^^^Dream come true^^^
I had the pleasure of meeting with TX for a session and let me tell you, I had the ride of my life.
False nails... Win!
PERFECT music. (Nice touch) I'll never hear those songs the same now.
I shouldn't say this out loud but I made it without a safeword!
(Now I'm screwed) :)...
"Good friends are like Angels sent down from Heaven, to guide you through hard times."
I recently went through some very hard times - that lead to me getting really sick. Even though we are states and coasts apart, some TMF friends were there for me and had my back, big time. I just want to...
So. Ca ticklees (female & male)
I'm a female 'ler in So. Ca, looking for people who love being tickled. Have lots of experience; long nails & feathers. I'm real good at it (so I've been told). Let's play. tickle_x-pert
Thumbs up Highly Recommend her!
I had the pleasure of meeting Tickle...