such a look of glee and excitement on her face and in the tone of her voice. Victoria was the complete opposite. She smiled, some of the time at any rate, but how she talked about tickling was more clinical, like a surgeon who was dissecting body parts and explaining the various functions of each. To Victoria, the tickling aspect of her job seemed to be little more then just another task in her list of job requirements. It was a means to an end, and that seemed to be it, though she did seem to be enjoying inflicting a little bit of suffering on Dawn.

“Here, let me show you an example.” Victoria reached down, and absently stroked a finger along Dawns stomach, an inch above her bellybutton. Dawn “eek”ed in response, her abs pulling away and tightening up. Alicia had to admit, for a women Dawn’s age, when she tightened those abs up, they were still impressive.

“Did you see how her stomach moved? This can make effectively tickling the abdomen a little more challenging. However, there are ways around it.” Victoria turned around and walked over to the cupboard. Looking through it a moment, she came back with what looked to Alicia like a small Tupperware box.. “One way, is to sensitize the abdomen. We have several of these upstairs.”

“What is it?” Alicia looked at the Tupperware box curiously. What could she have there?

“Patience dear.” Victoria gave her a soft smile, then reached into her pocket and pulled out night cap. “Another way to heighten the senses is cut off one of them.”

“Oh come on, I want to see what’s in the box too.” Dawn complained before the nightcap was placed over her eyes.

“You will find out soon enough.” Victoria smiled slightly as she adjusted the night cap to make sure Dawn couldn’t see. She then turned back to Alicia. “You see, the important thing to remember about the abdomen is that there are many muscles grouped there. Of course, I am sure you already know this as you work out a great deal. Please forgive me for going over the basics.”

“Now, like any muscle, if you use it too much, it will become exhausted and then it will require more and more effort to move. If you work effectively, pretty soon the average person’s abdominal muscles will become so exhausted that the effort of trying to move to escape your tickling will be too much for them to do. Here is one tool that can help you with that.” Opening up the container, Victoria pulled out a plastic Ziploc baggy. Inside the bag, Alicia could see what looked to be a small square of silk. In the container itself, Alicia could see two ice packs.

“Now, watch.” Victoria removed the silk square from the bag, and slowly lowered it to Dawn’s belly.

“Ah! Shit!” Dawn gasped, her stomach sucking inward at the touch of the cold silk.

“The difference in temperature between the silk and a persons skin will get an immediate reaction.” Victoria continued to explain as she held one corner of the silk between her index finger and thumb while she continued to trace the opposite end in random patterns over Dawn’s stomach.

“Ehhe ehe shit that’s eee cold!” Dawn pulled at her restraints and giggled as the silk both tickled and teased her abs. She pulled at her restraints, but that was all she could do except try and suck her stomach in to give her partial relief before Victoria simply moved the silk lower.

“You want to keep the contact light, like a feather. This will help sensitize the stomach as well as the cold. You want to spread it out though. Keep changing your target so that the skin doesn’t dull to the cold.” Victoria continued as the cloth traveled all over Dawn’s quivering stomach. “Do you see how the goose bumps are forming on her skin?” Victoria reached a finger down and lightly traced them over the bumps that were forming.

“Of course, the cloth will only remain cold for so long, and unless you had another one ready you might have to resort to other means.” Victoria then held up the container and tipped it forward, a small splash of what Alicia could only assume was icy-cold water dribbled along Dawn’s belly.

“Ah! Cold!” Dawn protested, but she then burst into laughter as Victoria touched a single finger into one of the puddles of water, using it to spread the water along Dawn’s stomach while tickling it lightly.

“There is a trick to this, though it is not complex.” Victoria continued with her instructions. “You want her skin to sensitize through the cold, but you don’t want it to numb. This would defeat the purpose, of course. A similar trick can be to keep dipping the tips of your fingers in ice water, and the tickling the abs. You’ll get a chance to try this later. As is my fingers are already cold, and as you can see, Dance is getting rather sensitive to touch”

“Damn right! Ehehehe!” Dawn tittered as she struggled a bit. “My nipples are ehehehe sticking out ahaha a mile!”

“Dawn, would you like me to gag you?” An irritated look crossed Victoria’s face.

“Mmm hehehe would you?”

Victoria didn’t respond verbally, but her fingers quickly began to scrape like mad all over Dawn’s belly causing the blonde women to begin laughing hysterically. “This can last two hours or all day. I’m fine with either.” Victoria finally commented after several minutes of non-stop stomach tickling.

“Ehehehe ok ok ok I’ll be good.” Dawn gasped, getting some of her breath back.

“We’ll see…” Victoria simply stared at Dawn for a moment before taking a step back and gesturing towards Dawn. “Now, why don’t you see what you can do?”
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Absolutely love the story! I hope you make an addition where Gloria and Dawn tie and tickle Rod together.
Does epilogue mean that you've decided to end the story?! I hope not 'cause it's my favorite series on the whole forum.
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I'm glad you enjoy the story. As far as Gloria and Dawn tickling Rod at the same time, we'll have to see, but i don't want to make any promises. As far as ending the story goes, I hope not. I have many more pieces to this series that i would like to add, though only time will tell.

Absolutely love the story! I hope you make an addition where Gloria and Dawn tie and tickle Rod together.
Does epilogue mean that you've decided to end the story?! I hope not 'cause it's my favorite series on the whole forum.
You know it says a lot of good things about somebody when they don't take three weeks to reply. Thanks man. Don't know why the hell nobody else has replied yet though.
You know it says a lot of good things about somebody when they don't take three weeks to reply. Thanks man. Don't know why the hell nobody else has replied yet though.

Heh, i try, though god knows, sometimes it's taken me a while to respond in some thread. As for the lack of responses, I have a theory or two about that, though i admit, i don't think any artist enjoys limited responses to their work.
Well don't let it discourage you because your stories are AWESOME!!
Glad this newest addition has met your approvale, Magic. And the next part is going to be posted very soon.
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