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Wonder Woman: Prisoner of Mouseman part 1 (M/F)


3rd Level Red Feather
Aug 31, 2004
Wonder Woman: Prisoner of Mouseman Part 1
By MrObscura101

Wonder Woman, the champion of the Amazons soared over Washington DC as she returned to the modest home she lived in as her secret identify of Diana Prince. The beautiful heroine was exhausted from completing a dangerous mission to rescue an Allied scientist from Paula Von Gunther’s heavily fortified lab deep within Germany and after a debriefing mission with Allied Command was ready for some sleep.

Wonder Woman flew in through the skylight into her home and headed for the bedroom with a loud yawn, she was so tired that she could barely stand and forewent transforming back into Diana as she landed on her large bed, not even climbing under the covers
“Diana’s got to be up in a few hours for a meeting...” she mumbled wearily to herself as she set her alarm clock, turned off her bedside lamp and fell asleep... however she didn’t realize that she was being watched…

High up on a shelf sat a strange little figure, a man of around 6 inches tall dressed in a gray costume of a mouse complete with whiskers and a tail, he was Mouseman, a dangerous spy and saboteur who had been tasked with capturing the sleeping heroine
“At last she’s back home! It seems that my hunch was right that Diana Prince would lead me to Wonder Woman, but I never would have suspected they would be one and the same!” he grinned to himself as he scurried down the shelves and headed cautiously towards her bed

Clambering up the nightstand Mouseman slowly peered around from behind the alarm clock and Wonder Woman she was still sleeping on her left side. Like always she was stunning even in her battle weary state, her fantastic Amazon powers having already healed any injuries to her body. Mouseman then climbed onto the bed near her face
“Better check just how out of it she is” he thought as he used his tail to lightly brush against her nose. In response to this Wonder Woman’s face crinkled up a little as a small smile appeared on her face
“Nnfff ssteevvee sstthhff...” she muttered as her nose twitched instinctively
“Perfect!” he thought at seeing his plan could now be put into action

Slowly he moved downwards to her hip and what he needed for his plan to work, the Golden Lasso of Truth. Carefully taking it from the clip on Wonder Woman’s belt he then headed towards her right arm which was near her head

First he undid the clasp of her bullet proof bracelet and removed it, Wonder Woman stirred a little bit from this but was still sleeping soundly. The Lasso then shone brightly in his hands as he unfurled it and cautiously looped one end around her wrist several times before tying it off in a double knot.

With her wrist now tied he took the other end of the Lasso and headed towards the metal headboard where he looped it around the bedpost
“Now for the tricky part” he muttered to himself as he began walking backwards and pulling the Lasso, the golden thread went taunt as it worked around the bedpost pulling the end tied to Wonder Woman’s wrist as well. With a mighty heave from Mouseman the Lasso pulled her wrist so that her whole body moved position so that she was now laying on her back with her tied right arm by the bed post while she was still fast asleep

Mouseman then proceeded to loop the Lasso several times around Wonder Woman’s wrist and the bed post to keep her arm tied to it. Confident her arm was now secured he tied the other end of the Lasso around his waist and walked towards Wonder Woman’s legs with the Lasso, as per its magical properties growing in length

Mouseman reached Wonder Woman’s right knee and gazed at her long shapely legs, the sheer nylons she wore shining in the low light. Slowly he took the zipper of her right boot and tugged at it carefully before creeping down the length of her boot while pulling the zip along with him. Wonder Woman moved slightly at this but was still peacefully sleeping as he reached her ankle with her boot now entirely unzipped

“Now let’s get this off!” he grinned as he placed his hands on the high heel of her boot and pulled at it causing a gap to appear exposing Wonder Woman’s heel. He then pulled at the side of her boot and more of her foot was exposed before at last her toes were also on full display as he finally pried her boot off
“Wonderful” he noted, he had heard tales of how attractive Wonder Woman’s feet were but mere tales hardly did them justice! Long slender toes, a deep arch, soft immaculate skin topped with dark red nail polish all wrapped up in soft sheer nylons. Mouseman couldn’t help himself as he ran his fingers nimbly down her arch and watched how her toes flexed and her whole leg moved in response
“Hhmmff...” she giggled angelically while her lips curled into a gorgeous smile

Mouseman wasted no time in wrapping the Lasso around her now bootless ankle and pulled it towards the bottom left corner bedpost which he tied it around to pin her leg down. He then began moving towards her other leg when he heard her start to stir
“Ohhh... what…Mouseman?!” Wonder Woman gasped still half asleep as she roused herself to find one arm and one leg bound to the bed by her own Lasso
“Hold it right there you!” she commanded as she moved her free hand towards him
“No! Wait! Stop!” he cried fearfully while cowering in fear and shut his eyes

A few moments passed before Mouseman dared to open his eyes...and saw Wonder Woman frozen in place with her arm hanging in midair several inches away from him
“Phew! I’m sure glad that rumour about a man binding Wonder Woman with the Golden Lasso and gaining control over her turned out to be true!” he sighed in relief, glad he wasn’t being crushed by her! “Isn’t it nice Wonder Woman?”
“Yes...” she replied through gritted teeth as she tried to fight free of the Lasso’s control but it was impossible!

