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No Shit IS BAD SHIT! [11111!1!!!]



Right. So update on pill situation:​

I think I touched based on it in an older blog, but also I haven't been blogging as normally as I like to have, so I forgot. -- The Doc doubled my doseage of the night pills. [[we already went over this, didn't we??]]

So. Pills seem to be working fine. My over all anxiety has dulled down to about nothing at all, save for a few moments that I seem to be able to push past. :clap:

However, there is one little, tiny problem.

I can't poop.

At all.



So. I have to take two, YES TWO different laxatives. :cry1:

Not fun. Definitely bringing this up to the doctor when I see him in December-ish. Don't get me wrong here. Totally digging the ability to have control over my head again, but not being able to poop? No. Nuuuuuu. NO.​


I hope everyone had a good Turkey-Lurkey Day. :hungry: And for those of you who went out at OMFG-o'clock on Black Friday??: :rockon:

Yessir. I was one of those idiots. Dragging my ass out of bed at 3am, trying to see how much caffeine I can retain in an hour and then heading out into the murkey depths! :ahoy:

I know it sounds like the opener to a bad horror movie, but it really fits. I mean, have you ever been to Wal-Mart on Black Friday?

They went ALL out this year!! Barricades, Hired Security and Event Staff, those little flashlight wavey things that you see people use to guide air-planes.. the works! Just so you have an idea of how bad the parking situation was, I managed to find a nifty little mappy thing and color code that shit:​


K. The Red is Wal-mart. And that Blue circle-like thing across the street and over? Yeah. That's me. That's my car. I had to walk that bitch.

It didn't really bother me too much, as I used to live in that apartment complex and would walk to Wal-Mart regularly. The reaaaaal teeth grinder came after I walked the rat-maze, finagled a cart, began running over pedestrians young and old to get the $5 10 car Matchbox set and the Full Handy Manny workshop set center thing. -- After ALL that was done [[roughly 30 minutes and change to shop]] I headed to the line.






Okay, it wasn't that far, but it was at the end of the store.

I decided it would be SUPER AWESOME to time myself from the moment I pulled [[see: cut, connived and practically killed for]] my place in line, to the moment I was up at a check out register.

Hour and a half.

Yup. One Hour and Thirty Minutes.



Lucky for me, I'm easily amused and spent most of that time observing the reactions of the people just entering the store, mixed with the frustration of those who thought they were clever to try and sneak out the entrance way, when the exit was Allllllll the way over on the other side. They all got caught. :mwahaha:

I ignored anyone who looked in my direction. I wasn't here for small-talk and I didn't want to compare carts as many of the customers thought fit to do since they were all waiting. No Sirs, I was a MOAM. Mom On A Mission. I had more stores to hit and more people to "accidentally" almost run over with in my car. [[Some twat thought I was going to care if he was going to jay-walk in front of me while I was trying to pull into Wal-Mart. HA! I showed him. ]]

After I finally got out of Wal-Mart, after having to go back into the mess because I forgot a bag :facepalm:, I sat in my car and congratulated myself on a possible 10-20 calorie loss from all that standing and practicing abdominal crunches. Then I was off! Like a rocket!

More like a snail caught in molasses. Fucking idiots. You think 5 o clock PM traffic is bad? Try a county full of people collectively awake too early and operating solely on Caffeine and Determination.

I sorely wished that my car would turn into an Intrepid version of Optimus Prime and then I could perform harry caray on anyone who crossed me.

I proceeded to take the long way to Ollies [[a cheapy cheap warehouse discount save here blah blah place]] and then had to do it Alllllll over again because I missed my turn like a douche bag. Got there and it was empty.. practically. Sweet.

