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Witches World Part 1


Registered User
Jul 6, 2001
I have decided to try writing a fantasy F/M tickling story, and as such most of this part is setting the back story. If there appears to be a great enough interest in a second installment, I will try to write part two in the near future. If there isn't, i'll abandon the idea and go back to working on one of my previous series.

This is an fictional adult F/m story; if you don't like that, don't read it. All of the characters in this story are over 18 years old.

As always I look forward to comments, so if you enjoy the idea please post your thoughts on it.

Witches World Part 1

It all began on day when I was in search of a little change of scenery I decide to travel from the suburbs into the actual city of New Tranquility. Walking from the bus station to a local park as the noise and bustle of the city is making me a little claustrophobic as the sky scrapers are literal in the clouds. Being a very brilliant scientist with a specialty in advanced physics, unfortunately I am not an engineer so it is hard to judge but I’d estimate all are a minimum of 400-600+ stories tall, as this is the heart of the city. With rapid breathing I see a patch of deep green through this ocean of sparkling silver and white, I increase my pace hoping to find someone to play a game of chess with in the park to clear my head. With a sudden blinding flash and increase of about twenty degrees in temperature in an instant I look and see the smoking remainder of one of the smaller sky scrapers. It is surrounded by about 30 women and with the old structure gone half of them begin levitating new crystalline beams onto the new foundation as several of the rest shoot blazing pillars of fire out of their hands welding the new foundation. I increase my pace as the sight needless to say makes me a bit unnerved, in retrospect it was the moment inspiration hit leading to my amazing discoveries…

Which brings me to the point of why I am writing this history of our world, it is my deepest hope that I will find a way to transmit this history of our world to the parallel world I just recently discovered, which has lead my research in energy a whole new direction . Oh where to begin, well I suppose the most important and obvious point is that unlike on the world you call Earth, women evolved with the ability to channel, manipulate, and harness energy. This is humorous, because we also coincidently called them the same name “witches” in ancient times, though it is unclear to me if your women actually possessed the genetic code for this ability as ours do or if it is merely a myth in your world. This one difference has had huge impact on our society, though I am one of the few in my minority of 5% of the world’s population that even cares to research it. The funny thing is I can see why they don’t care with only 100 years removed from the Great War that nearly wiped out the male population on the planet Serenity, most men now live in complete comfort. Which considering before that we were at best second class citizens though that was the lucky few, most were slaves of women, attending to their every need. My mind is racing trying to find the right words to explain this conflict, since history is normally written by the victors there isn’t a single book written without the female propagandized view included, so I have to write these using primary documents going back more than 1000 of your years ago. All during this present time and as far back as we have written history there was no need for men to work in society since 1 woman could do in a day what ten men could never dream to do in a lifetime. Which lead to the male population being used for the only purposes they thought we were useful for reproduction and amusement.

I am fascinated looking at similarities in our histories, much like Einstein’s development of nuclear weapons had lead to the threat of several near world ending events. Such is the case with our Amber Spellman, likely the most powerful witch in our history she wanted what was best for the world. Which in her mind was the increase in power of all witches, and since in her view she thought men could be of more use than simple servants or slaves she delved into the study of witch craft. Being a visionary ahead of her time she understood how to use energy better than even anyone alive today, though she didn’t understand as I do now that science can explain woman’s abilities. Since I don’t have first hand information from her discovery it is merely speculation, though it is my belief she altered the very core of our planet harness the raw energy from adult males being “magically” tickled. Thus eventually it leads to the near extinction of males on this planet, in what I have nicknamed the Tickle War’s.

Once the discovery she made had been public it lead shortly to all men being captured and being used as well the closest word I can find is batteries getting tickled every waking minute. Soon wars broke out in order to capture more men from other nations which lasted for centuries, until only 2 super powers remained in a bitter struggle to rule the world. Because of a near stalemate of power most women were required on the front lines at all times, drastically reducing birthrates until less than 1 percent of the world’s population was male. Both sides sensing the impending catastrophe tried to undo the spell but were unable to change the planet’s core back from what Amber Spellman caused. So instead they agreed on casting another set of spells so they were able to change the core so that a woman was only allowed to draw from one man’s laughter and only if he agreed the bonding process at witch’s council. Which in essence, the bonding made an exception to the second spell of protection from men being magically tickled. While many women fought against the protection spell being used, the majority felt it was needed to repopulate the world by keeping the few men alive needed for this cause from being tickled to death.

