Well from what I hear......
he did move to Las Vegas, he did supply Howard Stern with "Laughing Stocks", and he did make an appearance on Real Personal on CNBC (I think). And, the few B&W photos I saw that he did, I liked.
O.k., this part is just rumor, but yeah, after he moved to Vegas, things just got quiet with him. No explanantion. Bet later I heard from one of our members that he was watching a talk show, like Sally Jessie or some such thing, and the topic was "modeling scams" or something. One of the guests was a mother/daughter. On this show - I'm told - the teen daughter was talked into doing some swimsuit modeling in Las Vegas where they lived. As it turned out, the guy kept taking photos of her feet and kept tickling them. What happened to the guy? He was arrested on charges of "harrassing a minor" after the mom called the police.
And that's all I know.
Now, what ever happened to Brad of Feathertime in Dallas? Or the retired Kiri Kelly?