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tickling on the road, part 1/13

Tickle-torture abduction fun!

Aragorn;631 said:
Tickling on the Road: Part One
by: Kutyo
--> not me, so I'm not taking any credit

Tammi's toes wriggled. Danni lifted the nail polish brush. "Hold still,

Tammi. I can't do this if you keep moving around."

"Stop tickling, then!" Tammi said. "You know I hate it."

Danni pursed her lips. "I'm not tickling, I'm trying to put this nail

polish on so you won't look like a weirdo when we stop in the next town. I

wouldn't have to do it at all if *you* were any good at it."

"I can put my own toenail polish on, thank you."

"Yah, right. And your feet would look like a Rorschach done in passion

pink. Now hold still."

Tammi stretched out her bare foot again, and her sister continued dabbing

on the nail polish. She bit her lip hard to keep from giggling as the tiny

soft brush teased the tips of her toes. When Danni was finally done, Tammi

let out a long breath of relief.

Danni put the bottle of nail polish away and climbed into the driver seat.

"You'd save me a lot of trouble if you'd just wear shoes," she said.

"I never asked you to do it for me."

"I won't be seen with a girl whose toes look like hell."

Tammi slipped into the passenger's seat. "Whatever. You just have to be in

control of everything."

"Do not."

"Do so."

And they were off, back on the highway.

Danni and Tammi Arcadia were identical twin sisters. They were red-haired

and freckle-faced, tall, voluptuous, and well-toned from daily aerobics.

They had borrowed their friend Steve's van and were on their way up

Highway Five to visit their cousin Becky. Becky lived in the tiny town of

Decibug deep in the pine forests of Northern California.

Steve's van was a rolling home. It was old-style big, not new-style mini.

There was a small refrigerator, a thirteen-inch TV, and Steve has even

used his VISA Gold Card to get a new eighteen-inch satellite dish that

gave the van, on good days, all the channels cable had. And, of course,

there was a small but exceedingly comfortable bed in the back. Tammi had

snoozed much of the trip away on it.

Now they were only an hour and a half from the turnoff. Another hour down

a narrow but paved road, and they would be at Becky's.

Unfortunately, when Tammi wasn't sleeping, she was bored. Even the lush

green of the forests palled after a while, and she'd forgotten to bring a

book. "Well..." she muttered.

"Don't even start," Danni said. "Go back to sleep if you're gonna bitch."

"Fuck you. At least let me drive."

"We need to get there in one piece."

"Let me drive or I'll kill you."

"Now *that* scares me."

Tammi silently cursed herself. Danni knew her too well. She slumped back

into the bucket seat and watched the road.

They went by a gas station and a diner, and about a mile later, a hitchhiker.

"Stop! Stop!" Tammi yelled.

"Way ahead of you!" Danni crushed the brake to the floorboard and the van

fishtailed to a burning halt. Gears ground, and they backed up.

Tammi rolled her window down. "Hi. Need a ride?"

"Thank you!" said the hitcher.

Tammi scrambled around and slid open the side door. She offered her hand

to help the hitcher up.

The hitchhiker undid and pulled off a red bandanna, liberating a wavy

corona of deep chestnut hair that swirled around a dark-eyed, alabaster

face with dimpled cheeks. She wore khaki shorts, sturdy walking shoes, and

a short-sleeved safari shirt. She was shorter than the twins, with small

perky breasts, full thighs, and the beginnings of a sunburn. She arched

her back to pull the straps of her pack off her shoulders, and the twins'

eyes locked on her titties as they pressed against the shirt.

"Thank you!" she said again. "I was hoping I wasn't going to have to walk

all the way to Seattle."

Tammi smiled. Danni smiled from the driver's seat. "At your service," they

said simultaneously.

"Oh, you're twins. How cute! You look exactly alike!" The hitcher smiled

warmly, and the dimples deepened.

"My name's Tammi, and that's Danni." Tammi took her pack and put it on the


"I'm Beth Cordova."

Tammi offered Beth the passenger seat but she shook her head. "No, no, you

had shotgun. I'll just take the floor, here." She plopped down between the

seats and tucked her pale legs under her.

Danni got them back on the road. She and her sister couldn't resist

glancing at their new passenger. Beth Cordova was cuter than hell, with a

bright expressive face and an endearing smile. "You're on your way to

Seattle?" Danni asked.

"Uh huh." A perky nod made her hair flow like quicksilver. "I'm going up

to see my family for Christmas."

"Hitchhiking's dangerous, you know," Danni said. "Don't you have a car?"

"Oh, no. I was gonna go up with a friend, but she canceled at the last

minute. Mom's expecting me, and I can't disappoint her. I'm safe with you

guys, aren't I?" She smiled, making four Arcadia nipples pop up hard and

pebbly. She was apparently unaware of the effect she had on them.

