I know how you feel f/f. There are many times I wished I wasnt ticklish, especially when I was younger and got gang tickled by the guys in my bunk. As I've gotten older, I've had times where I also wished I wasnt as ticklish as Iam, such as the times when I had several girls in college tickle me at once. As for the present, Iam sure when I get involved with a girlfriend again and get married, that there will be times I will wish Iam not ticklish. Even if you are involved with someone and love them, they can always seem to tickle you and get you anyway. What was most frustrating to me was my ex in college who wasnt ticklish at all, so she could tickle me and I couldnt tickle her back. If I do have to be in a relationship and get tickled, I only hope the girl I'm with is at least somewhat ticklish and I can get her back with the tickling. As we've discussed so many times, this is no guarantee. The most important thing is that we share similar interests, are happy together, have a good relationship with each other, and are in love, ticklish or not. She could be the most ticklish girl in the world, and if she were not the right person it wouldnt matter how ticklish she is. Being compatible and happy is the most important thing.