Niether, they're all as greedy and corrupt as each other.
The problem isn't that Bush is messing things up. It's that things have been messed up for more than 20 years. I mean... when the Taliban were killing innocent people in Afganistan, no one gave a crap, so the US and UK didn't go and kick Taliban arse to end it.
Then the Twin Towers happened... all those people died. They would still be alive now if we had attacked the Taliban sooner. Hell, it only took a month or so to annihilate them. I don't like war or death... but it's surely the lesser of two evils. Death or even more death... which would you prefer?
I just wish our world leaders gave a damn about human life in general, and not just about money, land and media perseption. I know my views are nothing like those of anyone else here and I respect that. It's just... I've seen the WTC go down so many times in my head and to think that it could have been avoided sickens me. *shrugs*
Maybe I'm the only one who feels that the Taliban stuff is directly linked to the Iraq stuff... I dunno. Saddam was being wierd about weapons inspections before, and only now does it justify a full scale war. Am I just paranoid? I know I'm paranoid too, but JUST paranoid?