Found a totally BA letter/magazine/paper/inanimate object holder/stasher/wood thing table stand for my mom for only 40 Bucks!!11 :bow2:

I also found Spawn a new tool-belt and yet another set of hammers, because he keeps stashing them then forgetting about where they are. This year I resolve to keep all his shit in one fucking place, so *I* can stop trying to find it all. :banghead:

About 80 dollars later and I was outta there! To my car. Where I spent 10 minutes and change trying to load that aforementioned letter thing into my back-seat, after having to transfer everything from Wal-Mart [[oh, and Macys]] to the front.

Yeah. That Piece Of Shit weighed more then 14 of me. Solid Wood. Here I am practically having a heart attack trying to Hulk this bitch into my car and 4.. Count 'em FOUR different men walked by me and never even offered a hand. I must've smelled bad.

I swear to God, it's like you have to hook to get a little bit of Gentlemanly assistance. Those fuckers. :disgust:

But I got it taken care of on MY own, thankyouverymuch. Once I got into my car and managed to bring my pulse back to caffeine fueled over-drive instead of marathon running death march, I had hoped that one station would start playing some Spice Girls. 'Cus I was all about that Girl Power shit right about then.

More shopping, more shopping, blah blah. Then I'm home, about 6 hours later. Yeeeeeeahhh!! I was pretty damn proud. I got all of Spawn done, my parental units taken care of, as well as a few other folks.

And I didn't even officially kill anyone. Or myself. *preen*


I couldn't believe it to be possible, but I actually managed to find a new-er-ish-like survey/quiz/prompt/boredom killer all pre-set up, so I don't have to do [[most]] of the work myself. ACE!!!! Feel free to steal and do with what you will.

The Slightly Redundant But Endlessly Amusing To Read Survey # 359238642934062734262-Etc.

1. What are your initials?
- J.E.F

2. What is your favorite thing to wear?
- Jeans and a T-shirt.

3. Last thing you ate?
- A double Mc please don't make me Fat.

4. One place you will NEVER eat at?
- Arbys. It tastes like throw up.

5. I say Shotgun, you say:
- Fuck you I'm driving.

6. Last person you hugged?
- Daniel Son.

7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?
- No.

8. Would you date anyone you met online?
- Yes.

9. Name something you like physically about yourself:
- My eyes.

10. The last place you went out to dinner to?
- Friendlys.

11. Who is your best friend?
- I have more then one, kthx.

12. What time of the day is it?
- It's the Afternoon.

13. Who/What made you angry today?
- The same person who made me angry yesterday.

14. Baseball or Football?
- Football. :woot:

15. Ever gone skinny dipping?
- I have.

16. Favorite type of Food?
Cereal and/or Pasta.

17. Favorite holiday:
- Thanksgiving.

18. Do you download music:
- I do. Although I have a much more attractive resource that I request music from on occasion. :lover:

19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
- Depends on if I'm pulling them out of fresh wash or not.

20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?
- I'm big with symbolism, so I'll be hoping for some nice story that ties to the art that person chose, instead of a "D'AW I JUST THOUGHT IT LUKED KEWL LAWL" -- Yeah, No. Fuck you.

21. Would you date the person who posted this?
- I've no idea the person who posted this before.

22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally?
- Yes.

23. Do you love anyone?
I do.

24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?
- If they suit the person and aren't too out-landish. Like the dumb broads who have brown hair and try to wear blue contacts. You look like a gender confused dumb-fuck. Die.

25. Have you ever bungee jumped?
- No. Never will.

26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?
- No. Never will.

27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?
- Ummm. No?

28. How many pets do you have?
- Four. Three BA Cats and a pimp bird.

29. Have you met a real redneck?
- Gee, Golly, No. But I'd sure love to. Are they anything like "real black people" ?! 🙄

30. How is the weather right now?
- Not too shabby.

31. What are you listening to right now?
- Oh snap. -- I am listening to Deadmau5 - Arguru. Is BA. You DL. NAO.

32. What is your current favorite song?
Odd one - Sick Puppies. Or Substitution by the Silversun pick-ups.

33. What was the last movie you watched?
- The Killing Room.

34. Do you wear contacts?
- No.

35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?
- Mc Donalds.

