I started this thread as a take off to the one about the balls being banned on the playground.
Everyone was against it.
A lot of silly, stupid, insane, crazy, and offensive things happen and rights are taken away, in the name of political correctness.
You can't say things, you can have fun, you can't display things, all totally against the First Amendment.
You need not even defend your right to say, display or wear those things - it's a right.
It'd be like having to stop and explain to someone why you're going buy milk at the grocery store, or why you're driving down the road.
It's your right to do those things.....that's it.
And yet, when political correctness, which is designed to quash free speech, free expression of ideas, etc. .....everyone treats the offended like
they are the voice and authority of GOD and immediately buckle and follow their "commands."
They all grumble and oppose it, liberals and conservatives, yet the follow "orders."
And my whole life, I've always asked WHY?!!!!!!
If everyone disagrees with it....why not everyone say "Fuck This Shit!" and refuse to follow along?
This does happen sometimes, and honestly, people have backed down.
Rappers can say whatever the fuck they want, and they get away with it because if someone has a problem with them....HA! Like they give a fuck! Or they'll beat them up or what have you. You see, the people who promote political correctness want all that power to control people, and enjoy when people grumble and follow their demands.....but because of the very nature of them being "offended" all day long, obviously, they're wusses, and the rappers and other mean people know this, or don't care, and the political correct police have NO power over them.
There was a football game in Louisiana, where the entire stadium was forbidden to pray or mention God during the game, because, I shit you now, TWO atheists sued. This was known before the game days before. Well, the student council president say "Fuck this shit!" and led a prayer anyway, and everybody loudly prayed along to his prayer. No one was arrested...because how can a few cops arrest an entire pissed off stadium of people?
If more stuff like this happened, people would have more rights, because they wouldn't go along with this crap.
Thoughts, disagreements, "right ons"?
Everyone was against it.
A lot of silly, stupid, insane, crazy, and offensive things happen and rights are taken away, in the name of political correctness.
You can't say things, you can have fun, you can't display things, all totally against the First Amendment.
You need not even defend your right to say, display or wear those things - it's a right.
It'd be like having to stop and explain to someone why you're going buy milk at the grocery store, or why you're driving down the road.
It's your right to do those things.....that's it.
And yet, when political correctness, which is designed to quash free speech, free expression of ideas, etc. .....everyone treats the offended like
they are the voice and authority of GOD and immediately buckle and follow their "commands."
They all grumble and oppose it, liberals and conservatives, yet the follow "orders."
And my whole life, I've always asked WHY?!!!!!!
If everyone disagrees with it....why not everyone say "Fuck This Shit!" and refuse to follow along?
This does happen sometimes, and honestly, people have backed down.
Rappers can say whatever the fuck they want, and they get away with it because if someone has a problem with them....HA! Like they give a fuck! Or they'll beat them up or what have you. You see, the people who promote political correctness want all that power to control people, and enjoy when people grumble and follow their demands.....but because of the very nature of them being "offended" all day long, obviously, they're wusses, and the rappers and other mean people know this, or don't care, and the political correct police have NO power over them.
There was a football game in Louisiana, where the entire stadium was forbidden to pray or mention God during the game, because, I shit you now, TWO atheists sued. This was known before the game days before. Well, the student council president say "Fuck this shit!" and led a prayer anyway, and everybody loudly prayed along to his prayer. No one was arrested...because how can a few cops arrest an entire pissed off stadium of people?
If more stuff like this happened, people would have more rights, because they wouldn't go along with this crap.
Thoughts, disagreements, "right ons"?