If you ask me, we're all better off for it. It was the result of a foot fetish video and site operator(s) who while having ZERO interest in tickling (not even enough to do a little internet homework), probably felt it was a good idea to cater a few videos to a minute amount of people who probably requested it. The result? Great camera equipment, sound, and lighting....and horrible content.
I made a comment in what is now an infamous thread on here that anyone who does choose to make primarily tickling videos for mass consumption MUST have a genuine interest in tickling to begin with. After all, none of the producers are using this as their meal ticket. This couldn't be more obvious when you look at the parent site of ebonyticklers,
www.feetishes.com. It's an EXCELLENT site and produces great material for foot fetishists with LOTS of sexy, clothed REAL SIZED models (no 95 pounders there), VERY sexy feet, well done photography (with the best of equipment)...I mean...pretty much top notch stuff without the fluff of porn advertisements or anything. And then you look at ebonyticklers and aside from the very nice front logo....that whole project is the neglected step child, full of fake laughing, fake tying of the fake ticklees, and just bad tickling to begin with. Not to mention that it couldn't be very hard to get GENUINE ticklees of color in CHICAGO! It's been my understanding (from tk friends there) that it's a HOT BED for open minded ladies who'd definitely try it, of not LIKE IT.
And so a 1/4 hearted effort at making a 1/4 quality product probably resulted in 1/8 the return most real tickle vid producers net. What do you do with a project like that? Scrap it and stick with your cash cow. The totally excellent foot product.
Sorry to be so lengthy but I've been known to publicly spit my opinions on the ET site for a while. Mostly because there's SO MUCH of a lack of quality tickling material that involves ticklees of color (which is my preference) that I had high hopes that with their equipment and availability of ticklees there, I'd get to see a lot of nice stuff! So I can't help but be more disappointed than most.
And I know some fool will probably post here something to the effect of "Well if you're going to complain so much, why don't you make a site and YOU try selling videos!". Yeah yeah yeah blah blah. And then next time Mike Martz makes a stupid coaching call, don't complain. Just go try and coach your damn self!
🙂 Besides, there's 2 parts to any business. Producers, and consumers/investors with voices. I'm just doing my part in the latter. You'll hear praise about the good stuff (like I mentioned about the equipment/lighting/feetishes.com) and you'll also hear the negative too.