36. What are you afraid of?
- Everything.

37. How many piercings have you had?
- One in each ear. Although on my right ear it looks like I got it pierced in two different places. How Queer. :flatstare:

38. What piercings do you want?
- My eyebrow and/or my lip.

39. What's one thing you've learned this year?
- That Quarantine is quite possibly AS scary, if not scariER then Paranormal Activity. I shit you not. SEE IT.

40. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
- A double mocha frappa fuck yourself I don't go to Starbucks. Sometimes I'll buy the Mocha Lattes from Wal-Mart. Nommers. :thumbsup:

41. What Magazines are you reading?
- I read all the intellectual Celebrity stuff. [[see: I read all of the gossip rags]] Star, US Weekly, Enquirer, In Touch, you name it.

42. Have you ever fired a gun:
- I have.

43. Are you missing someone?
- I am missing many. :grouphug:

44. Favorite TV show?
- Argg! I'm torn between Law and Order SVU and NCIS and even Burn Notice. Oh! AND BIG LOVE I LOVE BIG LOVE.

45. Do you have an obession with WoW?
- I do not. But they came out with tasty Mt Dew flavors that I was obsessed with at one time. Yum.

46. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celeb?
- Yes. I've been compared to Kirsten Dunst [[when she was blonde]] and Julia Stiles. :shrug:

47. What celeb do you look like?
- None.

48. Who would you like to see right now?
- All my friends from here. Right Now. NOW DAMNIT!! :dom:

49. Favorite movie of all time?
- Yeah, right. I don't really have an
"all time" favorite. But two classics that I *love* are the original King and I and Breakfast at Tiffanys.

50. Do you find yourself loved?
- Sometimes, very much so, yes.

51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't suppose to?
- Yes. :ermm:

52. Favorite smell?
- Cranberry Spicey Cinnamony Christmasy Spice Things.

53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?
- Butter.

54. Ever put a friend in a cop car on JukePix.com?
- What the fuck is Juke Pix? *goes to look* Okay. It won't load for me. Someone else is going to have to give it a shot while I wait for fucking Firefox to work again!

55. Ever been in a cop car in real life?
- Yes.

56. Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently?
- No.

57. Our Lady Peace or Nickelback?
- This one is tough, because I'm one of the apparent few that actually like Nickelback, but I'm going to have to go with Our Lady Peace. They are consistently good.

58. What's something that really bugs you?
- A lot bugs me. I think that's why I'm on anti-flip out medicine.

59. Do you like Michael Jackson?
- I do.

60. Taco Bell or Burger King?
- TACO FUCKING BELL. I don't like Burger King's burgers. Blech.

61. What's your favorite perfume?
- Chanel No. 5.

62. Favorite baseball team?
- Yankees if I have to choose.

63. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?
- No.

64. Nipple or Nose rings?
- Nose.

65. What's the longest time you've gone without sleep?
- A day and a half straight, I believe.

66. Last time you went bowling?
- Aw, man, it's been awhile. I love bowling.

67. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
- In the back of a truck bed.

68. Who was your last phone call?
- Jay.. I think.

69. Last time you were at work?
- Depends on what I'd be considering "work".

70. What's the closest orange object to you?
- The turn light covers on my parent's vehicles.

Two other brief updates before I go;

Uno: I'm back to playing Ikariam. -- I hiatused for quite some-time but needed something to consistently keep my attention that I could visit every day on and off, but wouldn't addict me because there's time limits for building. If you like browser games and shit like that, check it out here.

Dos: I'm visiting Jay in a few weeks!!!! =D I'll be flying out around mid-December. I'm super stoked and totally trying to avoid thoughts of projectile vomiting all over fellow passengers due to mixed excitement and anxiety. Yeahh!!

It's almost December and it's not snowing. I find this to be akin to a bundle of sticks. Boo.

K, I'm done. Now for MUSICAL GODLINESS:

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hastamalaka, roast beef curtains.

- Non-complacent Jo


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