this is the sort of thing advertising lacks these days, the ability to make you want stuff you dont need, I didnt actually have time to investigate what Nova Scotia is, but I have an irrational drive to go there now 😀
You guys ever heard of the "big issue"? its a magazine that you can buy in almost any large town, its sold by homeless people and I believe its main purpose is to provide jobs for the homeless...altho I might be wrong.
Anyway, they tend to just stand there bellowing "BIG ISSUE" and everyone ignores them cause its a pretty rubbish mag, I have bought two, I bought the first of a guy in bristol, He was black, crazy dreaded hairstyle, a funky hat, and your basic torn m worn clothes you get living on the streets 🙁 he jumped out from behind a piller about 10 meters from me and with the biggest grin ive ever seen and pointing at me, he did a little dance making out that this magazine was my dream come true, by the time I reached him I HAD to buy it 😀
the other occasion it was a random one,.. i dont even remember what this one looked liek but i bough tit due to his honest as he said "Big issue? Big issue? anyone wanna by this peice of shit so I can afford to get pissed later?"
😀 😀