Thanks for the add. I wanted to comment on your blog. That sounds like a whole change in your life in just a few months. Congrats on making so many friends and exploring this lifestyle more. I have rarely posted in my few months I have been on here, but look forward to similar success. It's good that you feel like you belong and have a home
You have to ask yourself why someone who claims to love you would want you to leave something you value so much. And why in the world you would want someone that insecure. I realize that's a bit harsh, but I have no patience for worry and insecurity over tickling...
I'm glad you are starting to put it all together babe. Those who love you show it, those who don't, won't. You got your niche and are proud of it. This is part of who I am, and any SO would have to accept it. If they are into biking, or dancing, or yoga (all of which I am not) I wouldn't ask them to give it up for me. It's very important part of me and anyone who knew or really cared about me, wouldn't ask me to walk away from it. You're doing just fine boo, don't sweat the small stuff. <3