Hello. Thanks for the appreciation of my work. Its good to know “Caroline’s In Trouble Again!” hasn’t been forgotten over the years.
I guess my long absence requires some explanation. I have often racked my brain on what to say after not posting for so long. I guess I will start by saying to anyone who felt slighted or disappointed by my abrupt disappearance 4 years ago, I sincerely apologize (especially to TickleMantis…). Back then I bit off WAY more than I could chew with TBWComics.com and with the Caroline daily site that never launched. I couldn’t devote the needed time to the projects to deliver on what I promised, so the sites failed. For a long time, I was frustrated and just didn’t want to draw at all. Since then I’ve worked on a few smaller projects but basically I’ve spent a great deal of time licking my wounds and feeling like an idiot.
I’m over all that now, so I’m back.
While I was away, I made a couple of decisions regarding my contributions to the tickling art world:
1) Falling back on past works, however popular they were, can be a crutch sometimes. Because of this, I recently made the difficult decision of ‘retiring’ all my older works. You won’t see me posting anything old here on the Forum or anywhere else going forward. This, I believe, will allow me to focus solely on creating new stuff. As a result, I have temporarily closed the Images4Sale site mentioned in an earlier post.
2) Secondly, and I guess this could be called going back to my roots…Going forward I am going to focus all my artistic efforts on the “Caroline’s In Trouble Again!” series. Caroline is my favorite character to draw and is the favorite of readers based on the feedback I’ve received, so it’s a no-brainer.
But enough about me and my issues…on to why you REALLY came here…
For those of you who like my work and have missed it, here is a new drawing from “Caroline’s In Trouble Again!” It features Caroline being tickled by L.I.T.A. (the Long-term, Intense Tickling Android), a new character I recently created.
Stay tuned for more…