Uhhhhhm, YEAH! You sure as hell CAN SEE why you love those soles. I'd say that is a gross understatement of gigantic purportions! You love them because they are a foot lover's/worshipper's/sniffer's/tie them down and tickle torturer's dream come true. They are the PERFECT size, 9.5: just big enough to be considered slightly big, which is PERFECT for a sniffer/worshipper like self because there is a little bit more there to worship and the same for tickle torturing them, slightly larger space to tickle than the usual or average (boring) size of 6 or 7! Not that 6 or 7 are horrible, it is just they are average when they are that size and they just are near as arousing when they are average size. A true foot connesuer wants a lil MORE foot to worship or to tickle torture. And while her, next to PERFECT size feet are just a lil larger than average, the toes are in no way awkward or unusually long or short for that matter, her toes are just so elegantly purportioned and spaced and shaped at the sexy rounded tips. Just plump enough to make my lips and tongue dance in ecstacy as they are sucking and gently nibbling on the rounded undersides, and also just so sexy while still managing to be cute at the same time, I find it hard to take my eyes of them. Her arches, again, appear to be just as close to perfect as you can get :not so deep that they are ridiculous yet not non-existant or anywhere close to truly flat footed either! There is a definite arches on her feet - just deep enough to be able to be a joy to tickle, to watch the feather gliding slowly over them, yet flat enough to be able to be an excellent canvas for some fun lil messages I might choose to scribble across them with a torturously slow but firmly pressed ball point pen or even a thick sharpie or magic marker, when the message needs to be more bold..... The cryptic yet telling "PLEASE" across one arch and "TICKLE" on the other, always works quite well. And for the foot worshipper/sniffer the message, "sniff here" across that arch with some little arrows pointing upwards towards the spaces just underneath yet between the base of her toe stems, ALWAYS gets me going, not to mention a certain part of me REALLY growing, when I see THAT, especially after a 10 hour day barefoot in some old sneakers (praying she owns some or something that leads to the same outcome! And finally, those delicious heels of hers....OMG they are hot! They are slightly darker in color than the arches (just as they are supposed to be) and hers REALLY ARE the perfectly sexiest shade of light light brown, closer to peach, depending on what shoes and or socks (if any) they are coming out of. It doesn't really matter though, because every pic of the bottoms of her heels that I have seen, her heels look beyond sexy and seem to be yearning for a nibble or two and certainly plenty of licks and kisses mixed with scratches from my tickling fingernails. In some, the very slightest hint of roughness just on the very outter edges of her heels is visible, which only makes her PERFECT feet seem more natural, more real to me. Other pics, her heels look as smooth as the arches, and certainly a PERFECT match with the balls of her feet. I apologize if I use the word PERFECT so much in my descriptions but I have always believed in honesty when trying to describe feet as flawless as God has truly blessed her with. So again, in answer to if we can see why you love her feet so much.....???? I would have to answer with a resounding YES!