Arenactor got it almost right. Shopping IS a sport--the only full-contact sport that women get to play in this country. Just watch what happens when more than one of them wants the same thing at the same time. 🙂
The big difference between men shopping & women shopping (apart from the previously mentioned point regarding what each gender buys), is the way each gender does it. To men, shopping is a chore to be dispensed with as quickly as possible. To men, shopping is right up there w/taking out the trash & mowing the lawn. Therefore, men shop by going in w/an exact idea of what they want to buy, buying it, and getting out. Women insist on taking inventory of the stores. This is why women own more pairs of shoes then they'll ever need and why men never own more than three pairs.
If a woman wants to prove how dumb men are, she can demonstrate this to her friends by trying to explain to her boyfriend/fiance/husband what window shopping is. The only time a guy goes window shopping is right after he breaks one.
Ever wonder why Scrooge was a guy? Because Christmas is the ultimate shopping opportunity. Even I, an atheist, am compelled by social pressure to buy a gift for everybody I know! To a woman, that's part of the joy of the holiday season; to a guy, it's just one more thing we have to do. Why else so many older husbands let/make their wives do all the Christmas shopping?
Before I get chastised for my overgeneralizations, bear this in mind. When I was a telemarketer, I learned fast that if you want to make a sale, you gotta talk to the lady of the house--the guy only gets the right to make the $; he can't be trusted to spend it properly.
This probably means I'll get kicked out of the men's clubhouse. It's OK; I still know the secret handshake, and they'll never find where I hid the decoder ring.