He called it. Mobbed. Treated like objects instead of people. Part of the purpose of this site is to make the sexual aspect of tickling much like the sexual aspect that vanilla folks experience.
Recall school dances in your youth. Even THOSE forms of interaction were heightened, in large part due to how new that sexual aspect truly was. Now you could dance with nearly anyone and only react if they were attractive to you. Even then, you restrain baser urges to avoid repulsing them.
Many here haven't learned that with this interest. No common social paradigm, and many have yet to associate tickling and sexuality as needing the same restraints, socially speaking.
So we get mobbing, base comments, etc.
Thus scruffy mugs like me get married to one of us after involving with more than one of us previously, simply because I can type my dialogs, can converse about interests that may not be my own, ask questions 'cause I'm curious about 'em, and involve serially. One at a time. I danced with many, and settled with one at a time until I found my wife.
It's not English people. It's the way people treat women. Oddly enough, I hear this from lesbians who are treated as objects by other lesbians. Subs who are treated as objects to be used by their Doms. Bottoms treated that way by Tops.
Get to where you actually seek the woman into X, who likes Y, wants to live near Z, and doesn't mind a guy really into ABC, and you have a much better chance. You create, for them, a filter. They can see, clearly, those things primary in importance to you. Then you just have to care enough to seek those statements from them, and then work on the relationship as you grown old and retire. 🙂