We cannot begin to imagine the worst because we're simple humans, perhaps intelligent compared to the majority of people these days but nowhere near the genious, or in this case, atrociousness of the human race. These men, no not men, these wiskered things deserve much worse than a carrot peeler, much worse than boiling tar eating their skin away and letting the flies nest in their horribly mangled yet still functional bodies, and as simple humans we cannot begin to devise a plan so....not divine, but infernal. Anything we do to them is too nice, because they would eventually die. They deserve hell. I do hope that it exists, because if it does, that's their destination. The question is, how do we send them there? DVNC had a pretty good plan, but perhaps he had a better plan when he said they are the worst. Let their fate be determined by another twisted excuse for a human, maybe keeping Manson alive will serve one good purpose. Manson could undoubtedly plot an execution far more painful than we. Too bad we have no legal say in this.