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Witchy Woman F/M


Jun 25, 2007
(This is a work of fiction. It is not meant to accurately describe points in history but a fantasy in the context of fetishism.)


The Spanish Inquisition

The moon shone through the window, being the only other light in the chamber's of the Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada other than a handful of candles that were positioned around the bed. His health had been failing for quite some time, though he felt as though she could keep him alive forever. It had to be her, he thought. She never seemed to age a day. Lilith was her name. A ravishing raven-haired wench whose beauty had made the priest question his faith. For how could Heaven exist after death when it was already his when he was in her arms?

She laid beside him in the bed. No one must know, he thought to himself. The repercussions of his relations with her would undo untold years of converting the sinful. The torture inflicted on the accused would be nothing compared to what he would suffer if they were discovered. She awoke.

“What is the time?” She asked.

“Tis either too early, or too late.”

She sat up in the bed. She tossed her long black hair around her shoulder.

What was that?

Torquemada had seen something. A scar. Had she been hurt? What was the mark on the back of her neck. He had never seen it before. Her hair had always been down, as he preferred it that way.

“What lies on your skin?” He asked.

She turned to face him, unsure of what to say. He grabbed her by her hair, revealing the scar: a pentagram. Panic filled him through and through. She was a witch. An actual witch. This woman who had stolen his heart and made him betray his God. He started to call for the guards and the other priests.

Suddenly his chest tightened up. He looked up and saw her tracing up and down her throat with her finger. His throat tightened and became inflamed. He couldn't yell. He couldn't even make a sound. She was doing something to him. He let go of her, clutching his chest. He heard her whisper.

“The blood, it flows to and fro.
Setting weary veins aglow.
The center of life that loves and grows
Begins to tighten and thus it slows...”

The heart attack set in. She was merciful though. The agony only lasted a moment before his body succumbed. She leaned down and kissed his forehead. She sat there to contemplate where she should go from there...



The class wandering through the Krannert Center at the University of Illinois was comprised of several different personalities. No longer confined by the clique-ish nature of high school, diversity was no longer an issue. Ace thought it was all a joke himself. Art was a joke in general. Kick over a garbage can in Chicago where he was originally from, and starving artists come crawling out.

Then he saw something that wasn't a joke. A beautiful dark haired girl, maybe a couple of years older than him. She was admiring a portrait. Her sensible glasses seemed to make her eyes sparkle. He broke away from the group and walked over to her. He stood beside her and looked at the portrait. It was of a blonde Duchess.

“It's Marie Antionette.” The girl said matter-of-factly.

“Must have been pretty famous to have been painted like that.” Ace commented. Without even looking at Ace, the girl spoke under her breath.

“She was a real ****.”

“Excuse me?” Ace was a little taken aback. The girl quickly corrected herself.

“I said 'What do you want?”

Ace cleared his throat.

“I just wanted to say Hi. I don't think I've seen you around.”

Her eyes were still glued to the painting.

“It's a big campus. So probably not.” She seemed disinterested, but Ace never knew when to say when. He was infamous for his stubborn nature. He felt like introducing himself regardless.

“I'm Ace, by the way.”

Finally she turned her head to face him. At first she looked more than a little annoyed, but when she saw his face, something changed. She smiled slightly.

“I'm Lily.”

Ace returned her smile.

“Like the flower, huh? And just as pretty.”

She chuckled.

“Like short for Lilith. And you don't have to be so corny when feeding me a line.”

Ace didn't know how to respond. She sensed his awkwardness and quickly apologized.

“I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. Sometimes I feel like I have Stendhal Syndrome or something when I look at old artwork. Like I feel so absorbed by it, that it's hard to acknowledge much else.”

Ace accepted.

“I feel really dumb here.” He admitted. “I don't know much about art.”

She poked him in the arm playfully.

“How about beer? You know much about that?” She asked with little subtlety.

“All there is.” He responded.

“How about coming to my place later tonight for a couple brews and I will teach you a thing or two about... what I know?”

“Sounds great to me.”

Later that night, he stopped in front of the house. He checked his phone to make sure the address was right. He hadn't expected her to have her own house. A two floor house at that. He could see the cellar entrance on the side of the building.

“Well, here goes nothing.”