"Where're you guys headed?"

"Decibug, up by the Oregon border. Going to see a cousin of ours," said


"Does she look like you, too?" Beth asked.

"A little, but not really," Danni said.

"You guys are so beautiful," said Beth. "I wish I had red hair and pretty

green eyes."

"You're very cute, Beth," Tammi said. Danni flashed her a surprised look.

Tammi normally was very shy. "Any girl would be happy to have your looks."

"You're sweet," Beth replied, briefly patting Tammi's knee. Tammi was in

shorts, and the touch of her soft hand on her bare skin almost made her


"That's very nice nail polish, Tammi. It makes your toes look sexy."

"Thanks." Tammi wiggled her toes, imagining the feel Beth's tongue on

them, licking

"I did the painting, actually," Danni said.

"Are your toes painted, too?"

"No," Danni answered. "Tammi's the one who's into toes."

Beth hugged her knees against her chest. "I could *never* have someone

paint my toes like that. My feet are too ticklish."

A look filled with electric excitment went between the twins. "Oh, it's

not that bad," Danni said, perfectly casual. Tammi loved the way Danni

could instantly think up a line and go with it. "Tammi's ticklish too, and

she holds perfectly still."

"Sure," Tammi said, following the lead. "It's no big deal."

"Well, maybe you could," Beth said, "but I know I couldn't. My toes are

like the rest of me--too ticklish!"

"I bet if Tammi here were to paint your toes, you could hold still for it."

Tammi picked up the nail polish bottle and unscrewed the cap.

"Nope," said Beth. "I can't stand anyone touching my toes!"

"C'mon, Beth, gimme a foot." Tammi patted her lap.

Beth smiled innocently. "Well...but you don't know how ticklish I am."

"Just try. It'll give us something to do for the next couple of miles."

"I...well, okay. Just *don't* tickle!" Beth swung a leg up and nestled her

foot in Tammi's lap.

Tammi untied her shoe and gently pulled it off. She rolled the thick

cotton sock off, revealing a tiny white foot with nubbin toes. "You have

adorable toes, Beth."

"Thank you," she said, blushing. "I think they're big and ugly."

"Nonsense! They're cute. Cuter than Danni's. Now you just keep them still,

and we'll get them painted up for you." Tammi dipped the brush into the

bottle and moved it toward her foot.

"Ooo!" Beth groaned, biting her lip and flexing her leg.

"I haven't even touched you yet!" Tammi said, laughing.

"It's gonna tickle! I know it!" She tried to pull her foot down, but Tammi

grabbed her ankle.

"Just hold still," Tammi told her. Beth relented, but her toes wriggled

for a few seconds in anxiety. Tammi waited for them to stop, then lightly

dabbled the neatly-trimmed nail on her big toe.

Beth watched with big round eyes. Her toes quivered. "Caaareful," she said

tightly. "Don't touch anything but the nail, oh-okay?"

Tammi smiled. Danni's attention flew between the road and Beth's toes.

Tammi spread the pink polish over Beth's toenail, then carelessly let the

brushtip run over the tip of the toe. Beth's knee bucked, and she

shrieked. "Eee! Oh! You did that on purpose!"

"Did not." She dipped the brush again, and held it over the second toenail.

"No, that's enough."

"C'mon, you can't go around with just *one* painted nail. It's just a

brush, Beth. Nothing to be afraid of." She started on the second nail,

making sure the soft bristles swirled beyond the nail's edge to the pink

skin on either side and on the tip of the toe.

Beth's breath caught and she clasped her thigh with both hands, trying to

hold her foot still. She quickly realized that the more she wriggled her

toes, the more they moved against the brush, and the more ticklish things

got. As Tammi slowly--ever so slowly!--went from toe to toe, she clenched

her eyes shut and tried to think about something else. *Anything* else.

It was hopeless. The brush was too much. A string of tight giggles escaped

her lips, and she jerked her foot off Tammi's lap. Three of her five toes

were painted. "I'm sorry, Tammi! I just can't hold still. I *told* you I

was ticklish."

Tammi thought a moment. "You know, I think I've got something that'll help

you hold still. Just wait a sec." As she climbed over Beth, she met

Danni's eye. Being twins, they almost always knew what the other was

thinking. Danni immediately knew what she was doing, and nodded slightly.

Tammi went into the back of the van.

"I wonder what--" Beth started to say, watching her go.

"So Beth," Danni said, touching her shoulder, "are you from Seattle?"

Beth turned to look at Danni, rubbing her tingling toes. "Originally, but

my family moved to LA a little after I was born. I lived there my whole

life, until last year, when my boyfriend and I moved to Santa Cruz."

"Why didn't your boyfriend come with you?"