“Excellent now then lets finish tying you up!” he smiled wickedly “First of all, remove your other boot!” Wonder Woman had no choice but to follow his orders as she brought her free leg up and used her free hand to unzip it and pull it off
“Why don’t you wiggle those pretty toes about for me?” he then added and Wonder Woman had no choice but to do so
“Excellent now discard those boots, you won’t be needing them for a while!” he chuckled and Wonder Woman angrily obeyed before he commanded her to place her free ankle by the bottom right bed post to allow him to bind it in place

With both legs now tied Mouseman walked towards her only remaining free arm as he looked straight into her eyes
“Comfortable?” he asked
“No, now what do you want you fiend?” she replied
“Well Princess, I’ve been paid a vast sum to capture you, although I will admit I would have gladly done this for free!” he then removed her remaining bracelet and commanded her to put her wrist against the top right bedpost before tying it in place. With her now fully bound he clambered up her chest and sat himself proudly on her breastplate as he looked down on the tied heroine

Wonder woman tied to think of a way out of this but with her bracelets gone and the Lasso in her enemy’s hands she was totally helpless
“Well we have a few hours before our ride arrives, how about we have some fun now that I’ve got you like this?” he then said as he jumped off her and stood by her right underarm
“Mouseman I swear you won’t get awaaahhaaayyyyy wwhhiiythhhh tthiiiisss!!!!!” Wonder Woman began to say until his nimble fingers suddenly scurried into the deep hollow of her underarm

Mouseman grinned wickedly to himself as he listened to the mighty Amazons helpless frantic laughter as he continued poking and wiggling his miniature digits and even his prehensile tail all across her soft skin
“Hhaahhgaaaahhaaa yyoouulll paahhaayyy foohhoo thhhiihhiisss!!!!” Wonder Woman cried, aghast at the indignity of being captured and tickled!
“Oh I don’t think so Princess!” Mouseman replied as he continued relentlessly tickling away before scurrying over to her other underarm to start tickling her there instead

“Coochie coochie coo Wonder Woman!” he said mockingly as his paws poked randomly around while his tail lightly flicked against her soft bare skin
“Only to hear your angelic laugh!”
“IIIHHIIHH WWHHIILLL SSTTTHHAAPPP YYOOUUHHOOO!!!!” she cried back before letting out a panicked scream as she felt his little tongue start moving against her tender skin
“GGAAHHAAAAAA NNOHHOOO!!!!!!!” she cried but he continued mercilessly

Mouseman continued this for almost ten minutes as he tickled every inch of her underarm while she was helpless to stop him, once he stopped she thought it might be over but he then returned to her right underarm once more
“Nnooo...dohohont....” she gasped while shaking her head before a mouse scurried up the bed and sat by Mouseman, she wasn’t scared of mice, however she was scared that in its mouth was a red feather!
“Good work Jerry!” he chuckled as he swung the feather about like a sword. Wonder Woman fought even harder to break the Lasso’s control when the feather lighlty brushed against her underarm
“HHAAAHHAAAHHEEEEHHRRAAAHHHH NNOOOHHOOO!!!!!!” she cried as Mouseman continued flicking the feather about while his accomplice moved to her left underarm and started tickling her there to with its tongue and tail!

Wonder Woman tried frantically to pull her arms down or evade the devastating touch of the feather but her body remained under Mouseman’s control as he continued wickedly swiping the feather against her bare skin
“That’s it Wonder Woman, laugh for me! Maybe this will teach you a lesson for throwing me in jail!” he gloated
“Hhaaahhaaa nooohhhooo!!!! Yyoohhouurree eehhvviilll!!!!” she shouted back as the tickling continued on and on
“You don’t know how evil! In fact you’re gonna help me get my revenge on you!” he said as he stopped and looked at her while grinning before walking up to her face and brandishing the feather about “So… why don’t you tell me where you’re most ticklish?”