He walked up to the door. It was large and purple. He almost expected a large pretentious door knocker, but saw only a bell. He pressed the button and after a couple of moments, Lily answered. She was a sight to behold. A tight black dress stuck to her curves so lusciously. It seemed very old fashioned, yet somehow modern. Not too modest though, as it certainly revealed a liberal amount of cleavage. Over-all kind of a punk rock Morticia Addams. He approved.

“Hey, it's the art fan.” She said jokingly, “Come on in. You'll have to forgive the mess, it's been a wild couple of weeks.”

She led him inside. As she led him through a couple of rooms and into the kitchen, he couldn't help but wonder what mess she was talking about. The whole house was spotless. She must have come from wealth. The house was covered in old artwork and crafts that seemed hundreds of years if a day. They wandered into the kitchen. She reached in the fridge and tossed him a can of beer. It was weird, like all of the sudden, she was one of the guys. What had happened to the seemingly stuck up art geek he had hit on earlier that day? She opened her own beer and took a rather large drink. She belched loudly as if trying to shake the whole house.

“Man, that was one from the vaults.” She joked. “Sorry, I am not a very girly girl.”

“No problem with that.” Ace responded. “It's refreshing actually.”

“Oh no, trust me, Handsome. I could drink you under the table. No offense.”

Ace didn't know how to take any of this. It was so strange. For once in his life, he had no idea how to approach a girl. He had never had intercourse or even gotten to second base, but like many guys, he talked a big game. Here, he was at a complete loss for words.

“Don't tell me you've gone shy.” She said, “That's no good.”

He went with the only real avenue he could think of.

“No, I just thought we were gonna talk about...”

“Oh right, I remember now. You are interested in old stuff, huh?”

“Yeah, well, uh... yeah.” He drank his beer, trying to keep up with her. Her eyes lit up.

“I got an idea. I got something in the basement you might be interested in. You wanna check it out?”

The basement?

“What is it?” Ace asked as he finished the beer he was holding.

“Don't worry your Reebok's, Ace.” She joked, “I am not gonna go all Silence Of The Lambs on you. I just want to show you something.”

She walked over to a door and opened it.


He pitched the can and followed her down into the basement.

“Holy shit!” Ace said aloud. He looked around the basement. It looked like something out of a bizarre wax museum. There were implements and tools of torture adorning the whole basement.

“I know, right?” Lily rested her petite frame as she leaned against his side. “This is my dungeon. My olds used to run a museum in Italy. When they passed away, I ended up with almost all of it. I sold most of that junk but this stuff was just too interesting to let go of.”

“Are those...” Ace pointed to a contraption in the corner.

“What? The stocks?” Lily interrupted. “Don't tell me you've never seen a period horror film in your life. Those were extremely common for several centuries. Here, I'll show you.”

She walked him over to the stocks.

“Sit here.” She patted the seat on the device.

“Um, okay.” Ace sat down in the stocks.

She motioned to him.

“Bring your legs up and put your ankles in here.”

He was understandably reluctant.

“Don't be a baby. This will be fun. It doesn't hurt or anything.”

He set his ankles on the block of wood and she closed and locked the stocks around his feet. She then moved around to where his upper body was and motioned for him to hold up his arms. He did. Before he knew it, he was completely immobile.

She moved back down to where his feet were locked and put her hands on her hips.

“It is so damn hard!” She complained.

He looked down at his pants and then back up to her. What was she talking about. He was flaccid still. She laughed as she realized how her comment had sounded.

“No haha. No. Not like that. I wouldn't have an issue with that. Whatever floats your boat. I meant it's really really hard to find a virgin these days. Unless I wanted to deal with a 12 year old, but ewwww! Who wants to do that? They would have burnt up a pedophile faster than they would have with me back in the day.”

“What are you talking about?” Ace was truly lost.

“I would go on this huge drawn out Bond villain speech about how I should have been honest with you before leading you into this little trap, but let's face it: You never asked. Haha.”

Panic set in.

“Let me out of this fucking thing!” Ace shouted.

“Let me out! Let me out!” Lily yelled out mockingly. “See, nobody can hear you or me down here. Just settle down for a moment and I will explain.”


“Jesus, calm down. Okay, I need you for something tonight and once I get it, you are free to go. You won't be hurt.”

“What do you want?”


“No. Lie to me.” Ace responded sarcastically. Lily laughed. She laughed hard. There had to be something he was just not getting here. Her laughter subsided.