"He had to work. He's a computer programmer. He--oh!" Beth exclaimed when

Tammi grabbed one of her wrists and bent it around behind her back. "What

are you doing?"

"Helping you hold still, silly girl!" Tammi replied as she closed a pair

of stainless-steel handcuffs around her wrist with a heavy click. She

quickly caught hold of her other wrist, brought it around behind her back,

and closed the cuffs around it as well. Click!

Beth wriggled and pulled against the cuffs. "Now, wait a minute, what's

going on? Why'd you do that?" She wasn't angry, just confused. She looked

up at Tammi, who seemed quite self-satisfied. "Let me go, okay?"

Tammi shook her head.


"Nope. C'mon." Tammi turned her toward the back of the van by her

shoulders and pulled her toward the bed. Beth moved on her knees,


"What are you going to do? Let me go, okay? I don't--"

Tammi pushed her gently onto the bed. Beth worked herself into a sitting

position, and watched as the redhead pulled a couple of scarves from an

overnight bag. She tied one around Beth's half-painted foot at the ankle.

Beth kicked. "Now, wait! Look, this isn't necessary! Why are you doing


Tammi sat on her ankles and went about tying them to the corners of the

bed. Cuffed, there wasn't anything Beth could do to stop her. "Just relax,

'kay?" Tammi said soothingly. "Everything's gonna be fine. You said you

couldn't hold still, so I'm gonna help you learn to hold still." Tammi

paused in tying an ankle and looked at her. "Listen, I'll let you up if

you really want, but think about it. Wouldn't you love to have pretty

painted toes?"

"Well, yes, but--"

"Then the best thing would be to learn how to hold still so someone can

paint them. Right?"

Beth hesitated. She *loved* how beatiful and sexy Tammi's toes were, and

she had always hated her own. Everybody had said they were sexy, including

her boyfriend, but she had never believed it. She really thought some

polish like Tammi's would make them much nicer. But she was so ticklish...

"Let's just try it again, okay? I mean, just let me up and we can try


"Beth, the only way for you to learn how to stand painting is to go

through it and learn to deal with how it feels. You might even get to like


"Like it? Oh, no, never! I'll never like being tickled. But..."

Tammi went back to tying her ankle. "But?"

"You toes are *so* pretty! I...I don't know--"

Tammi stood over her. Beth lay with her legs spread by her bound ankles,

her back arched because her arms were trapped under her. She squirmed and

found herself awkwardly trapped. "Just for a few minutes. I'll finish

doing what I started and then we'll see. 'Kay?"

"I...well, maybe...you'll stop after doing that one foot? You *swear*

you'll stop after that and let me up if I want?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die, and all the rest. Promise."

"Well--if you promise. Okay."

Tammi smiled and caught the bottle when Danni tossed it over her shoulder.

"Let's get started then." She sat down on the bed between Beth's feet and

considered the bare, bound foot that awaited her. Her nipples were hard

under her shirt, and she could feel warm moisture beginning to trickle

down into her panties. Looking up, she saw Danni's eyes in the rearview

mirror, saw her wink.

Tammi's back blocked Beth's view. She couldn't see exactly what Tammi was

doing, but she soon felt the gossamer touch of the brush on the very tip

of a toe, and jerked at the electric feelings it ignited. "Eeee! Hee hee!

Be c-careful, Tammi!"

Tammi *was* being careful. She carefully spiralled the brushtip around the

tip of her forth toe, then around the tiny ball, then in between that toe

and the pinky. All the tootsies wriggled, splayed wide, then clenched

together so hard the knuckles turned white. Beth spluttered, then giggled

hard. "T-Tammi! Hee hee hee heeeee! St-stop! Are you d-doing this on


"Of course I am! I have to tickle you in order to teach you to stand

tickling. Silly." She twirled the brush up and down the line of wriggling

toes, going from the big toe to the pinky and back.

"St-stop! Hee hee hee hee eeeee! N-no more! Let me up! Hee hee hee hee

hee!" Beth threw her head side to side, her hair flying in a rich brown

swirl, eyes tightly shut. Her boobs strained against her hiking shirt.

"Tickle, tickle, tickle!" Tammi said, running the brush up and down her

instep. She left squiggly trails of passion pink all over Beth's toes and

sole, until the brush went dry, and she kept brushing the pink foot, up

and down, up and down. Beth burst into a nonstop stream of helpless

giggles interrupted by hiccups. The hiccups grew worse and the giggles

became desperate laughter when Tammi abandoned the brush and used her

fingernails to titillate the sole, following the delicate wrinkles in the

tender skin. A few seconds of fingernail tickling on one foot made her


Moving to the other foot, Tammi untied her shoe, pulled it off, and peeled

the sock off. Still giggling, Beth felt the cool air on her newly-bared

foot, looked down, and struggled until she was sitting up. "N-no, no!

