So I’ve been thinking recently about how my tickle fiction might benefit from a bit of a shake-up in the way that I approach the writing process. In previous attempts the process has been something like: 1. Establish concept; 2. Write story; 3. Come up with appropriate title; 4. Post story. But what if, instead, I said, ‘Let’s see if I can come up with an appealing thread title first… And then base a story around that’? I think it could be pretty effective. For instance, the title that I’m knocking around currently is:
Sweet, sexy, innocent, almost disconcertingly young-looking (but not actually underage, so don’t feel guilty), horny virgin Cindy’s incredible (but not literally – this could happen you know, I mean you hear stories…) all-girl interracial cheerleading pussy-tastic tickle-fuck extravaganza (WARNING! Graphic. Sexually explicit. Pure, unadulterated filth. Banned in several countries. May cause permanent hard-on. May result in death by wanking. F/F, FF/F, FFFFFFFFFFFF/F, F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F, F/FF/?!/F/****/WTF/F, F[SUP]2[/SUP]+5F-14 solve for F)
I'm thinking either that or Tickle story. Tough one.
Sweet, sexy, innocent, almost disconcertingly young-looking (but not actually underage, so don’t feel guilty), horny virgin Cindy’s incredible (but not literally – this could happen you know, I mean you hear stories…) all-girl interracial cheerleading pussy-tastic tickle-fuck extravaganza (WARNING! Graphic. Sexually explicit. Pure, unadulterated filth. Banned in several countries. May cause permanent hard-on. May result in death by wanking. F/F, FF/F, FFFFFFFFFFFF/F, F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F/F, F/FF/?!/F/****/WTF/F, F[SUP]2[/SUP]+5F-14 solve for F)
I'm thinking either that or Tickle story. Tough one.