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Prodicing Compelling Preview Videos

  • Author Author jmsdarke
  • Create date Create date
  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 12 min read
Wouldn’t it be great to go to a car dealer where you can only see a photo of the car before you buy – never test driving it, hoping that your roll of the dice doesn’t land you a four wheeled enemy? Or wouldn’t it be just awesome to go to see a movie seeing just a still shot from one scene, hoping that it won’t suck wind? Wouldn’t it be just great to buy a tickle video clip never seeing a video preview, just hoping the single still image shown equals some passionate jaw dropping action and not ANOTHER pathetic display of “shit on steroids”?

Turns out, humans like to preview before purchase. Who knew (sarcasm people, sarcasm).

People who produce fetish video clips for sale are running a business. Unless they are wealthy and financially fat enough from some other source (thereby not needing to entice droves of customers to buy), the goal is to get as many people with their particular take on their fetish of choice to come in and buy some dam goodies.

Remember the good-old-days when we went to the record store to hunt for treasure? As consumers, it was a fun adventure (mostly). As content producers, for record companies, it was quite the challenge – how to stand out among the masses. Today’s record store is the online clip store. Since we don’t have to wait for the mall to open, get dressed, get in the car and go to the record store, since it’s online 24/7, many of us go to the clip stores frequently (if only to window shop – ‘silly humans’ don’t really change).

If you’ve discovered a well travelled and focused watering hole such as a fetish forum dedicated to your brew of happiness such as the Ticklingforum.com or TickleTheater.com (for us ticklephiles that is), then you will regularly see lots of video previews. But what is a great video preview to you?

Believe it or not, some video producers think it is absolutely unnecessary to produce preview videos at all. I’m no Kreskin, but I think this is because they have some level of sales without the video previews and use this as their validation for their policy. If any such video producer is reading this article, I offer only one point, “how many customers are passing you by because they’ve been burned before by buying clips sight unseen”?

I’m the kinda guy who isn’t easily motivated by anecdotal references, personal feeling about a topic or anyone’s gut. I like data. So I‘ve been running a survey at http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx?id=8246913d-cc26-49f5-bd47-6aaad52bb30a to collect info about what customers want in their tickle videos. At the time of this article (August 2009), there are approximately 500 respondents (out of 6 billion freakin humans on the big ball) to the survey. From this sampling, here is the response to question number 9 (How important is it to you to see a 30 - 45 second video preview or detailed text description of the video before purchase?):


So, for any video producer not yet producing preview videos, “get it in gear buddy”!

There’s a bit of a tug-of-war between the producer and the customer base on the issue of preview videos. Producers want to entice viewers (showing ‘just enough’ leg) to buy without making it seem unnecessary to pay for the complete video. Viewers want more FREE stuff. Both sides have valid concerns. In a thread about a preview video, a producer voiced his concern that he didn’t want viewers to get off (literally) on the preview video without paying for the full video. As a producer, while I get his point, my goal in producing a preview video is to either have someone get off or get convinced that the full video will do the job (pardon my implied French).

It may be helpful for video producers to accept that some people will always only enjoy free previews and not buy your full clips. Here’s the good news – According to my survey data, such people are in the minority (as shown in question 8 of my survey below).


7 Tickle Video Producers Say…In my quest to write this article, I thought it might be helpful to get some input from other fetish video producers, and here’s what they had to say in the survey I published at http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx?id=8b8b9b4f-78b3-4ac7-8ccf-852f6ca78c79:

Q1. How often do you provide a short free video preview of the videos your produce for sale?

Tickle Touch: Usually

BettyJaded.com: Occasionally

TickledSole.net: Usually

Stuck In The Stocks: Always

Jessicas Balloon and Tickling: Always

Yaqi's World of Tickling: Always

ShyAndWildTickling.com: Always

Q2. After planning, shooting, editing and posting a video, how much of a hassle would you say it is to produce a preview video for customers and the forum members?

Tickle Touch: An extra step, but worth it to me

BettyJaded.com: I kinda really like doing this part

TickledSole.net: An extra step, but worth it to me

Stuck In The Stocks: Not really a problem

Jessicas Balloon and Tickling: I kinda really like doing this part

Yaqi's World of Tickling: I kinda really like doing this part

ShyAndWildTickling.com: I kinda really like doing this part

Q3. When producing preview videos, what do you MOST try to avoid?

Tickle Touch: Seriously misrepresenting the quality of the full clip

BettyJaded.com: try to avoid giving away too much of the action so that they must buy it to really get the value

TickledSole.net: I try to avoid giving away too much of the action so that they must buy it to really get the value

Stuck In The Stocks: I try to avoid having the final file size be too large

Jessicas Balloon and Tickling: I try to avoid having the final file size be too large

Yaqi's World of Tickling: making something boring

ShyAndWildTickling.com: I try to avoid giving away too much of the action so that they must buy it to really get the value

Q4. What is it that you really try to accomplish when producing a preview clip? Please add your store name at the end of this answer so the readers can identify with your videos.

