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What would you do if you were rich?


TMF Regular
Mar 27, 2002
Ok - first let's come up with a figure here - how about 100 million bux?
If you were this rich, what would you do?
Time to exercise our fantasies! 🙂

TA :cool2:
For myself: Retire. Move to a warm climate. Find a Mistress there as skilled at tickling as Mistress Zara, and visit her several times a week. Get season tickets to Dodger Stadium with really good seats.

For the rest of humanity: Give a lot more money to charities that I believe in than I can do now.

Not too imaginative, but that's what I would do with $100 million after taxes. 😀
Great Q~I'd still be working, doing exactly what I'm doing now, just less of it.

I'd contribute millions to my favorite charities: children with medical needs, defense of animals, AIDs.
I'd pay off my Mom's house and buy her a mansion and 24 hr limo service (she's 74, still works everyday as real estate agent)
I'd buy me a mansion where the party and pampering never stops for my friends and help out beloved pals (people who were with me when I had nothing) and are now in debt~I'd pay theirs off! :smilelove
i don't know how many of you are familiar with the movie Office Space, but this type of question was asked in the movie only in the story it was "what if you had all the money in the world that you'd never have to work again?" i have to say my answer would be the same as the main character. i'd do absolutely nothing! i'd just relax and try to live a life that is as stress free as possible. but i would help my parents out with bills and such. it may sound boring but it would make me so happy.
Dunno. Buy run-down things. Restore them. Open them to the public.

Something like that.
steph said:
Great Q~I'd still be working, doing exactly what I'm doing now, just less of it.

I'd contribute millions to my favorite charities: children with medical needs, defense of animals, AIDs.
I'd pay off my Mom's house and buy her a mansion and 24 hr limo service (she's 74, still works everyday as real estate agent)
I'd buy me a mansion where the party and pampering never stops for my friends and help out beloved pals (people who were with me when I had nothing) and are now in debt~I'd pay theirs off! :smilelove

I like what your saying here Steph, and I would do most of the same stuff, except I wouldn't keep working case I don't really enjoy what I do. I would donate my money to charities, as long as they weren't gender or racialy biased (that right I said it). The Toronto Human Society and the Make a Wish Foundation would be at the top of my list. I would also help out my friends that I was tight with before I had money and everyone elts can stay in the wood work. I wouldn't buy a big house though, maybe a 3 bedroom bungalo with a big, unfinished basment (that I would convert into a super dungeon for when I have my favorit TMF vixen abducted and brought to the Great White North). If I wasn't involved when I got the money then I probably wouldn't get into a very intamit relationship. I would have women in my life for friendship, and then others strictly for physical reasons, but it would be hard for me to trust anybody male or female who hadn't been around "pre jackpot"

Basicly not alot about me would chainge except I would be able to do more good stuff, and more fun stuff. I'd probably have better close and hit the gym because I would have more free time to do so. Me and my buddies would all have Austin Minnies and we would all get pinstripe Mobster style suits and fidoras (sp). As for familly, a Condo for my sister, and a house for mom and dad. I would probably put some money in t oholding for my little cousins too, for school or some other proffetional persuit, like learning a trade.
First, I'd pay off all my current bills. Then I'd attack my "get list" which includes buying a new mattress set for my bed, having my cats declawed, getting a new computer setup, getting a two-seater reclining couch, and buying a new vehicle. Then, I'd make sure there was enough money invested in trust funds or whatever to take care of future family medical bills, college help for nieces and nephews, another trust for my younger sister and her husband so they wouldn't have to work so many jobs owing to the lousy pay teachers get AND get them a new house of their choice. Other family and some close friends who might need a financial boost would get one too. I'd also donate funds to various medical research areas, animal protection groups, various cancer research and treatment facilities, and various historical groups and local libraries or ill-funded small-town schools. Oh, and maybe set up a scholarship or two at my college alma maters. I'd buy a decent amount of land somewhere in Texas and maybe get some cows and horses and build a huge ranch-style house with an all-around porch on both of two stories. Unless my siblings wanted their own places (in which case the main house would be somewhat smaller and we'd have some sort of compound thing with various other houses too), the house would have to be fairly large to accommodate my immediate family and some others. It would have a garage for several vehicles, several full bathrooms, a large dining room, extra large living space, some sort of room for exercise stuff, ceiling fans in most rooms and on the wide porches, and a large, fully equipped kitchen with lots of counter space. There would be large garden areas for various herbs and produce and maybe a grove or two for oranges, grapefruit, lemons, and avocado trees. I might consider adding a lap pool that can be covered or a full-size pool (Olympic length; width negotiable) IF there aren't any mesquite trees (OR ANY OTHER year-round "shedders") within 1/2 mile of it! A pool might have to be inside an attached or separate building (not a huge priority for me, but the nieces and nephews are a different story). A large gazebo might be nice too. Family of course would have the option of living there too, if they chose. I wouldn't be there all the time because I'd be traveling around the country and to the U.K. and Mexico to continue research into my family genealogy and working full time on gathering enough facts to write various books about them and other historical subjects that interest me. Thus, I'd keep working, I'd just be doing exactly what I want to do, where I need to do it, and not have to worry about money! When I was there, I'd learn how to lathe and make furniture, and hence get what I needed to do so. I'd try to make furniture that is attractive and multifunctional, as well as some additional porch swings to hang with one my Dad and Grandpa made for me on the porches, which would also have various other chairs. If I can't make decent rocking chairs, I'll hunt for them wherever I travel to add them to the porches as well. Oh, and the place might have to have an attached or separate building for quilting, sewing, and various other craft activities. Who knows, maybe such a dream site could liven up the economy of some otherwise dying small Texas town. You know, start various businesses that employed locals and sold various hand-crafted products locally and on the internet. Maybe we could have a shelter for various animals too. I wonder how far that much money could actually go...
This is gonna sound crazy, but;

