Have any of you ever asked a person you never thought you would if they are ticklish? I'm not saying actually to have tickled or been tickled by a person you normally wouldnt, just if you've ever asked an unusual person if they are ticklish? (I mean aside from chatters in the TMF chat or other tickle sites) I bring this up for a reason. I dont recall if I mentioned this, but my pen pal Don Fraser, the man who passed away last year and is the one who got me into talking about tickling, once told me he asked his insurance agent if she was ticklish during a call about his car insurance! He claimed that she answered, and said she was very ticklish! I thought this kind of unusual, that one wouldnt normally discuss tickling or ask an insurance agent if they are ticklish, unless the agent was a close personal friend, which he told me this one wasnt.
I have never really asked anyone unusual if they are ticklish, other than female letter pen pals, which I've already posted on here. Last night I did do something I had never done before. There was a girl advertising in what is called a Friendship book looking for letter pen pals. This girl claimed she wanted people into alternative lifestyles. So, I wrote to her, and in my first letter, asked her if she was ticklish, and also told her about my tickle fetish, and being a member of the TMF! She claims she is open, and wants to hear from people with alternative lifestyles, so Iam hoping she will be open minded, write me back, and be okay with talking about tickling. Her letter has to go all the way to Western Canada, so it may take a while even if I do get a letter and an answer from her. Of course, as I've said many times, I have asked many female letter pen pals if they are ticklish, just never in the first letter I've written to them. I always wait for a response, and to get to know them for a few letters before asking. In this case, with the alternative lifestyle she advertised for, I decided to take a shot. I will post if and when I hear from her.
Anyway, to close, the point of my post is to ask who is the most unusual person you have asked if they are ticklish, that one wouldnt normally ask, not counting TMF chat or tickle sites. I look forward to any and all responses. Thanks.
I have never really asked anyone unusual if they are ticklish, other than female letter pen pals, which I've already posted on here. Last night I did do something I had never done before. There was a girl advertising in what is called a Friendship book looking for letter pen pals. This girl claimed she wanted people into alternative lifestyles. So, I wrote to her, and in my first letter, asked her if she was ticklish, and also told her about my tickle fetish, and being a member of the TMF! She claims she is open, and wants to hear from people with alternative lifestyles, so Iam hoping she will be open minded, write me back, and be okay with talking about tickling. Her letter has to go all the way to Western Canada, so it may take a while even if I do get a letter and an answer from her. Of course, as I've said many times, I have asked many female letter pen pals if they are ticklish, just never in the first letter I've written to them. I always wait for a response, and to get to know them for a few letters before asking. In this case, with the alternative lifestyle she advertised for, I decided to take a shot. I will post if and when I hear from her.
Anyway, to close, the point of my post is to ask who is the most unusual person you have asked if they are ticklish, that one wouldnt normally ask, not counting TMF chat or tickle sites. I look forward to any and all responses. Thanks.