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Were you ever put on detention?


4th Level Blue Feather
Apr 28, 2007
In school? During my very last week in junior high i was put on detention for not putting my name on my things on home ec...at our junior high, detention was at lunch time...at a separate table...i had to hurry to get my lunch in order to make the table on time...

I can remember getting such shocked looks from students and teachers alike...imagine sweet Izzy on detention lol...

And it lasted the entire week...i was so embarrassed i didn't eat a thing..

Your turn.
I grew up in the era of "ISP"- In School Suspension.
Basically, you and all the other ne'er-do-wells were put in a special room behind the gym where the walls were lined with isolating study carrells like in the library. Your teacher would give the ISP coordinator your work for the day/week/month depending on the severity of your arbitrary rule breaking. You would sit in that room from the time the school opened until the school was out, not allowed to anything but work. When you finished your work, you weren't allowed to sleep, or listen to your ipod, or play on your cell phone. You just sat there.

That being said, no. I never went. But I was once told to go because I was sitting in the general vicinity of some people who were talking during the morning announcements. No one ever called me out on it, so I just skipped it entirely.
I only had one once in high school because of one too many tardies
I did once while I was in high school. It was my sophomore year. There was an upperclassmen who was constantly giving me crap. I think that he felt that I was an easy mark or something because I was not in one of the major preppy cliques in school (I went to a private parochial school). I don't know why the hell he thought that because I was generally liked by everyone and was on the newspaper and yearbook staff as a photographer. Well anyway he said the wrong thing at the wrong time and I just threw a punch at him. We got into a fight. Teachers came and broke it up.

That was really the only time. It was worth it though. That asshole never bothered me again after that. LOL. Aside from that, no, I was generally a teacher's pet most of the time. LOL.
I grew up in the era of "ISP"- In School Suspension.
Basically, you and all the other ne'er-do-wells were put in a special room behind the gym where the walls were lined with isolating study carrells like in the library. Your teacher would give the ISP coordinator your work for the day/week/month depending on the severity of your arbitrary rule breaking. You would sit in that room from the time the school opened until the school was out, not allowed to anything but work. When you finished your work, you weren't allowed to sleep, or listen to your ipod, or play on your cell phone. You just sat there.

That being said, no. I never went. But I was once told to go because I was sitting in the general vicinity of some people who were talking during the morning announcements. No one ever called me out on it, so I just skipped it entirely.

I kinda had that too, but only in middle school.

Personally, I was in and out of detention since the fourth grade, reasons ranging from not having my homework done (which was pretty much all the frick'n time) to being too much of a class clown or smart ass for my teacher's liking (which was also pretty much all the frick'n time).

When I was in the sixth grade, I was constantly being suspended for getting into fights a lot, which usually ended with me being punched, kneed or kicked in the nuts. Those kids were bunch of bastards, assholes and bullies and I simply just didn't take their shit and stood up for myself. After the sixth grade, things just sort of mellowed out and I didn't get into another fight until high school. Fortunately, I was much bigger at the time and it didn't last very long.

One mourning before classes started, there was this kid that was following me around where ever I went for about fifteen minutes, insulting me with every cuss word and dirty name he could think of, trying his best to goad me into throwing the first punch. Then he picked up a mostly empty coffee out of a trash can and threw it at me. In order to paint you a picture of what happened next, I should tell you that this guy wasn't by any means small. He was about six feet tall and I'd say a burly two hundred pounds or so. At the time, I was few inches shorter than I am now, standing at six foot three inches tall and weighing in at roughly two hundred and eighty pounds. I charged him and with my momentum, I slammed and pinned him against a near by wall with his feet dangling several inches from the ground. I then screamed in his face "LISTEN MOTHERFUCKER, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN FIGHTING YOU! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE."

I promptly dropped him like a sack of potatoes, storming off in a huff, only to be stopped by a teacher who sent us both to the assistant principles office. The security footage was all they needed. He got suspend for two weeks, while I got off light with a three day suspension. My dad was proud of me that day, so much so that he loved to share that story with anyone who would listen for years after.

