What the Hell is going on the last two weeks?
After my full blown moderate seizure on 7-4, and two bouts of the shakes, last Monday and last Wednesday, today I received more bad news.
My 82 year old father had foot surgery for a torn tendon on Friday, June 9.
I guess they went through "The process" so to say of cast coming off, bandage, whatever, and into a boot.
This weekend, my Dad started complaining of terrible pain.
They gave him some kind of antibibotic.
I had fallen asleep for a nap on this very hot day in NYC, when my wall unit AC is of little help even with the blinds drawn due to the intense humidity.
About six pm, my Dad called.
"Mitch, I have an infection in my foot, the foot is infected with pus"
My Dad said he has to stay off the foot.
After I got off with my Dad, I looked up how long something such as that takes to heal.
Fortunately, they said if he stays off the foot, and takes medicine, it should be healed within 7 days.,
Enough is Enough 2023!
After my full blown moderate seizure on 7-4, and two bouts of the shakes, last Monday and last Wednesday, today I received more bad news.
My 82 year old father had foot surgery for a torn tendon on Friday, June 9.
I guess they went through "The process" so to say of cast coming off, bandage, whatever, and into a boot.
This weekend, my Dad started complaining of terrible pain.
They gave him some kind of antibibotic.
I had fallen asleep for a nap on this very hot day in NYC, when my wall unit AC is of little help even with the blinds drawn due to the intense humidity.
About six pm, my Dad called.
"Mitch, I have an infection in my foot, the foot is infected with pus"
My Dad said he has to stay off the foot.
After I got off with my Dad, I looked up how long something such as that takes to heal.
Fortunately, they said if he stays off the foot, and takes medicine, it should be healed within 7 days.,
Enough is Enough 2023!