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6 Stages or 10 Stages Of A Broken Heart?

Stage One

The Realization - Lately you notice that things have been a bit rocky between you and your partner, well ROCKY may be an understatement! TREMULOUS, ROLLER COASTER RIDE FROM HELL is much more like it. Okay, maybe now I'm exaggerating. Anyways, you've come to realize that things aren't going to work out unless you enjoy getting the "silent treatment". Somehow, the sparks that were flying at the beginning of the relationship have now turned into an uncontrollable forest fire. Ultimately, you need to muster up the courage and face the fact that things aren't AREN'T WORKING. [check!]

Stage Two

The ACTUAL Realization - Okay, so you had the biggest fight ever and vow never to see him/her again. So, what happens now when you realize you can never call them again for a quick cup of coffee... or, at all? What if you start to miss them? What if they DON'T miss you? You might start to think maybe it wasn't a good idea to break up after all. And then you have an epiphany. OF COURSE it was a good idea -- the relationship wasn't working out. Don't call them, remember you broke up for a reason. Just because you miss them doesn't mean it'll be great when you see them again. Just keep reminding yourself why you broke up in the first place and DON'T CALL THEM! [check!]

Stage Three

The Crappy Part - Once you realize that your life will be different, this is what I call the crap-pi-phany (like epiphany). You go through the phase of listening to songs that remind you of them, cry into a pillow that still smells like them, and agonize about what's going to happen next. Your life may seem over, but trust me, time heals all wounds and even a broken heart will mend over time. This stage sucks, but it's vital believe me. DO NOT hold in your hurt, you'll only feel worst later on. [definitely check!]

Stage Four

The Rage - That bitch/bastard! I treated them like gold! This is the most critical stage - Bitterness. You list all their annoying traits that you once thought was actually cute. Who actually uses the word "poopy"? At this point instead of wasting your day in bed watching old reruns of Maury Povich you get out of bed and dress to impress. Now that you look good and feel good you can actually say and believe, "if they don't want me, that's their problem, not mine." Over time you'll start missing them less and love yourself more. Keep yourself busy with new hobbies, school, work and friends. There is no point feeling sorry for yourself when there is a whole world out there waiting for you with plenty of new and exciting people to meet. [i'm at this stage]

Stage Five

The Crush - Over time you'll begin to realize that your ex isn't the only one in the world. Wow! There's some damn fine peeps in this city. The point is, once you're able to open yourself up again, other people will want to get to know you. Even if you're not ready to start an intense relationship with somebody else, get out there and start having fun again. You'll get over your ex a lot faster if you stop moping around.

Stage Six

FREEDOM! -You haven't thought about your ex in days, (well it's a start) and BAM, there they are strolling down the street with someone else, AND your stomach doesn't lurch as if there's a gerbil on steroids lodged in your intestines, your face doesn't even turn bright red. When you say hi , your ex looks more uncomfortable than you. Once the encounter is over, you stroll away proud and tall and don't think about the encounter for more then 10 minutes ever again. (PS. Have they put on weight?). You smile, because now you know you are finally free and ready to open up and love again.

I like those stages. I think most of them
are pretty true.
I sent that list to Clare haha ...
She's totally going through stage 1 right now!
But ... I'm going to write
my own stages ... because those don't exactly
fit with my "broken heart". Lord knows he isn't my ex-boyfriend ...!

I will say this though:
Lately I've been feeling rejuvenated!
[well not about that whole job interview fail ...
"Oh, well we don't have any opening positions
until Fall or maybe the end of the year" ... FML
But anyways ...

Stage ONE
"Blank" - I call this stage "blank" because this is the first point when you have all your feelings come flying towards you, which then makes you utterly emotionless because you aren't sure what you are supposed to be feeling. Sad? Angry? Happy? Insane? You really don't know. It's just kind of like you are in white room, alone, with no exit door.

