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The Origins of Thunder, Zchi's Wish 4/2 b

  • Author Author Saeria
  • Create date Create date
  • Blog entry read time Blog entry read time 5 min read
The land was beautiful here. Having left the forests far behind them, the procession found themselves in a green preview of the sea itself. The grass stretched far into the darkening horizon, rolling like ocean waves in a strong wind that carried the scent of flowers and life. The clouds changed from soft white forboding grey. Just as Damu Elessiant turned to the Tarik Orere for guidance, a bolt of lightning seared through the sky in a violent flash. In an instant the procession unravelled and people fled in every direction. Cries from families seperated from one another filled the air as it began to rain in unexpected sheets.
Ya Embaela had tried her best to keep her wits but fear overtook her and she fled in the direction she thought was the right way back to Damu and Dannic. Where are they? she began to feel a bit of panic as she stopped, turning in every direction. She could see nothing but the grey expanse of the storm all around her. Wet hair and shriveled flowers fell into her face, denying her sight as she stumbled through the nearly chest high grass. The dress grew too heavy to keep from stumbling face first into the mud. Losing the last of her grace and sensibilities, Ya Embaela truly began to cry as terror gripped her.
"Masu, Damu... DAAAAAANIC!" she called into storm but no sound save the rumbling of thunder answered her. As the storm descended upon her, so did night. She could not even find any kind of shelter to keep the rain from her, only grass and the occasional stone. She wanted to stop, she wanted to weep and wait for someone to save her, but something indistinct drove her to keep struggling well into night.
Her bones ached and her teeth chattered. Never in her sheltered life had Ya Embaela ever felt this cold. Even as the rain began to slow and eventually stop, the darkness of earliest morning kept her from any sense of direction. Still, she trudged on, except this time she knew what she was following. In the distance she heard a low steady rumble of thunder and it called to her. Surely the procession was being tugged by this same compulsive feeling as moths are drawn to flames
Even through the chill that pierced her, she could feel a faint warmth coming from the distant thunder. For a brief moment, she was sure she hear Damu's voice booming in the distance, calling to her, but she was uncertain where it came or whether or not it was even real. As the moments wore on, she began to hear more and more phantom noises. Strange trumpeting sounded above her, the ground felt unstable, clouds of colors sprang in the sky and vanished. Finally she could take no more of the fatigue and dizzying darkness and she sank into the grass.
"Oh Zchi, i feel as if i am destined to be lost out here. Have i been torn from Masu and Damu because i have been a bad child?" She began to cry gently as she wondered if this really was Zchi's way of punishing her for being a foolish child and running away in a panic. "e YA! Zchi, are you truly so cruel?" Ya Embaela half wailed, half prayed. "From the moment Tarik told me of the great Zchi i have felt a tugging at my heart to know you, yet you have abandoned me..." she fell silent, just listening to the phantom thunder and the dream trumpets intermingling with the sounds of her ragged breath. "No..." she finished "You have not abandoned me, you have strengthened me. For this I will keep going. Were it your wish to have me sent to Aurach, I would have died during the storm."
As she lifted her head, she took in a sharp breath of surprise. Laid before her was the most spectacular scene bathed in morning light. Behind her, where she'd been, lay the muddy tracks of what was once orange hardpan wastes yet beneath her muddy feet was warm black sand. Overhead giant featherless birds soared into the sunrise, trumpeting to one another in long breaths. The wind carried not the smell of grass but of the sea itself. The origins of thunder appeared to be the sea itself crashing into the polished iridescent black stone cliffs ahead of her.
"Have i truly found Zchi?" she whispered to herself. From the moment she left the procession to now, she could scarcely believe she was only five. For now, however, she could no long hold back her child-like expression of wonder and jubilation. As she ran to the edge of the cliffs to see the origins of thunder, several things happened at once.
"Ya Embaela!" Damu Elessiant called out from the distance. She jerked her head around to find the procession in the distance heading toward her. She called back to them in a fit of joy and turned too quickly for the smooth slick rock underfoot. Before she could catch herself she fell headlong into the rocky sea at the base of the cliffs.


King Elessiant had successfully led a majority of his procession to the Hillsindry Cliffside of Zchi. There were only 3 reported casualties, two elderly women and sadly, his beautiful daughter. The scouts were dispatched to track her but she was no where to be found. He had almost lost hope when he spotted a speck of red and yellow in the distance. It was Ya Embaela, running full speed to the edge of the cliffs. Had she been struck mad by fever or fear. He tried to call out to her but was far too late. Helplessly he watched her fade out of view over the edge.
King Elessiant would never outlive the rumors that she had been driven mad by fear, or even still the rumors that before the storm the Tarik had frightened her into committing suicide. Despite the rumors, King Elessiant kept his composure as they chanted their prayers to the Living God, Zchi. Deep down, he knew that they would not be seing the deity this year either. Perhaps, he reasoned as they turned their backs to the sea that night and headed home, his faith too fell into the sea that morning. Perhaps Zchi had died long ago. Afterall, it was nearly 200 harvests since Zchi had ascended from the sea to speak to his people.

