You may have a problem with your current Java, as Myriads noted. To be sure, lets remove the current Java.
Uninstall Java
-Go to the
Start menu.
-Click on the link labeled
Control Panel.
-A window should open.
Look for Add or Remove Programs.
-Double-click on
Add or Remove Programs.
-Another little window should open. It may take a few moments for the list of installed programs to be shown.
-You should see a list of programs and their little icons on the left and how much space they take up on the left.
-Scroll down in this window until you see
J2SE Runtime Environment. There may be numbers after it like "5.0 Update 10" and there may be more than one entry. For instance, you may have several entries with different "Update" numbers.
-Click on each of these entries (Clicking on the "J2SE Runtime Environment" text) and then click the
Remove button on the far right for each entry labeled "J2SE Runtime Environment"
-Follow the instructions to completely remove each entry. Once removed, each entry should disappear from the list of programs in
Add or Remove Programs.
The old Java is now removed. Time to reinstall the latest version.
Reinstall Java
-Go to
-Click once on the button labeled
Download directly to the right of
Windows (Offline Installation)
(filesize: 15.82 MB)
-You should see a little window pop up and ask you if you want to "Run or save" a file of name
-Save this to your computer by clicking the
Save button.
-Make sure you remember where you save the file.
-Allow the file to download. When it has completely downloaded, find the downloaded file,
jre-1_5_0_11-windows-i586-p-s.exe, and double-click on it. An installer should open. Follow its instructions to install Java.
-Once installed, go to
Verify Installation.
-Make sure the next page you see looks like this, especially the items I have circled: