Have you ever had an idea that you thought would make a great topic for a radio show? Have you listened in on a show and thought "Hey! I can do that..."?
Well, now's your chance!
From now until the end of January, Wild Card Radio will be holding our "Host For A Night" contest. In the spirit of randomness that is WCR, we'll be holding a contest to award one lucky listener the opportunity to pick any topic for a future show, and the chance to join us live on the air and co-host the show you've created.
Participating is easy! All you have to do is listen to Wild Card Radio. Starting with our January 2nd show, we will be opening our phone lines in the last half hour of the program, and asking a trivia question about something particular to that show. It could be from the Top Ten List, it could just be a point from a topic...who knows? It'll be completely random. Be the first to call in with the correct answer, and you qualify as a contestant for the Wild Card Trivia Challenge to be held on our January 30th show.
On January 30th, all of the contestants will take part in a trivia challenge...with all questions relating to the show and its hosts. These questions will be pulled from the events of many different WCR shows, so it pays to brush up on your WCR history and to know your hosts! All previous shows can be heard in the "Archive" section of the Radio Discussion Forum right here on the TMF.
The winner will choose the topic(s) for a following show and join Dave and Cindy on the air as featured guest host!
So, brush up on your WCR trivia, join us in the chatroom and on the air Thursdays at midnight (Friday morning, technically) and you could wind up sitting between the two Wildest hosts on the air and talking about whatever your disturbed little mind comes up with!