From that point on, I never got into trouble at school ever again.
Nope--Never once! (MY Grandfather would have beat the crap out of me if I had!) :scared
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Nope--Never once! (MY Grandfather would have beat the crap out of me if I had!).

I suggest you peruse a civil or legal case against this man. Beating up a woman is bad enough. Beating up your granddaughter is outright monstrous.
I kinda had that too, but only in middle school.

Personally, I was in and out of detention since the fourth grade, reasons ranging from not having my homework done (which was pretty much all the frick'n time) to being too much of a class clown or smart ass for my teacher's liking (which was also pretty much all the frick'n time).

When I was in the sixth grade, I was constantly being suspended for getting into fights a lot, which usually ended with me being punched, kneed or kicked in the nuts. Those kids were bunch of bastards, assholes and bullies and I simply just didn't take their shit and stood up for myself. After the sixth grade, things just sort of mellowed out and I didn't get into another fight until high school. Fortunately, I was much bigger at the time and it didn't last very long.

One mourning before classes started, there was this kid that was following me around where ever I went for about fifteen minutes, insulting me with every cuss word and dirty name he could think of, trying his best to goad me into throwing the first punch. Then he picked up a mostly empty coffee out of a trash can and threw it at me. In order to paint you a picture of what happened next, I should tell you that this guy wasn't by any means small. He was about six feet tall and I'd say a burly two hundred pounds or so. At the time, I was few inches shorter than I am now, standing at six foot three inches tall and weighing in at roughly two hundred and eighty pounds. I charged him and with my momentum, I slammed and pinned him against a near by wall with his feet dangling several inches from the ground. I then screamed in his face "LISTEN MOTHERFUCKER, I'M NOT INTERESTED IN FIGHTING YOU! JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE."

I promptly dropped him like a sack of potatoes, storming off in a huff, only to be stopped by a teacher who sent us both to the assistant principles office. The security footage was all they needed. He got suspend for two weeks, while I got off light with a three day suspension. My dad was proud of me that day, so much so that he loved to share that story with anyone who would listen for years after.

From that point on, I never got into trouble at school ever again.

Jesus, Jospeh, Mary, in TINSEL TOWN! Where the HELL where your PARENTS? For that matter, where the hell WERE THE SOCIAL WORKERS AND POLICE at your SCHOOL DISTRICT? This sounds ALOT like a school district in south.
I got ISS once for being late for a class and had to clean the windows in the atrium. Nothing besides that, I was always good in school, I liked school because I hated my home life.
Jesus, Jospeh, Mary, in TINSEL TOWN! Where the HELL where your PARENTS? For that matter, where the hell WERE THE SOCIAL WORKERS AND POLICE at your SCHOOL DISTRICT? This sounds ALOT like a school district in south.

Upon reflection, I might have over embellished a little when I said "I was in and out of detention since the forth grade." A more accurate statement would be I was in and out of detention between grades four and six. I would get in trouble every now and then for being a smart alec kid (I always had a quip or joke at the end the end of my tongue, but never had much restraint), but for the most it was for not doing the school work.

To answer your questions; I didn't have a cop at my school until my senior year of high school. My parents where always there for me and helped me through my depression during my adolescence. They also seriously considered home schooling me. Instead I got put into the "Behavioral Disorder" program my school district had to offer with a bunch of other socially dysfunctional teens. This actually turned out to be significantly helpful to me and I actually managed to make a few friends there. I was finally happy and capable of learning at my own pace, which was a good thing, because I was doing reading and math at a much higher grade level than what my school officially had to offer. Best of all, I never had any homework because our class size was so small that our teachers preferred to closely monitor our progress on a much more personal level.

But before that though, my life was hell. I was the weird kid everyone picked on because I liked to say weird things and acted differently. I was the only kid in school who loved stuff like Monty Python's Flying Circus, Douglass Adams, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Red Dwarf and Black Adder. The bullies who hassled me had done so for years, pretty much since the third grade. Their jeers, heckles and insults became progressively meaner and more degrading over time and sometimes those fuckers got violent. Like that one time when that one kid shot me in the face near point blank at the bus stop using a slingshot and a paint ball, just for shits and giggles. Or that other time when a completely different kid attempted to frame me for stealing mouse balls from the computer lab and later decided to kick my ass for "ratting him out."

