I heard something about aliens and some weird probing but I stopped listening at that part...
Aliens,Chrisheaven,little to chose among them i would say since they have never been photographed togeather.
Sometimes I'm out of town without fast internet access.
Weird. It's almost like I hear Mils now.....
Can we be sure this is indeed our beloved Mil's? Aliens can we hear appear quite normal to us.😕
That's the key!! If it acts too normal then it is a fake Mils!
I consider it settled already. 😀
Ok Mils, if that's who you really are.........what is the formula to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit?
* this will stump it, Buggy!*
Ok Mils, if that's who you really are.........what is the formula to convert Celcius to Farenheit?
* this will stump it, Buggy!*
What if the aliens can read his mind? Will we EVER KNOW THE TRUTH!?!?! 😱
Ok Mils, if that's who you really are.........what is the formula to convert Celcius to Farenheit?