Well I guess in the sense of being able to easily find guys to do the dirty, play with us, or do both we do have it easy. Wading through all the bullshit to find a decent sane kinky guy to play with us is sometimes hard as hell and relationship material is even harder! If you only knew how many guys I could've played with, but didn't. Shit I've personally lost count. You have to deal with so many creeps and jerks! Oh and then there is the flakes. The guys that you're all excited to meet, but it ends up not happen. They either stand you up, randomly disappear without a word, or they sometimes block you for no reason. Why do they do this? Well the explanations I've come up with is these guys would rather live in their fantasy wank foddered filled land and are afraid real life will ruin it(Fucking cowards grow a pair!),they lied about being single and the significant other found out, or they are worried you're going to out them(Never understood that one). Then you have the guys that seem like Mr. Kink Wonderful, you start playing with them, they make your life complete, they lead you into thinking you'll be together forever, and then they end it. When it is over you realize Mr. Kink Wonderful was an asshat who used you for your vagina! I had to go through a lot of men before I finally found my amazing boyfriend. So remember guys us gals can easily find guys to play with us, but it is not always easy to find good ones and even harder to find ones to get into real honest to god relationships with or more like guys who actually want to get in a real honest to god relationship.