I've been looking for this one for months, for my g/f who says she's been looking for it for over a year, ever since she discovered the online tickling community, since it was a very memorable scene for her from her own childhood.
Howevr, having now downloaded and watched it, I have to say that I'm extremely disappointed after looking for it for so long. According to my g/f, who was easily old enough to tell time when she saw it, the tickling scene in the original episode ran at least nearly 5 minutes in length (although possibly with intermittent with "cutaways"), as she actually timed it at the time she was watching it, and according to her description, much more of the actual tickling was shown than is in evidence in this clip, the actual tickling in which isn't even 30 seconds in it's entirety by my reckoning. Compared to what she had described to me, one might barely even notice there was tickling in this episode at all. Was there another longer scene in the same episode? Or is this all that was left after one of our modern obsessed moral crusaders had their way with the original episode?
Sadly, my elatation at thinking I'd finally found this long-sought scene has quickly turned to bitter disappointment. Through no fault of the poster here, of course, who I thank for offering here something of possible interest to others, even after being censored at the "other" forums for posting one of the most innocuous and "innocent" tickling clips I've ever seen, here, at the TMF, or anywhere else.