With the male population free from the invisible feathers and fingers tickling them to insanity, quite surprisingly at least to the matriarchal majority the men stood up and basically said “hell no” to the idea of “bonding.” Which was found out to late to change the spell, and now having leverage demanded to have rights, backed into a corner the women had to agree and no man was ever bonded. So, now for the majority of men living they do whatever they want in their free time and have sex. While to a lot that seemed like heaven on earth, to use your saying, but for me I wanted more so I asked for resources to do scientific research. While our society doesn’t rely total on witch craft for everything so there is some use in technology, but to most I am look at with the same respect of a Wal-Mart greeter. With an infinite budget combined with my insatiable curiosity I am free to explore the mysteries of the universe until my heart’s content. I am infinitely grateful that I was quite by accident discover how to view events/information in your world, and I am willing admit I wasn’t looking to discover your world. It’s laughable but I was actually trying to develop a can crusher by manipulating gravity, and I know what you’re probably thinking its a little overkill but what can I say I was bored. While it did smashing the can into a cube about the width of a fingernail, it also for a brief period tore a hole in the barrier between our worlds. In the instant I saw through this one sided window I had to explain it so with a bit of testing developed a reliable way to observe events safely. Though at the moment I am unwilling to try to communicate or attempt travel for fear I’d cause the destabilization of both our worlds.

My mind was open to so many possibilities with your knowledge about the existence of genetics and DNA on your world. Not having an interest in biology, I had never studied the subject much, though in about a week I absorbed all the information I could find. Now being as capable as your best geneticists I started analyzing the genes of our people and found the gene that caused the mutation for our women’s control of the energy on this world. This understanding of “witch craft” lead me to make several discoveries that if the women on my planet found out about I believe could plunge us in to chaos far worse than the result of the tickle wars, so to be on the safe side I have nothing written down about them anywhere only knowledge about it is in my head.

Once again I find myself getting ahead of myself, to understand my fascination with understanding the history of witch craft happen to be in my childhood. You see that when I was fairly young both my parents died tragically in an earthquake. Which luckily for me I was allowed to live with the girl next door and her mother, I literally grew up with the girl of my dreams. Having never told a soul that I am madly in love with Miss Isabelle Spellman, though even with trying my best never to let my affection show I am sure that her mother Samantha Spellman knew about my feelings. Given the current state in the world she was more than willing encourage closeness with her daughter. With us reaching adulthood together it naturally lead to romantic experimentation, though she never gave signs of wanting a relationship so I never told about my feelings for her. You guessed it they are the direct descendants of Amber Spellman, and at the mere age of 24 I now have 8 doctorates in several different fields. The following is a summary of excerpts from my personal diary…

When I get back from my lab in the basement, I say hi to Samantha as she was dusting the house by creating air currents to blow the dust out of the house. She smirks and says hi cutie; she is wearing a pair of cut off shorts and a sports bra, I half giggle as she knows I think she is fine as hell. All of a sudden Isabelle, runs into the house balling her eyes out, seeing her in this way breaks my heart. I follow her to her room and sit next to her and place my hand on her neck, what happened? Through her whimpering I hear her say I got fired, stupid bitches in management said I had potential but am not powerful enough to be of use to them. God do I wish Amber never cast that spell, our line became so specialized to tickling we are barely fit to do parlor tricks anymore. It’s ok I have enough money that you don’t need to work, interrupted mid-sentence she say that’s sweet but our family use to be one of the most powerful in the world, I don’t want hand outs. I can’t stand it anymore I grab the back of her neck, and softly kiss her lips, sweetie… I’ll bond with you. Her eyes go wide open, and she half screams and squeals “REALLY!!!!???” I kiss her once more “yes, giggles, hell I’d even bond with your mother as well lol.” At this point her mother is now in the door and they burst out laughing, I say well I was researching it and it only prevents women from bonding multiple men, not a man bonding to more than one woman. With a huge grin they say let’s go to the council, with the three of use in the car we are speeding down the road in my car and I am a bit exhilarated yet terrified at the same time. Truthfully I have been contemplating such a decision for some time in order to prove a suspicion of mine, though it is testable only if someone agreed to the bonding. Even for the progress of science I couldn’t ask anyone else to make this sacrifice, and beside I truly do love them both deeply. They run up the stair of the council building and are half dragging me they are running so fast. Bursting through the double doors we startle the staff at the front desk; they regain their composure and ask “may we help you?” I catch my breath and smile saying “yes, I’d like to be bonded to these two women,” they look stunned and their jaws drop. With nearly a century without one bond for all of a sudden a guy being ask to be bonded to two women, they are shocked to say the least. “You are sure them both, they ask, you are not being coerced?” I nod and say it is my own choice to do this, which they say ok… we’ll have to find the ritual book and assembly the council, it might take some time. After about 2 hours we were assembled in front of the nine women of the council, they had looks of disbelief and I suspect a bit of jealousy. They began debating about whether it was possible to bond 2 women to one man, though I was correct in by interpretation and it was possible. Once more they asked if I was doing this of my own free will, I simply nodded, also explained that once every month a representative of the council would inspect my status. The council explained, that at such time if I desire the bond to be broken it shall be done. We are instructed to hold hands as they start chanting, a glowing shimmering light surround us then dissipates slowly after a few minutes.