P-lease, stop! Don't tickle me anymore! Untie me!"

Tammi grinned at her, knelt at the end of the bed, and took her foot tight

in her hands. "Such cute footsies! And so tickly! Tickly feet!" She gave

each tootsie a hard, wet kiss. Her lips sealed around each one and sucked

hard while her tongue flicked over them. She kissed each one twice, went

to the other foot and did likewise, then returned to the first foot and

took almost five minutes to suck its toes again, adding a brief nibble to


Beth tried to kick against the scarves, lost her balance, and fell back

down. Her eyes rolled as her tortured nerve-endings felt Tammi's tongue

and teeth tease them. "N-nooo! D-Danni, please, m-m-make her stop! She's

*kissing* my feet! Oh, no no no! Hee hee hee heee--eeeeeeeeee!"

"She's just trying to help you, Beth," Danni replied.

Tammi began tickling again, scrubbing the bottom of first one foot, then

the other, with the nails of both hands at the same time. She loved to

watch the tiny rows of tootsies contort and twist, rubbing against each

other like little frightened mice scurrying over one another to find

cover. After about ten minutes, she stretched her arms apart and tickled

both feet at once, driving a new round of breathless, heated laughter from

the bound hitchhiker.

"Ahhhh--hah hah hah ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--oh

G-God--ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ahahahahahahaaa! St-st-s-s-ha ha ha ha

ha ha ahahaheeeeeee!" Her feet wriggled in ticklish agony.

As she drove, Danni stole glances in the rearview mirror. A few minutes of

Beth's helpless laughter was all it took to make Danni's clit swell so

that its tiny tender head poked out of its protective sheath and rubbed

against the front cotton panel of her panties. She adjusted herself in the

seat and reached down into her shorts with her right hand, extending her

forefinger to burrow through her curly pubic hair. She slid down into the

moistening folds of her sensitive pussy lips, into the soft flesh of the

opening of her love tunnel, and onto her clit. The tiny bud twitched under

her finger, and she sighed. She began to rub, and her lower body filled

with glowing warmth and the beginnings of an urge to pee.

After a few more miles, during which Tammi continued to torture their

passenger, Danni was at the edge of orgasm, holding herself there because

she didn't dare cum while she was driving or she'd probably wreck the van

and kill them all. Being forced to listen to the laughter without taking

part in the tickling was driving her crazy...

Finally, Danni couldn't stand it anymore. "Tammi! Let's switch, 'kay?"

"No way!" Tammi replied, playing pinchie-tag with Beth's pinky toe. She

pinched it, making Beth wriggle it away helplessly, then made another

pinching motion toward it without touching it. Beth tried to pull away

again, whimpering and giggling at the same time. "I'm having too much fun,


"C'mon. My turn."

"Nope! Beth's mine to play with."

Danni pulled over to the side of the highway and turned on the emergency

blinkers. Leaving the engine running, she climbed out of the driver's seat

and made her way back to the bed. "I *said,* my turn! I can't stand just

listening to this."

"That's your problem. Mine is trying to make her pee in the next ten

minutes." Tammi kept tickling the wildly flailing feet as she talked.

Danni pouted, irritated. "Well, I wanna make her pee, too! Be cool, Tammi."

Tammi smiled. "You just *hate* it when I don't do what you say, don't you?

You're such a bossy bitch."

Danni glared, but softened. "Look, let me tickle her for a while, til we

reach Williamsburg, then we can park and we can both tickle her."

"Capital idea, my girl!" Tammi said. She looked at Beth, whose eyes were

streaming tears down her flushed cheeks. "How's that sound to you, Beth?"

Beth shook her head, horrified. "No! No, please! Pleeeze! I beg you,

don't! Listen, just d-drop me off, okay? Or don't drop me off--just stop

tickling me! Oh, PLEEEZE, stop tickling!"

Tammi got into the driver's seat. Danni got up on the bed and straddled

Beth. The brown-eyed girl looked up at her, eyes pleading. Danni only



lawl, well it was definitely one of the funnier Twilight parodies I've seen. XD

A movie companion book basically tells you a lot of what went on behind-the-scenes (and it usually has lots of color photos). I'm a sucker for learning about how certain films were made and all the technical details that are put into them. ^^;;
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:rowfull: Thanks for the laugh, guys! 😀 Hope you have a great weekend, Amanda! :twohugs:
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Ooohkay, not sure what's going on in here but before I slowly back outside again I just wanna say you just made me crave cheeseburgers. 😱

Evil pandabear... 😛
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LMAO! That is winsauce. :bwahaha:

Same to you, Tom. 🙂

You wantz cheezburgrs now? 😱 Hey, I did warn you with the title. ;D
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