A special friend from the Forum sent sailing over the wires a simple and beautiful note of encouragement to guys and 'lers everywhere, and I'd like to share it with you now.
Sometimes I think being a 'ler....you have to be a bit of an obnoxious asshole! I mean....it really isn't very nice to invade a person's space that way! The truth is we can be devious, we have to be. I think I've only ever met one tickler with a conscience, god bless him. On the TMF we can afford to be gentlemen.....but out in the real world, we have to take what we want and what we can get, sometimes at great risk.
Also......in general......I tend to think us guys, all guys, are just dogs, dogs in the rain, work dogs, shaggy dogs, maybe if we're lucky we find some woman who won't mind keeping us around the house for a bit. Real sad sack stuff.
BUT....... this pearl from a girl....it made me rethink all that! It reminds me to be confident in my role. I'm not an imposter in the House of Love! I'm part of the equation!
Here's what she said (let's listen in..... 😉:
One more time, in slow motion
I love guys.....
You make us laugh.......
you are great kissers.....
.....and you tickle us!.....
Is that not the most-adorable thing ever? To be appreciated for that? Whoah. Suddenly I don't feel so doglike. I feel......just like a man!
Where in the world am I EVER going to be told that other than the TMF? I'm sitting up straighter already! I've been waiting to be told that my whole life! If she's reading....thanks! You might not have known it when you said it, but I took it as a very important compliment!
Listen.... I know it's just a little poem, a little bon-bon, a kiss on the cheek.......and I'm so sentimental it's disgusting, believe me, I'm aware....... but like getting slapped upside the head with a plank, it snapped me out of my malaise. Now? I think maybe we help bring out a little beauty in the world....we're not the beauty itself, but we assist in its delivery...😉
.....you're not being obnoxious if she WANTS to be played with.....lately I've been thinking of all the women I tickled who had great reactions, didn't overly fight, volunteered alot more information than they had to......kissed me afterwards, thanked me afterwards....told me they loved being tickled.......vanilla people.........now I realize....they're more common than I thought....in fact, there's more of them than the other kind!
....and being a 'ler is a guy who makes the first move........it's a good thing! 🙂
Sometimes I think being a 'ler....you have to be a bit of an obnoxious asshole! I mean....it really isn't very nice to invade a person's space that way! The truth is we can be devious, we have to be. I think I've only ever met one tickler with a conscience, god bless him. On the TMF we can afford to be gentlemen.....but out in the real world, we have to take what we want and what we can get, sometimes at great risk.
Also......in general......I tend to think us guys, all guys, are just dogs, dogs in the rain, work dogs, shaggy dogs, maybe if we're lucky we find some woman who won't mind keeping us around the house for a bit. Real sad sack stuff.
BUT....... this pearl from a girl....it made me rethink all that! It reminds me to be confident in my role. I'm not an imposter in the House of Love! I'm part of the equation!
Here's what she said (let's listen in..... 😉:
Hey, I love guys!
You guys make us laugh!
You are great kissers!
And you tickle us!
You guys make us laugh!
You are great kissers!
And you tickle us!
One more time, in slow motion
I love guys.....
You make us laugh.......
you are great kissers.....
.....and you tickle us!.....
Is that not the most-adorable thing ever? To be appreciated for that? Whoah. Suddenly I don't feel so doglike. I feel......just like a man!
Where in the world am I EVER going to be told that other than the TMF? I'm sitting up straighter already! I've been waiting to be told that my whole life! If she's reading....thanks! You might not have known it when you said it, but I took it as a very important compliment!
Listen.... I know it's just a little poem, a little bon-bon, a kiss on the cheek.......and I'm so sentimental it's disgusting, believe me, I'm aware....... but like getting slapped upside the head with a plank, it snapped me out of my malaise. Now? I think maybe we help bring out a little beauty in the world....we're not the beauty itself, but we assist in its delivery...😉
.....you're not being obnoxious if she WANTS to be played with.....lately I've been thinking of all the women I tickled who had great reactions, didn't overly fight, volunteered alot more information than they had to......kissed me afterwards, thanked me afterwards....told me they loved being tickled.......vanilla people.........now I realize....they're more common than I thought....in fact, there's more of them than the other kind!
....and being a 'ler is a guy who makes the first move........it's a good thing! 🙂