Nylons and Tickle People
This is always an interesting subject for me, but maybe not for the same reason as for your average tickle person. Ticklemad's response hit me because I usually also prefer the feeling of skin when I am tickling, but still appreciate and love tickling my wife any time in any stage of dress. The deadening of the tickle response was interesting because that is what I suspected despite the frequent claims otherwise. I'll never know because I'm already considered a little strange in my marriage due to my tickling obsession. Havine me put on nylons for any reason might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
I also liked Red Devil's reply being from the perspective of the tickler. That is so often overlooked in this passtime. Tickler's are supposed to have fun too.
My perspective on nylons has to do with variety and anything that enhances the sexiness of my ticklee. I don't know who invented nylons, but there really ought to be a radiant part of heaven reserved for him...or her.
In our younger days, my lass used to wear your basic nylons with garters and the works. That was fun when she played the seductress, and it was my job the let myself be seduced while trying to seduce her. Hey, nylons are part of it, and a fun part. You get to practice being the guy and sort of unsnapping the snaps with your thumb.
When she started having babies, something changed inside my kids' mom. My kids are now mostly adults. For the years since, she has always fought a generally losing battle in her war to prevent her curves from becoming curvier. Now toss nylons into this mix.
If you have followed my posts of the past, you might recall that I find the female knees to be devilishly sexy (front and back). Man-o-man I love women's knees. I don't know how such a thing could be invented, but nylons can make knees even sexier!!! I mean I can't resist watching my wife get dressed if she is going to wear nylons, especially for the first time. For at least the last ten years it has been almost exclusively panty hose. Watching her take those tiny articles out of their store packages and stretch them about her legs, then watching her sort of bend and stretch her body this way and that until the nylons are fixed and comfortable all the way to the top...well, I'll rearrange my schedule to see that every time.
She has this black sleeveless dress that gives a nice view of her armpits at the top. The hem runs about to her knees. Under it all are the nylons. Luckily she knows how much I love having her sit on my lap dressed this way. Here's a simple fact of life. Curvier women wearing nylons, sitting on a husbands lap with knees plainly in view because their hem runs up when they sit...such knees are the most perfect sights and shapes in all of nature.
In our house, the usual ticklee knows she is likely to get one arm around her waist and then to get her knees pinched because they are so sexy and the nylons make them doubly so (sexy if not more ticklish). I don't know if nylons increase the ticklishness, but I promise the reaction I get tells me there is no lessening.
Who knows where this can lead, but sometimes her dress gets a little out of kilter. Heck, busy hands are happy hands, and sometimes busy hands can slip up inside a dress (from the hem) to that area of ticklish female wonderment.
Nylons have this glorious way of shaping themselves perfectly to every curve and valley of the lass. What a terrific invention! Anyway, that's my take on nylons from a tickler's perspective.