I finally had enough of there bullshit and fought back. The only problem was they fought dirty and I did not. Anyway, because of my hard times at school, my parents took me to a psychiatrist which eventually led to my enrollment into that wonderful program which offered additional group therapy on a daily basis. Lucky for me, this also meant me being removed from the those jerkwads.

The fight in question during high school was one of my fellow classmates in B.D. who enjoyed antagonizing me every chance he could get. He made a habit of intentionally pushing my buttons during class until I yelled and screamed at him to stop. I usually got sent into the isolation booth to cool off while my teachers scolded him. I put up with that shit for four hours a day, everyday for about a month until he pulled that crap before school when I finally snapped. He then realized I was much more powerful than he originally anticipated and could have easily ripped his ass to shreds if I felt like it. And there wouldn't have been much anybody could done about it because I was the biggest person at the school, faculty and school security included. I choose not to because I was better than that.

And that, as they say, was that.
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Upon reflection, I might have over embellished a little when I said "I was in and out of detention since the forth grade." A more accurate statement would be I was in and out of detention between grades four and six. I would get in trouble every now and then for being a smart alec kid (I always had a quip or joke at the end the end of my tongue, but never had much restraint), but for the most it was for not doing the school work.

To answer your questions; I didn't have a cop at my school until my senior year of high school. My parents where always there for me and helped me through my depression during my adolescence. They also seriously considered home schooling me. Instead I got put into the "Behavioral Disorder" program my school district had to offer with a bunch of other socially dysfunctional teens. This actually turned out to be significantly helpful to me and I actually managed to make a few friends there. I was finally happy and capable of learning at my own pace, which was a good thing, because I was doing reading and math at a much higher grade level than what my school officially had to offer. Best of all, I never had any homework because our class size was so small that our teachers preferred to closely monitor our progress on a much more personal level.

But before that though, my life was hell. I was the weird kid everyone picked on because I liked to say weird things and acted differently. I was the only kid in school who loved stuff like Monty Python's Flying Circus, Douglass Adams, Mystery Science Theater 3000, Red Dwarf and Black Adder. The bullies who hassled me had done so for years, pretty much since the third grade. Their jeers, heckles and insults became progressively meaner and more degrading over time and sometimes those fuckers got violent. Like that one time when that one kid shot me in the face near point blank at the bus stop using a slingshot and a paint ball, just for shits and giggles. Or that other time when a completely different kid attempted to frame me for stealing mouse balls from the computer lab and later decided to kick my ass for "ratting him out."

I finally had enough of there bullshit and fought back. The only problem was they fought dirty and I did not. Anyway, because of my hard times at school, my parents took me to a psychiatrist which eventually led to my enrollment into that wonderful program which offered additional group therapy on a daily basis. Lucky for me, this also meant me being removed from the those jerkwads.

The fight in question during high school was one of my fellow classmates in B.D. who enjoyed antagonizing me every chance he could get. He made a habit of intentionally pushing my buttons during class until I yelled and screamed at him to stop. I usually got sent into the isolation booth to cool off while my teachers scolded him. I put up with that shit for four hours a day, everyday for about a month until he pulled that crap before school when I finally snapped. He then realized I was much more powerful than he originally anticipated and could have easily ripped his asuntil he pulleds to shreds if I felt like it. And there wouldn't have been much anybody could done about it because I was the biggest person at the school, faculty and school security included. I choose not to because I was better than that.

And that, as they say, was that.

Jesus. What a hellish thing to go through. I applaud your standing up for yourself! Okay, THIS IS WHY WE NEED MORE MONEY FOR SOCIAL PROGRAMS PEOPLE! Smoten DID NOT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS UTTER HELL when he was a kid! I feel for ya Smotey (may I call ya Smotey? Yes? Good! ^_^). Hopefully that school district (if not that area in general) got it's act together and started investing in the welfare of the people of it's community.
I suggest you peruse a civil or legal case against this man. Beating up a woman is bad enough. Beating up your granddaughter is outright monstrous.

