Yeah, he seems to have some fascination with the topic of late...could be he's trying to be coy and thinks he's somehow throwing veiled insults, or it could be he's genuinely interested in topic because it's something he's never thought about seriously.
I'll assume it's the latter and answer the question.
Being a woman who has been the full range of dress sizes throughout my life, in other words both a BBW and a "Height/Weight Proportional" woman, I think I'm qualified to answer here. LOL And the result? I was equally ticklish as both. *shrug* My "tickle factor" didn't change at all. I do notice, hoever, that the older I get, the more ticklish I become because I'm at peace with my body and feeling good so I'm thereby more relaxed nowadays. I think that has more to do with the tickle factor than pudge does.
BTW, Mags. BBW is a term that was applied back in the 70's (maybe earlier) to distiguish larger than "average" women in personal ads and the like. I have to agree with dodger on one point about the term. Though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, a term that implies that you "ought" to think someone is beautiful doesn't seem quite fair. I mean, SBW, (skinny) or TBW (tall) or ABW (Asian) just doesn't happen. I understand the mechanics behind the term, but I just don't agree with it.
Hehe, I know I'm stunning, and I just let the poor fools who fall under my spell figure it out on their own. 😛 😛 😛