Now in the car heading back to our home, Samantha and Isabelle grin as they look at me and each other. I giggle nervously as I know damn well what is coming, then inside my shoes what feels like a stiff feather tip on both feet tracing under and between my toes. HEhahahAHhhahAAHhhhaAAHhhahhhaA Oh god mmmm that freaking tickles, I am kicking my feet but there is no way to stop them from playing. Both of them begin moaning OH GOD the power, their eyes roll back a bit, through my giggles I ask are you ok? They stop tickling, and gasp yes, it’s just surprising how much tickling you boosted our powers, I smirk as I see the lustful looks they have. I guess not wanting to crash they don’t try tickling me anymore in the car, and shortly we are walking into our house. Both of them hold my hands as they walk me into Samantha’s bedroom, and they go over to an old wooden chest and open it. Isabelle hands her mother a set of padded cuffs to attach on each corner of her four post bed, as can be expected my breathing is rapidly increasing. Isabelle purrs with joy as she pulls out a large leather covered book, I read the title “The Book of Feathers.” I ask if I can look at it and she say sure honey, on the first page it reads greetings daughters of Spellman this is all our knowledge on how to get the most use out of your slaves. Even knowing the context of the period I look at them a bit offended, “can you change the word slaves to partner?” Blushing as they are embarrassed, saying in unison yes of course, magical they words are changed. I go and get two devices for them to wear to monitor their vitals for changes when tickling me, they nod and say of course well wear them for you honey. I giggle as I feel magical fingers poking my side HEHHAhhhahahAHHAHhahaHAHAH EKKKKK; her mother laughs you and your silly research smiling wide. I smile as I say I will want to continue my work because I’ve got a theory about the effects of the tickling. They coo no problem, giggling though we already know… we tickle and you laugh said with an evil grin. I slowly start stripping naked and am gently shoved down onto the bed with arms tied outstretched to the bed posts, they are giggling as they see I am already fully erect. Seeing this, her mother goes back to the chest and puts on a pair of gloves lathering a small amount of cream on her hands; I start feverishly blushing as to my shock she starts massaging the cream all over my privates. Not to brag but I am well endowed normally reaching over nine inches in length, though at first contact my penis throbs and twitches as It feels on fire. It begins enlarging and lengthens until it is over twelve inches long, and about 50% thicker. With the shock on my face Samantha laughs, don’t worry it is completely safe and makes this much more fun hehehe, and after a few uses it’ll have a much greater effect. My eyes go wide as they smile sadistically, sitting on both sides of me ask are you ready? I nod and in an instant erupt into frantic laughter as it feels as if thousands of feathers are flickering over every inch of my privates HEHHEHAAHHHEHEHEHHEHEHEHHEEHHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHH SCREAMS STOOOOPPPPP HEHHAHHAHHAHHEHHEEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEAHAHHAHAHHEHEHHAHHA PLEASE I CAN’T TAKE THIS HEHAHAHHHHEHHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHHAHHEHEHAHAHH pulling wildly at the restraints as they moan and squeal in delight as they share the tremendous energy flowing out of my body. Leaning close they purr, honey it’ll be ok; we wouldn’t do anything to harm you. Softly kissing and caressing my shoulders and neck as every inch of my body lower than my underarms is covered with feathers.

For right now I am taking a break from writing this history as I need to contemplate how best to proceed with writing down my research and history from here…
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