Well, as we wind down from the 4th of July, I thought I'd look back on this past weekend and encourage everyone to get in touch with his/her inner child. We spent Friday and Saturday at King's Island and Cedar Point enjoying good food, good friends, and epic fun on rides - big and small. I survived the driving, baby birds crashing in my yard, being smashed by ASU on a ride (which is why I tend to go solo in those little spaces!), Jhoti enjoying the view from the Ferris Wheel and wanting to go again, carousels x2, Bella losing her voice, Katie wanting to ride most of the rides again, Gin and her red fuzzy flip flops, Cassie going upside down for the first time, driving back from Cedar Point only to have Slacker point out I hit "HOME" on my GPS (which would only have been about 2 hours off course...), Stacy keeping me awake for the trek home, and meeting Jeremy and his wonderful tech toys. We all made it back to Bella's safely (albeit after 4AM) thanks to a pitstop for coffee and donuts (not much else open in the middle of nowhere at that time of night). Fireworks Friday and Saturday night were totally awesome! Food (no cheezburgerz were hurt or forced...yet) was awesome! Roller coasters rocked!! I so can't wait to do it again next year 🙂