First I would get both hip joints replaced with custom made extra heavy duty models.
Then I would work out like a fiends, 8 hours a day, five days a week, with both a physical therapist AND a personal trainer for guidance, until I was back in fighting trim.
Then I would form a mercenary army and use it to protect victims of attempted genocide, like in Myanmar and Darfur.
I would also make major contributions to the following causes;
A preventative for breast cancer.
A NON-SURGICAL treatment for breast cancer.
A preventive vaccine for AIDS.
An effective cure for AIDS.
The Muscular Dystrophy Association
A lobbying campaign to legalize, or at least decriminalize, all the victimless crimes.
The Museum Of America And The Sea at Mystic Connecticut

If there was anything left, I would make major theatrical feature films, with major stars and high production values, out of all the stories in my story archive. I would start with one and use the profits to make the second, and so on.
Each would have four versions;
A PG-13 for eventual TV release
A PG-17 for USA theatres
A hard R rating for world theatres
A hard X rating for the home DVD market, probably reshot with porno stars instead of mainstream stars, unless I could talk them into it.
I give about every bit I could to anybody poor on the street. Either that or give 99 mill to a charity and live off the interest rate of the 1 mil. 1% is a lot for a mil. By the way, people will wonder where you got that money from.
1. I'd invest some of that money in things like stocks, mutal funds, etc...so I could still get money comin in (that'll help with makin # 3 alot easier)
2. I'd buy a big house, big enough for me to host tickling parties...hell, even big enough that anyone staying the night could easily get sleep even while tickling is going on in another room.

3. I'd give money to people...but only if they really need it. Someone beggin for some cash better be wantin to use it for food or surgery or somethin and not for dumb stuff like gettin high. Someone who wants that can beg someone ELSE for money. (i'd rather my money be used to help someone better their lives)

4. I'd hire women to clean my house . Women, because, I'd also be hiring them to be my ticklers. Well, unless that Valerie android gets built soon(remember when someone mentioned that android on here?) and can tickle. lol just kiddin.

5. I'd make a cave below my house, get a black batsuit and go out kicking criminal's asses after studying different disciplines/skills for a few years. ......Okay, actually I WOULDN'T do that. 😛

6. Oh yeah and I'd buy tons of bondage furniture and things to be used as tickle tools.

7. Hmm....I wonder...with enough $$, could I get the women from Real Tickling to tickle-torture me and record it? (And I don't mean just for an hr...I mean till they want to stop, even if they don't get bored for a whole day and night! :firedevil )
1. I would send ten TMF members who couldn't afford to go to NEST an all expense paid trip. Including paying their daily weeks wage for time off.
*too be fair, I would have mimi (because she is so liked) gather a bunch of names and pick them out of a hat at random.

2. Help out friends and family with debts.

3. Invest some into stock.

4. The rest I would keep in the bank for when I needed it because as Forest Gump's momma says..."there is so much money a man needs and the rest is just for showing off."
That's a lot of fuckin money, man.

What would I do with it? Oh boy. Let's get started.

And yes, I'm warning you now, I'm a selfish motherfucker. None of this 'cure for aids' crap til I'm happy. So shoot me.

1) Pay off my bills. I don't have much right now but being out of the red with the few credit card companies I owe would be nice, not to mention my student loan.

2) Give my grandparents and mother a nice solid chunk of that change. They raised me right and took care of me for 20 years. They deserve SOMETHING for Christ's sake.

