Amon, your profile says you're 19. Thus, inevitably, I'm afraid you are going to be a complete idiot until you reach your late twenties, and any woman you ask will sigh as she confirms that. By your mid-30s you'll reminisce and cringe.
Your task, and it will be an onerous one, is learning to overcome your paralysing horror of rejection while simultaneously using your brain and conversational ability to back up your physique (I checked your profile) when you converse with females. And by this I mean females of any age and degree of attractiveness; one never knows who might have an attractive sister or daughter or niece she'd like you to meet if you happen to impress her.
In all seriousness the uniform will help. Rightly or wrongly it bespeaks a certain standard and ability, as it testifies to the fact that you're (a) patriotic and (b) employed.
As for your being a 'lee, some women will find this charming. Admittedly not many, but how many women do you want to romp with? Yes, of course thousands upon thousands now, but realistically speaking?
Change your profile picture, get out there and start searching. The only 'wooing' a woman finds offensive is the type coming from the wrong man. Unfortunately, about 99% of the time, that man will be you, but at least you have that in common with the overwhelming majority of men on this planet. And unless you're a complete pig about it I assure you the object of your desires won't phone the police.
Above all, never pay directly for female companionship. You'll learn nothing about women from prostitutes except the fact that you're irresistible for an hour as long as you have money.
But i assure you that once in a while, a woman will sleep/perve with you because she genuinely wants to.
My final piece of advice is to try and schedule leave for April 29th to May 2nd, 2016 and apply to attend NEST in Philadelphia. Everyone there, males and females, (generally a 60-40% split) will share your perversions in various forms.
When your application's been accepted you can even request to be kidnapped and tormented by a bevy of beauties.
Best of luck.