It was back when parents weren't afraid of thier children. I learned at a very young age what and what NOT to do.
Smoten i admire your forthright comment and honesty.

Back when i was in school...especially grade school...principals could and did get away with throwing a person bodily across the room...i witnessed this atrocious behavior twice...

Of course that was back in the days of dinosaurs etc.
3 times in 7th grade
Twice in 8th,
Once in 9th
Never as a sophomore
once as a junior
once as a senior

I don't remember all what for. The last one was for skipping class, I know.
Smoten i admire your forthright comment and honesty.

Why thank you! I am certainly humbled by such a complement. 🙂

Back when i was in school...especially grade school...principals could and did get away with throwing a person bodily across the room...i witnessed this atrocious behavior twice...

That must have been scary. I got to deal with kids who were prone to throwing chairs, desks and tables when they got upset. I've learned bar fight survival skills at an early age. 😱

Of course that was back in the days of dinosaurs etc.

Ah yes, my dad often spoke of those times. You had to be on your best behavior or you were fed to the class pet T-rex. You had caveman clubs to catch your lunch until triumphant innovation of the marvelous stick of fire, Remmington Twen-Tu. According to the legends, he fought valiantly in The Great Pterodactyl Wars of yore. It was a lot like WW1, but with pterodactyls instead of biplanes.
Jesus. What a hellish thing to go through. I applaud your standing up for yourself! Okay, THIS IS WHY WE NEED MORE MONEY FOR SOCIAL PROGRAMS PEOPLE! Smoten DID NOT HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS UTTER HELL when he was a kid! I feel for ya Smotey (may I call ya Smotey? Yes? Good! ^_^). Hopefully that school district (if not that area in general) got it's act together and started investing in the welfare of the people of it's community.

Thank you for your sympathies! They have since stepped up in security and disciplinary actions from a public outcry to stop bullying. I just hope it's enough so kids don't go through the same sorta crap I did.

Also, Smotey sounds awesome. Can I be Smotey of the Smo-Tan Clan?
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I was always good in school, I liked school because I hated my home life.

Pretty much me in a nutshell.

I was often well mannered, however~ avoiding detention is really another thing all together. You can be a nice, quiet student; but if your tolerance for other peoples shit goes awry - feel free to expect detention or suspension.

Ofcourse there are the detentions that you get given for being late too often, acting up and generally being an asshole towards staff and other students. And those kinds of detention are usually justified.

But a lot of the stories are usually 'trying to stand up for yourself against a bully - and being punished for it', and most of the teachers that I knew seemed to think this isn't really a big deal; but once you've been the victim of countless bullying - being beaten by numerous fuck-knuckles to the point of throwing up everywhere, for example - your tolerance and all regard for copping a punishment goes out the window and you simply must smash your bully in the face with a chair.

And that's really the only detention I remember being given =)
But a lot of the stories are usually 'trying to stand up for yourself against a bully - and being punished for it', and most of the teachers that I knew seemed to think this isn't really a big deal; but once you've been the victim of countless bullying - being beaten by numerous fuck-knuckles to the point of throwing up everywhere, for example - your tolerance and all regard for copping a punishment goes out the window and you simply must smash your bully in the face with a chair.


This was my life in middle school.

Well spoken.
It was back when parents weren't afraid of thier children. I learned at a very young age what and what NOT to do.

Damn right. All this "legal action for being disciplined" bullshit makes me wanna smack some children around myself.
Never been in detention or got in trouble much because i made sure if something happend or i did something it would be out of the way where no one would see.(and it worked.):sleep1:
Wait... Does being in an isolation booth count as detention?

I had a small closet type room when I was in the B.D. program that we as students would be physically detained in if we were deemed being unsafe. I had been put in there on a more than a few occasions due to anger issues. Thanks to that program, I completely resolved those anger issues. Turns out I had some repressed anger towards local society in general for being bastards coated bastards with bastard fillings. Gee, Imagine that.
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