Wonder Woman couldn’t believe it, she fought with every fibre of her being to not answer but the Lasso compelled her to do so!
“Mmff!!! Mmfff!!!!” she clamped her mouth shut and gritted her teeth while struggling to remain quiet
“Come on Princess you know you can’t disobey me!” he said while pointing at the Lasso and lightly brushing the feather against her neck
“Hee hhee...mmaahyyy….mahhyyy fehheettt...” she struggled to keep from saying before hanging her head in shame while he stopped tickling

Mouseman grinned deviously at hearing this as he scampered down the bed towards her left foot and stood beside it, given his size her foot loomed over him. He then slowly flicked his tail against her arch and watched how her entire foot flexed about in response
“No! Please I beg you!” Wonder Woman cried hoping he might show mercy but he responded by digging his fingers into the centre of her arch and wiggling them about
“HHAAA HHAAAA SSTTHHAAPPP IIHHTTT!!!!” she cried, only to laugh even harder when his mouse companion scampered down to her right foot, stood on its hind legs and did the same!

With both her feet now being tickled Wonder Woman thrashed her legs about as much as possible hoping to kick them away but they refused to be pushed back! Mouseman even clambered up her nyloned foot so that he could get her toes as they splayed about wildly
“HHAAAHHHAAA FFAAOOHHRRR HHEERRAAHHAASSS SAAAAHHAAKKKEE SSTTHHAAHHAAPPP!!!!” she squealed to no avail, before finding to her horror two more mice scurrying up the bed to target her underarms once more!

The mighty heroine was now distraught as her most vulnerable spots were all tickled together. Mouseman meanwhile was loving her helpless laughter and pleas for mercy as he tore open a small hole in her nylon and poked his hand inside to tickle her bare skin
“PPHHHLLEHHEEHHEESSEEEE NNNOOHHOOO!!!!” Wonder Woman cried as he starting tearing more of the nylon to make the hole bigger and bigger until her entire foot was bared to him before he held up the feather
“Ready for more?” he grinned

Wonder Woman tried to beg him not to use the feather but was laughing so hard from the tickling elsewhere that she couldn’t speak properly! Then when the feather brushed against her bare sole her entire body lurched violently scattering the mice before they quickly returned and resumed the tickling


Wonder Woman begged, pleaded and even threatened the villain as the feather swiped against her broad arch, instep and around her toes over and over in tandem with the mice licking and pawing elsewhere. At one point she thought he might stop when he walked away from her foot, only for him to instead stand between her spread legs and tickle her inner thighs with the feather and his tail eliciting further shrieks of helpless laughter

Wonder Woman was exhausted after almost two hours of this torture which had not let up in the slightest
“Aw poor Wondy is all worn out boys!” Mouseman called to his minions which squeaked in a way that sounded like mocking laughter
“Moouussemahann...iihi whihilll stthhappp yyoohhuu...” she gasped defiantly in spite of being his prisoner but he ignored the threat as he walked towards her face and commanded a mouse to place a white rag near him
“I think you need to learn your place Wondy!” he grinned as he took a bottle of blue liquid from his belt and poured it on the rag. Wonder Woman immediately recognised the scent of chloroform as he untied her right wrist
“Now then, knock yourself out!”

Wonder Woman looked aghast as he grinned to her, she then felt her body start moving as her arm was compelled to obey his command, despite her attempts to ignore it she found herself grabbing the rag and bringing it closer and closer to her face…
“Nnoohhoo!!!!” she growled desperately before she pressed the thick rag against her mouth and nose

Mouseman watched in delight as she immediately tried shaking her head free but her own hand continued pressing the rag down. Within seconds her vision began to blur, and things began to spin while her eyes started shuffling around as she tried to stay conscious
“Hhmmm!!! Mmmfff!!! Mmmmfffff....” she continued to cry as the chloroform took effect and she at last passed out with her whole body going limp
“Excellent!” Mouseman chuckled to himself as he gazed at the downed heroines…


Wonder Woman slowly opened her eyes and found herself lying on her bed
“Oh what a weird dream...” she thought as she placed her hand on her forehead and saw her boots and tiara on the floor before gasping at seeing the Golden Lasso still tied around her left wrist which she immediately tried to undo
“Now now none of that!” Mouseman commanded, the other end of it still tied around his waist and she immediately stopped “Now get up!” he ordered and she did so, following his instructions she first changed her torn nylons for a new pair, seductively putting them on for his amusement then she took a long dark coat and wide brimmed hat from the closet along with a pair of black high heels which she put on. With her new look complete he then ordered her to put her boots and tiara in a bag while he hid inside one of the coats inner pockets and made her stand by the front door like a statue while he checked his watch
“Ok time to go” he said and with that they went outside just as a car with blacked out windows pulled up. Wonder Woman fought with every fibre of her being to try and resist or call for help but she found herself opening the back door and climbing in.

The car started driving away as Wonder Woman tried to reassert control
“You...wont...get...away...” she started to say but he simply took a spray bottle and released a cloud of chloroform into her face making her pass out and slump down across the passenger seat
“All go ok?” the female driver asked
“Yep” Mouseman replied as he climbed out of the coat
“Puuurrfect!” the driver laughed wickedly as the car drove off with the helpless heroine

To be continued…
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