Stage TWO

"BAM!" - This stage is called "BAM" because finally all those emotions hit you. This could come at anytime. Probably when you are least expecting it. And it's not just one emotion ... it's ALL of them, one right after the other. Your heart feels like it's barely beating. The good memories take over your mind and heart and it's like you are trapped in your own head. This is nottttt a fun stage!

"Depression" - It may not be depression at it's highest, but you are definitely feeling all kinds of sadness right now. You're giving up on just about everything, not caring about anything, and just crying day after day. It seems endless. You are constantly questioning what went wrong, where is he now, is he going to call?, is he thinking about you?, has he been on the TMF at all?

Stage FOUR
"Music" - Basically, you are just listening to song after song that reminds you of him. Looking at pictures you took with him, while the music is playing. Lots of crying. No fun.

Stage FIVE
"RAWR" - About now you are wanting to KILL him. Literally take a knife and jam it into his heart about a million times so maybe he can feel an OUNCE of what you've been feeling for weeks. You actually look up how much it would cost to go where he is. Also, at this point you will probably start doing some things just out of anger. Ex: Writing a bitchy e-mail and sending it to him telling him how much you hate him. Or, you might just be constantly ranting to whoever will listen about how much you hate him, his soul, his name, his ears, the way he blinks ... the list goes on. And don't forget: throwing stuff. Lots of that. Just pushing things off desks, slamming doors, blasting music, and beating pillows.

Stage SIX
"Denial" - "What was I thinking? Of COURSE he still likes me. He is just not sure what he wants right now. I know, I know he hurt me, but that's okay! It doesn't matter. He'll come back." Here is where you just start pretending that this never happened. For me, this stage didn't last very long. But pretty much you just keep telling yourself this is all silliness and you believe he didn't hurt you. It's really hard to talk to people during this time, because they will be telling you the truth but you are so blind to it that you get mad at them for not seeing what you see.

"Denial Part 2" - "IF he can be happy without me ... so can I! I'm happy too! I will totally just flirt with any guy and get any bit of attention because I don't need him!" This kind of sounds like an epiphany ... but it's not. Truth is, you just aren't over him yet and putting on this fake smile is only making you feel worse. You don't want another guy ... you want him. But you tell everyone you're over him completely and that you're fine. It's probably as far from the truth as you can go.


"Death" - Not literally, but you sure as hell feel like it. This is NOT like depression stage. It's different. You're active, going out and what not, but a part of your liveliness, a part of YOU, just isn't present anymore. You start spacing off more, you don't put on any make up, you really just don't give a fuck. You're done and you have just given up. Basically, at this stage, if you died in 2 seconds you'd be perfectly fine with it. This, in my opinion, is the worst stage.

Stage NINE
"Epiphany" - This stage should totally rock. You finally have that self - realization that you are better off without him. It still stings when you think of the good times, it always will, but now you are ready to push through it. Finally, what people have been telling you day after day makes sense. You can do this. You are strong. There is someone better out there for you. You feel like everything will be okay. It's really an overall happy and warm feeling. You can finally smile again!

Stage TEN

"Pretty" - Now it's time to change your appearance because you feel you can finally move on with your life and you want to mark this stage by doing something dramatic. Want a new hairstyle? Go get it! Shopping spree? You deserve it. It's time to make your outside be as pretty and happy as you feel inside.


Its musings like this that suddenly make us hermits seem not so crazay don't it?
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I'm starting to think everyone on here has a percentage of jackass in them. Even if it's just 1%, it's there. And occasionally it comes out.

I shouldn't assume it's related to any kind of clique mentality or whatever. Just the way it is.
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I have been guilty of this, but not in the same sense.

Sometimes I'll come on here after an angering day or even post while I'm drunk and find a thread that has even just a little iota of semblance to my current frustration then decide to "unload" regardless of whether it actually has context. I don't realise until after I sober up or calm down that it looks like I was taking a shot at other members or groups. Then I get the time-honored "what the fuck was that supposed to mean?" PM, and THEN I'll have to embarassingly explain why I did it...Then I'll calm down and behave myself for a month or two...Then...

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

I seriously have to start taking some responsibility for my crap.
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