Senbab said:
I'd like to add that I really do love attention. I'm a preformer, I don't feel right if the focus isnt on me. Thats whats so weird about my disliking fame.
See, I don't mind the thought of fame. It's the thought of people butting into my private life that bothers me.
Let's face it, the tabliods would have a field day with the TMF, the toons of me, the stories I've written. They'd destroy my relationship with my family. All to sell a few rags.
And it's not just them. I read this interview LA Times did with Barry Manilow and they had it ALL messed up to start with - said his mother was Irish, his father Jewish - his mother was Jewish, his father half-Jewish, half-Irish. Then they speculated on his sexuality - when if they bothered to read his autobiography
Sweet Life first they'd
KNOW he's
STRAIGHT. He lived and had sex with the same
WOMAN for over 30 years. He was recently even quoted saying his favorite thing is to hold a
WOMAN close to his body and rub his hands up and down
HER back.
And anyway, so long as he's having sex with consenting adults, his sex life is no one's business but his own. Now if it was child rapist Roman Polanski or even hit-and-run queen Hally Berry I can see butting into their lives - once you commit a crime you don't have a right to privacy.
He's only one example - the media are always butting into the famous peoples' private lives. Asking things none of their business. Reporting things the general public doesn't need to know. I don't care what kind of hamburger Burt Reynolds likes. Famous people have a right to go shopping in peace. So what if some movie starlette was seen without her makeup? Yeesh. Let it go, people.
If I could have the fame without worries that my abusive ex-boyfriend would be paid to bad mouth me or stupid but not illegal things I've done would be front page news, then I'd happily take fame. I just don't want to see the LA Times wondering if I'm a lesbian.