Tickle Touch: I try to give the preview watchers a sense of the best parts of the full clip, without exaggerating its quality, This is sometimes hard to do. To keep the clip a generous, but short length, you tend to edit out "slow" parts to get right to the action. But, if the preview starts to contain the only "good" parts of the full clip, I try to go back and be more representative of the full, real, clip. Somewhere, there's a balance between making an entertaining preview and responsibly marketing your product. I try to find that balance. www.tickletouch.com

BettyJaded.com: To get clients attention to see my store, BettyJaded.com

TickledSole.net: I want the viewer to see how ticklish the model is. I like to produce "trailer" style previews to exhibit some mainstream flavor. I want the preview to be a direct equal to the film, but a fraction of the length. www.tickledsole.net

Stuck In The Stocks: After a comment from someone in the early years of producing previews, I try and find a moment that encapsulates what the ticklee is going through, preferably one of the better spots of the full video. Stuck In The Stocks http://clips4sale.com/studio/2152

Jessicas Balloon and Tickling: o show my viewers scenes I enjoy Myself so I can attract like minded fans.

Yaqi's World of Tickling: I have moved from making straightforward previews to making previews that are more filmic and dynamic and reflect the mood of the actual session. I'll sometimes use a preview to highlight a particular "moment" in the session or combine several related "moments," I've experimented with using various music throughout the clip (sometimes using archaic music to create something stylistic) to using music stings during key sequences. I spend a long time editing the clips and arranging them in a sequence which is more akin to a movie trailer. I don't like dead sound and will continue the audio or music over any titles that I use. I try to make the previews exciting and something that will stand on its own. Yaqi's World of Tickling http://clips4sale.com/store/510

ShyAndWildTickling.com: Catch their attention, get their blood flowing, get them to the store now.

Q5. Anything you'd like to say to the readers?
Tickle Touch: Thank you for your interest in what we do. I've found fetish video production to be a load of fun, and a load of frustration. It's not easy, and I was surprised at how little I actually enjoy making the video, while I'm shooting it. There is so much to occupy your attention if you're trying to make a good clip (lighting, sound, camera angles, view, the model's looks, the model's reactions, the tickler's looks, reactions and skill, keeping myself out of the shot, etc), you often forget to actually enjoy it. But, with that said, it's also the best hobby/business in the world.

BettyJaded.com: Thank you For visiting Bettyjaded.com !

TickledSole.net: Tickledsole has been in business for 8 years and we thank you for the support. Life's tickling experiences always have a story behind them, and we believe in creating that in the fantasy.

Stuck In The Stocks: I specialize in women who are ticklish. I have tiny little young things and older, mature women, model-types and BBWs as well. People need to know that these aren't professional models -- they are friends and friends of friends who have heard about how fun it is. It also bears saying that I don't show faces because they all have jobs, lives and privacy they'd like to maintain, but their feet are no less ticklish for that!

Jessicas Balloon and Tickling: If there are any ideas that you have that will mesh with unrestrained and F/F/M tickling let me know, I love to tickle and be tickled.

Yaqi's World of Tickling: I think it is important that the preview gives the viewer a good idea of what to expect from the full length clip, what the model looks like, how she reacts to the tickling, etc. I also think previews can be made larger than life with the appropriate use of music and editing. A preview is really the best way for a producer to use creativity, since the goal of the actual full length clip is to document a torture session. Often when I’m shooting the video a certain "theme" will arise which I will use to construct the preview. I limit my previews to just under a minute, mainly because that translates to the maximum file size that the forums allow, but also it is a good challenge to use your footage most economically and most effectively. Recently I've put out a series of themed videos that have featured between 10 and 15 models. When you’re making a preview that features 15 different girls you really have about 3 seconds to spend on each girl so every frame counts and I spend a long time trying to find the most intense three seconds. Making some of my compilation previews have often taken days to make.

ShyAndWildTickling.com: Thank you for your feedback and support.

Getting The Most Out Of Your Clips4sale Store Previews
It’s not nirvana by any definition (being only 10 seconds long), but compared to having only a text description and a still or animated gif image, the 10 second video preview can easily make the difference between sale or pass. Many store owners have never turned this option on and others who have it turned on seem unclear of how best to use it. So I’ve produced a quick little videos showing how to set it up, how to use it and how to get around some of the idiosyncrasies of it all.

<embed id='seyretp' name='seyretp' src='http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/player.swf' flashvars='width=640&height=428&enablejs=true&file=http://veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/cache/pro/localfile/e651bba2e899c21f67c36840730da3d4.xml?random=chxiu&image=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/localvideos/producing_previews/_thumbs/ProducingPreviews-Settings-1-080109.jpg&autostart=false&logo=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/logo.png&skin=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/skins/seyret_default1.swf&repeat=false&fullscreen=true' width=640 height=428 allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /></embed>

Preview Options
There are several ways to present your preview clip to your audience. Here’s a comparison between several of the options:

These are video clips attached to forum messages.