“What do you want?!” Ace repeated.

“Well, in a way, I just told you.” She yanked off his sneakers. “Who'd have thunk it? The secret to youth is laughter. Scientifically, it have been proven that laughter reduces wrinkles and all that. Not that I give much attention to science. But for my purposes, it works wonders. The laughter of a male virgin. That's what I need from you.”

“What are you gonna do, put on some South Park or something?”

She began to pull off his socks.

“No. Something far similar. As I said, these have been around for centuries. I brought these stock in from Salem myself. I remember the whole witch trial nonsense. It was so much fun, casting spells and watching others be blamed and take the fall for me. I even joined in from time to time. There was a young girl in these stocks one day. One of the children in the village pulled off her shoes and I led them in tickling her feet. My God, that was fun. You aren't ticklish, are you?”

Ace squirmed a bit trying to get loose, but he quickly submitted to the idea that he could not get out. Lily lowered a finger to his left sole and drew it up and down. There was no initial reaction. Ace hadn't been ticklish since he was little. Lily started to worry. If he wouldn't laugh, the spell wouldn't work. She brought all of her nails to his feet and teased the skin with quick tickles up and down his arches. Around his instep seemed to be ticklish but not enough. Only a little sensitivity. She stopped for a minute.

“Now this just won't do.”

“Then let me go!” Ace demanded.

“No. No. I've got an idea.”

Lily walked over to a book laying on the rack. She opened it and began to search through the pages. Humming to herself until she found what she was looking for. A big grin appeared on her face.

“Here we go! Okay.”

She walked with the book over to Ace's feet. She began reading aloud.

“For a lad oh so sweet,
comes a joy that can't be beat.
On which ye run free and wild,
The man will be left a child.
Screaming with pleasure against his will
All at the end of a simple quill.”

Something began to happen. Ace felt a tingling in his feet. What was she doing? She knelt down and drew her finger once again along his instep. He shrieked!

“HAAHAHAEEEEHHEHEHEEYYYYY STOP THAT!” She had somehow increased the sensitivity in his feet.

“There we go. Tickle tickle. How does it feel?”


She began to glow slightly. Her spell was working. The laughter was rejuvenating her. Her fingertips danced along his wiggling feet. A smile was plastered to her face. This was working so well. Her nails found a sweet spot under his toes that had him bouncing up and down on his butt. She laughed with him. This was so much fun.


“Such cute widdle toes you have!”


She stopped and walked over to where he was seated. He panted, trying to catch his breath.

“No more... no more... please.”

A single fingertip was placed on his belly and began to draw in lazy lines around his belly, his sides, his ribs, and his chest. Up, down, and around. The very agonizing touch brought giggle out of him as it playfully explored his torso.


“Such a good boy. Let it out. I know it tickles. Let it out for me.”

She stopped after a few minutes. She snapped her fingers and his shirt disappeared completely. Her fingers touched his hips and began spidering slowly up his sides.

“Hehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehhehee” He tried squirming this way and that but he couldn't get away. She began to whisper.

“Grab the bull. Turn the tides.
The flesh quivers as resistance slides.
Nerves on fire while fingers glide.
None can protect the shivering sides.”


Another spell. The ticklishness of his sides seemed to double. She smiled in delight.

“How's that, cutie? Tickle tickle tickle! Poor thing. Enjoy the touch. You certainly seem to be. Look at you!”

Ash looked down to see the erection straining his jeans. He looked over at her smile. He was somehow being really turned on by all of this.

“Don't worry. We'll get to that in a bit. But right now... TICKLE TICKLE TICKLE!”

Her fingers dug into his armpits.


His laughter reached new heights as she had found his most ticklish spot. Her glow grew brighter as she moaned. She stopped tickling him.

“I think that about does it. Now, since you have been such a good boy...”

She snapped her fingers again and his pants and boxers vanished. He blushed wildy.

“...We are gonna have some real fun!”

To be continued. Thoughts?
My thoughts? I find this concept incredible. You do a great job of making it seem futile at first, and keeping us guessing where it's going to go next. I think this deserves to be made much longer. Fantastic!
So far I like this one better than your clown-girl series. She was a little creepy. Maybe I just don't like clowns. But I'm down with witches, and wanna see where this goes. Looking forward to chapter 2.
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