Disclaimer there are major wold problems discussed below...
Don't be alarmed...
It's only TV

That sounds about right...
So can the Mayans predict anything else... Like what...
Why does Jimmy Kimmel have a show Hmmm
Why is Charlie Sheen so great!!!
Why is Tebow so great!!!
Why was the King's Speech ever even made... (Movie you know)
Why won't the Die Hard movies Die...
The Mayans
are they using some other calendar?
Are they lost in a time machine...
Maybe with a Hot tub...Hmmm
Are they wriitng Hollywood scripts...
Why can't Kevin Costner have a weekly Western TV Show (PLease oh Please)
And Please no more Reality shows
The Wives of TMF
Basketball Wives
Mob Wives
Pingpong Ball Wives
The housewives of Watts
The House wives of idiots
The house wives who... what who what Who cheat with coupons
Snooki Rookie Lookie Bookie Damn
Undercover Boss
Undercover stripper
Pawn Shops
Rook Shops
King Shops
Bishop Shops
Pit bulls an parolees
Bulls and shit
That's reality shows...
Let the Mayans program a Network...
Guess when the shows come on
It's season 12 13 14 15 of project Runway Damn
Mistake...Yuuuck everything is a Team Challenge
Hey boss Lets have 13 weeks of people sewing... What... (great Idea)
What is next 13 weeks of car tuneups...
Who can program something Please stand up
Let a computer programmer try...
Donald Trump Celebrity Apprentice What.... Yuuck...
The Networks have more bombs than all of the wars combined...
Stop the madness...
I elect Sandra Bullock Lorne Michaels Buckwheat Underdog Dr Gregory House
to take over NBC give em a 5 yr contract to turn it around...
Trump you are fired Sir...
Robin Williams The Roadrunner Donald Duck Charlie Sheen Sara Palin Mike Tyson and George Lopez You take CBS
Fox you are on your own Don't mess up football
ABC Bring Mike Eisner Back the board made a mistake As they always do...
Lana Parilla get a raise 20 mil a yr I like her...

The lohan girl gets her own show
So does Britney 100 Mil to come to Vegas can you believe it...
Ben runs for the Senate for the Fine State of Mass
All networks must run 30 hours of Cartoons per week
And there needs to be prizes
1 mil a week coupons in 6 packs of budweiser
and any soup can Soup
and diapers (all Brands)
Enough ramblings...
I am concerned about TV
TV is not concerned about me...
Be honest
Am I writing crap!!!
If It is I can turn it into a screenplay and sell it...
Yea Baby!!!
1 mil First draft... Too much Ok 3 mil then

Why make Billions when I can make Millions!!!
Dandy Jack!!!