Photo Shoot
A large real estate firm hired her to stage multiple houses. The firm also hired a photographer to take professional photos of each home for their website. She told the photographer all of her burglary horror stories. "You should totally start a blog!" he told her. "Tell everyone about your experiences! It'll help grow your business. I can even take a few pictures for you."
She met the photographer at the next job. An empty third floor condo. "This will be great," he said. "I can't wait to read your first blog entry". He had convinced her to let him tie her to a chair in the empty dinning room. "It won't look real unless I blind fold and gag you" he added.
"That's fine, just leave my shoes and socks on," she warned.
"Yeah sure, no problem." Once she was tied and gagged she could hear his camera snapping photos. "You know what. I'm thinking this doesn't look realistic. I know you want your shoes and socks on but every time i've worked with you I've noticed that you're barefoot." He ripped off her shoes and socks. She kicked her feet in protest but he ignored her and secured her ankles under the chair.