N Noeyes TMF Poster Joined Apr 23, 2001 Messages 130 Points 0 Feb 10, 2002 #1 it seems every triva night the log on title of the room changes and folks like myself are locked out becouse the java will not start.Please post the other links to the chat room so we can all play.or at least leave well enough alone.
it seems every triva night the log on title of the room changes and folks like myself are locked out becouse the java will not start.Please post the other links to the chat room so we can all play.or at least leave well enough alone.
Myriads Tzar of the TMF Staff member Joined Apr 2, 2001 Messages 14,296 Points 48 Feb 10, 2002 #2 These are the two chatroom entrances: This is the main one that has few problems now: http://www.ticklingforum.com/Triviastuff/chatroom.html This is the backup: http://members.aol.com/ibarrio/chatroom.html Myriads
These are the two chatroom entrances: This is the main one that has few problems now: http://www.ticklingforum.com/Triviastuff/chatroom.html This is the backup: http://members.aol.com/ibarrio/chatroom.html Myriads