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World of Warcraft Players Post Your Servers Here


TMF Poster
Mar 13, 2006
I haven't been playing much lately but I figure I'll start the thread here.

My main server is Uldaman and I'm on the Horde side. The toons I play most are:

Account 1:
Arstine (Paladin)
Arst (Hunter)
Grognok (Warlock)

Account 2:
Trajen (Mage)
Arsty (Death Knight)

Edit: Canceled my accounts and don't really intend to play again. If anyone's interested in buying an account, send me a PM.
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I play on the Steamwheedle Cartel server. I have yet to make an Alliance toon. HORDE RULES!!!

My main is a 69 Tauren hunter with my badass gorilla pet.

I have various other toons but haven't leveled them in awhile.
Hakkar -PvP Alliance

Elise - Draenei Warrior (80)

Esile- Draenei Death knight (80)

Drak Tharon - Pvp Horde

Diyanira - Blood Elf Death knight (80)
Venture Co. (PvP Alliance)
Sarokan Paladin

Frostmane (PvP Horde)
Sarokan - Mage

Although i started as an Ally player i'm very much Horde aligned these days, folk on the horde side are far nicer to group and chat with

My main is a 69 Troll Death Knight - "Flatbread"

Corthar: 73 Orc Warrior (Bleeding Hollow) ~Main~
Astarothe: 60 Blood Elf Death Knight (Bleeding Hollow)
Anaroth: 25 Warlock (Bleeding Hollow)
I play on the Duskwood server. I've got a human paladin, but I haven't been on in almost two weeks, because of juggling long hours of work with family time and home-building/loan obligations. I should log in before getting booted from my guild!
I play!

Hi, my name is Mistress Hikari and I am addicted to WoW!

Level 80 Ret Pally - Balatalia!! Not naming servers though, find me if you can!

Yes, I am such a geek! Does this count for or against my Fem Domme-ness?
My main is a level 64 Undead Warlock by the name of Evillypoo on the Skywall server.
Primigenia is my main, an 80 Undead Disc. Priest on Mannoroth. I also have a 70 Blood Elf Ret Pally (Altruism) and a 70 Blood Elf Death Knight (Euthyphro). I would love to hear from fellow TMF'ers in game!

long live the alliance!

Blackhand - Alliance

Kronnin - currently lvl 62 hunter, female Night Elf

Darkadia - currently lvl 72 Dark Knight, female human

Lyravondoom - currently lvl 31 Priest, female human

wish there were more peeps on Blackhand.

Jassabei (Alliance) 38 Hunter
Uthgrul (Horde) 29 Warrior
Just an update:

Molorram, my tauren hunter on Steamwheedle, has now reached 74th and is halfway to 75th.

That is all.
For the Alliance. =)

I'm on Moon Guard (RP server), and I RP, PvE, and PvP. Whisper me if you want to meet up and do something. =D
For the Horde!

80 disc priest on Kargath (main), with a Boomkin and a hunter coming up.

Tzigane is the priest.
Tokori is the boomkin
Thalestris is the huntard (farming toon)

come say hi!

All Horde.

Tonkaishta - Tauren Hunter - lvl 68
Chaotique - Blood Elf Death Knight - lvl 58
Tyrella - Blood Elf Hunter - lvl 58
Noxidira - Blood Elf Warlock - lvl 50
Tyranne - Blood Elf Priest - lvl 36
Esnella - Tauren Druid - lvl 28.
For the Alliance

On Winterhoof: Delsenoro, 70th level human mage
Richurudu, 55th level human mage

On Sisters of Elune: Devudu, 13th level draenei priest.
Most of my toons are on Ravencrest. My fav is a 52 BE pally named Tyrannis. I have a 51 pally on Silvermoon and a 41 warrior on Argent dawn that I hardly play anymore.

Remember the Sunwell!!

Tickle fight!

Ally vs. Horde.

Ahhh we need better ingame emotes for that sort of thing. Tickle duels would be awesome, lol.
Horde would win against the Alliance no matter what sort of fight it was.

Executus - Horde
Morthus - 80 Pally Tank

Fizzcrank - Horde
Gaebril - 70 Lock
Diamnon - 29 Hunter
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