Pro: Requires no hosting solution. Minimal effort required
Con: Limited to small filesize. Not well suited for high quality long video or HD

Youtube, Live Video, Daiiy Motion, Myspace, Facebook
These are video clips uploaded to YouTube.com and embedded into forums* and social networks.

Pro: Well suited for long high quality previews including HD. In particular, YouTube provides demographic intelligence via its Insight module to help you see who’s interested in your videos. These can all be embedded into your clips4sale.com video clip descriptions.
Con: These video sharing sites will all probably kill your account if it is linked to a fetish forum. Nudity is not allowed.

These are video clips uploaded to SmPleasures.com and embedded into forums and social networks.

Pro: Well suited for long high quality previews. These clips can be embedded into your clips4sale.com video clip descriptions. Nudity is allowed.
Con: Can’t think of one.

Joomla is an open source CMS (Content Management System).
Pro: Multiple methods of embedding video clips. Ultimate flexibility
Con: CMS development required.

Web Link
Video clip is linked from a web server.
Pro: Well suited for long high quality previews. These clips can be embedded into your clips4sale.com video clip descriptions. Nudity is allowed.
Con: Not visually descriptive.

* Not all forums accept embed code.

Hot To Embed Video Previews In Clip Descriptions (Clips4sale)
These days, I wouldn’t even think of adding a new video slip to my main store at ShyAndWildTickling.com without also providing a long FREE preview just below the text description. It’s pretty easy. Look at the video below to find out how.

<embed id='seyretp' name='seyretp' src='http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/player.swf' flashvars='width=640&height=428&enablejs=true&file=http://veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/cache/pro/localfile/5cf9161da299779b337d080dd4534e4b.xml?random=27n46&image=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/localvideos/producing_previews/_thumbs/ProducingPreviews-Embedding-1-080109.jpg&autostart=false&logo=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/logo.png&skin=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/skins/seyret_default1.swf&repeat=false&fullscreen=true' width=640 height=428 allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /></embed>

Some Video Previews
Tickle Touch: http://tickl.in/Sasha-Beg-Preview.wmv

TickledSole.net: <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i191.photobucket.com/flash/player.swf?file=http://vid191.photobucket.com/albums/z258/mongoslade2g/TSdotnet2007/happy/dreampreview.flv"></embed>

Stuck In The Stocks: See attachment

Yaqi's World of Tickling: http://Yaqiworks.com/flix/mikapreview.wmv http://Yaqiworks.com/flix/derekpreview.wmv

<embed id='seyretp' name='seyretp' src='http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/player.swf' flashvars='width=640&height=428&enablejs=true&file=http://veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/cache/pro/localfile/88231b72b55640c607c0697177c44486.xml?random=gcpen&image=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/localvideos/ticke_therapist__cynthia_jones/_thumbs/TTherap_Scene4-800.jpg&autostart=false&logo=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/logo.png&skin=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/skins/seyret_default1.swf&repeat=false&fullscreen=true' width=640 height=428 allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /></embed>

Editing Preview Videos
There are several styles used to edit preview videos from full video clips. Here are two examples of how I edit my own preview videos in Sony Vegas Pro 9.0 on the PC.

So after letting me blab for way too long on preview videos, what do you think? What bugs you about them, how should we 9producers) improve them and what’s most important to you (the people) about preview videos?

<embed id='seyretp' name='seyretp' src='http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/player.swf' flashvars='width=640&height=428&enablejs=true&file=http://veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/cache/pro/localfile/f41ce3931d4ad729fcf745a6d02120fb.xml?random=7f6wq&image=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/localvideos/producing_previews/_thumbs/ProducingPreviews-Editing-Part1.jpg&autostart=false&logo=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/logo.png&skin=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/skins/seyret_default1.swf&repeat=false&fullscreen=true' width=640 height=428 allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /></embed>

<embed id='seyretp' name='seyretp' src='http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/player.swf' flashvars='width=640&height=428&enablejs=true&file=http://veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/cache/pro/localfile/914f2cb4aa4f37da5b355b787645003d.xml?random=fbjq5&image=http://www.veryticklishgirls.com/seyretfiles/localvideos/producing_previews/_thumbs/ProducingPreviews-Editing-Part2.jpg&autostart=false&logo=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/logo.png&skin=http://veryticklishgirls.com/components/com_seyret/localplayer/skins/seyret_default1.swf&repeat=false&fullscreen=true' width=640 height=428 allowfullscreen='true' allowscriptaccess='always' wmode='transparent' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /></embed>


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