3) Housing. None of this pre-fab crap, either. I want a large plot of land, all with evenly laid and colored grass. Then, the building shall commence. The home will be four bedrooms: a master with a walk in closet about 10' X 12' (that should put the size of the bedroom in perspective for you), a secondary bedroom that's not too much smaller, and two guest rooms. The entire property would be wired for Fiber Optic Input/Output high bandwidth internet. Three stories with a basement and a sub-level, both of which are finished. Many parties and social events would be had and the basement is as far as 'nilla folk would go. The sub level would be home to the Dungeon, the torturous, erotic, sadistic secrets of which shall for now remain stayed inside my thoughts only.

4) Vehicles. I don't fuck around here, baby. I don't want more than two, but they would be sweet...for one, a Dodge Viper, fully decked inside and out, with the Blue/White striped paintjob. Secondly, a nice big American truck...I'm thinking a V-10 Ford Expedition on stilts.

5) We're talking about $100 mil, right? Put $50,000,000 in an interest-bearing savings/checking account and DON'T TOUCH IT. Watch it grow, baby.

6) Now we can get to the teary eyed "for the common good" save the world bullshit.
I want my own island in the virgin islands, where I can have everything I need - a great beach, my own outdoor pool, a house on the island, sunshine!

Oh, and I'd pay off my mortgage straight away!
I would buy a small island and fill it up with the most horribly ticklish women on the planet and have a blast. oh, and donate $100 to the jerry lewis telethon. i have to do my good deed. :angel:
I've had this one thought out for a while because I totally intend on being filthy rich somewhere in the somewhat near future. LoL.

First, I would start trust funds for my nieces, nephew and my own kids (when I have some).

I would pay off the very little amount of debt I have left.

Buy my parents and my sister a nice, spacious house just the way they want it and a few cars to go with it.

I would build mine and my husbands dream house wherever we would want it to be. Possibly multiple houses so we have somewhere close to our families.

Buy my dream car(s).

Buy Flatfoot his dream car, which, even being rich, would probably be something modest as well. Nothing wrong with that.

Make sure my parents were well off enough so that my father could finally retire with no worries. (he only still works because they both have medical issues and they can't afford all their medication without insurance)

Invest and save the rest.

I think I have a good mixture of necessity, pleasure and generosity. All in all, I just want to take care of the people who mean the most to me and the people who've been there for me as well. Nothing wrong with giving back and showing my appreciation.
I'd give half of it to my church, specifically the church I went to when I was a kid,I'd take 1/3 of what was left and put some into savings, real estate, investments, a good lawyer and accountant,etc. I'd pay off my mortgage , redo the whole house, buy a Mazda CX7, completely restore my Dodge Daytona Shelby Z, and not tell anyone that I won anything. Oh yeah, I'd take care of my family and some friends.
First off, I would pay back everyone I owe and give them extra on top of that. Then pay off house, buy family new cars, give mom money so she could do what she wanted. Put money away for the kids future, buy a house right on the beach, plus another nice big house with a pool and a lot of land so I could have an animal shelter. I would also donate to a ton of animal organizations, and volunteer at them, since I would have free time to do whatever without having to worry about money. I'd also help out friends who have helped me out in the past. That's all I can wrap my head around now, I'm sure I'd do more. :smilestar
To tender my resognition from work, I would take a shit on the bosses desk while he is taking a nap.

All this junk in our place, it would be replaced in our new house.

I would pay off every credit bill and tell the creditors where to stuff it.

It would certainly be a lifestyle change to never have to work again.
People say they would keep working, well hell not me. I mean once i got bored I would maybe try to start a business or something, but never again would I be a slave to the punch clock.
What I'd Do with $100 Million

I'd travel. All sorts of travelling, everything from "by train" and "by plane," to backpacking it and roughing it through the bush, to spending weeks driving along the back roads of some country I haven't driven along the back roads of yet. 🙂

I'd fund the publication of my first novel. Take that, Random House!

I'd help my friends and family with any immediate needs... mortgages, assuming they didn't want to move in with me (see below), college expenses, business endeavors, writing, whatever was needed.

I'd have my castle built. I'm still not sure where I want it, but I want it. My friends would all be welcome. There would be serious, frequent, free gatherings, heavily and carefully screened, well-staffed, well-equipped, well-maintained, and well-catered. Additionally, I'd always have room free for approved individuals who need a place to stay, and... well, engage in, certain pastimes 😉

I'd... have, fun. Experience new things. I've always wanted to try extreme outdoor pursuits like hangliding and parachuting and (dangerous) mountaineering.

I'd find someone to enjoy it with me, lol.
I'd make sure my mom has everything she wants and a lot more, my grandma has everything she needs, I'd help a few close friends and then - I'd quit my job and go see the world :xpulcy:
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