The origin of thunder was still a cacophany of sound even after the procession of worshippers had departed. The sounds of a thousand plus Lasaeri wailing permeated through the labyrinth of sea caves hidden beneath their feet. He didn't mind the noise, in fact it warmed his heart that they still came, even though he had long since stopped addressing them. After all, he really wasn't a God at all was he? He was just Zchi, just Zchi alone, except this time he wasn't alone. Tucked in a corner, a small child slept peacefully despite the sounds that echoed through the cave. in the end, all Zchi had ever wanted was for the lonliness to end.


I've been thinking a good bit lately about friendships too.
I'm learning to pay much less attention to what people
say, and more attention to what they actually do. Glad
to see you blogging.


PS - Team Mort Goldman is going down this year!

PPS - If you ever cease your cynical bitchiness, I won't be
your friend no moar! :happyhop: Love ya babe
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This is a very important topic for me. Good read! I'm glad to hear that you seem to have lots of people around you, and have the luxury to hand-pick the ones you really want to get closer to. I don't know if you look at it that way yourself, due to the past experiences you mention, but hey it sounds pretty good from where I'm standing!

Of course some people have ulterior motives, like you say, but when they do it's usually rather obvious. I could cough up a wall of text on that subject alone but... moving on to the important part of this comment!

I'm going to ask that question again.....what makes a friend?
You seem to have a good idea about this already, and BrightEyes above me here has a good point too. Actions speak louder than words, but words can be needed too sometimes: Does the said person seem to care about your well-being, will he/she talk to you when you're feeling down? Does this person make you feel appreciated?

Another couple of good reflections are:
Does the person make any demands of you? (I.e. how you should act, etc. Friends are those who know who we truly are, but love us anyway.)
When your friend does you a favor, will he/she expect something in return?

I say again: Very good topic for a blog entry! If the TMF blogs had a kudos button I'd totally click it! 😀
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Well said. Sometimes it's really hard to decipher a person's true intentions. Like BrightEyes says, I tend to try to go by actions and not a bunch of fancy words. True friends have a way of proving it in the long run while the pretenders fall by the wayside.
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Good to see you're blogging! 🙂

It's an excellent and difficult question, and I feel it largely pivots on how you define "ulterior motives" (the definition of which can get stranger the more cynical you get...).

Here's the way I think of it: Friendship, like art, cannot be created and maintained in a vacuum. You can give and give and give, but unless there's reciprocation at some point, motivation runs dry, and you feel you're just throwing your effort down a well.

...but now, what is it to expect something out of your effort? If you expect anything in return, it would seem the friendship is not selfless, and if that's the case, what is your motivation? You want something out of it, don't you? Is this an "ulterior motive", too? The more cynical you get, the more likely you will be to answering that with a "yes".

But to be real, at the end of the day, all of us want something. Mostly, it's rooted in wanting to feel that we mean something. Yes, it's a "selfish" drive if you want to couch it in derogatory terms, but I like to think of it simply as a human thing. It's natural to want to feel valued and valuable, and people go about seeking this validation in many ways -- some considered less scrupulous or less substantial than others.

Some seek to fill the need for value with material things -- if one possesses objects of worth, one must have worth oneself.

Some seek to fill the need for value by drawing validations from others -- the cute flirtatious girl fishing for compliments, the lothario looking for a roll in the hay -- each provokes another into giving up some expression of value to the other.

Some find internal value in doing things for others, but even they remain encouraged by the feedback they receive from those whom they care for -- again, these things cannot be maintained in a vacuum.

We all have needs and desires. To deny that is to deny our humanity. To try to hide the fact that we have them and seek to have them satisfied is not honest, but it’s also not unusual, and is practically societal status quo, so frankly, almost all people have some level of “ulterior motives” in this fellow cynic’s opinion...


We all have to live in this world, so let’s make the best of it:

Determine whether friendships are worthwhile by gauging whether you’re getting out of it what you put in -- if they’re reciprocating sufficiently, if you’re happy, and if you feel you can trust that state of affairs to reasonably continue.

Learn to discern what folks want from you -- make them comfortable in admitting their wants, so they don’t feel the need to play some game of obfuscation -- and more importantly, discern which of the things they want are they willing to sacrifice to get another. For instance, I want many things, but I’m not willing to sacrifice or cast aside friendship in their pursuit. That’s just the way I am. I will still pursue my joys, but at a level that will not interfere with those things I value more: namely, caring friends.

Who knows? There may be a few things that I want from you, you sexy, cynical bitch, you... 😉 ...but at the end of the day, I want your friendship first and foremost, so if I perceived any other pursuit would interfere with that, I’d drop it to retain the friendship. It’s not that I’m without other drives -- I’m not - I’m human and full of various motives -- but I try to be as honest as possible, I know those things that are really valuable to me, and I intend to keep them.
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