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Stuck #4: Hot Coffee MF/f


4th Level Red Feather
May 5, 2001
Stuck #4: Hot Coffee


By TickleMantis

Lilly looked at the two giant piles of heavy burlap bags and furrowed her brow. The petit twenty year old just wanted to serve coffee, but she hadn’t worked at the coffee shop as long as the other staff and as a result often ended up doing the less desirable jobs. This job in particular was most undesirable. As usual, the burly deliverymen had hauled the bags of coffee beans into the storeroom, but they never once bothered to stack them neatly. Instead that fell to Lilly, who tied her jet black hair into a quick ponytail and begrudgingly picked up the first heavy bag.

Stacking the bags one by one, it took the olive skinned young woman nearly an hour to organize. Being as short as she was the wall of bags didn’t ever manage to get more than five and a half feet high, but with a bit of extra strength the last few could be awkwardly thrown on top. Almost like bricks, Lilly had placed them against the wall two-deep and gone upwards from there. Feeling lazy, the last few bags were simply tossed into the top corner with great effort. It looked good, apart from that top corner, but by that point the green eyed girl simply didn’t care.

Finally finished, Lilly leaned back against the giant stack of sacks and stretched her voluptuous young frame, reaching her arms high above her. Craning her arms back with a yawn, the dark haired girl bent her elbow over the top, her fingers intertwined as her forearms rested atop the grand coffee bean wall. Suddenly, with no warning and barely any kind of sound at all, the messy pile of bags in the top corner collapsed sideways. Before she even knew what had happened the young waitress’ forearms were pinned beneath the bags, arms trapped up and behind her, elbows either side of her head.

“Eep!” The startled twenty old squeaked, and tugged at her arms with no change.

Standing on tiptoes the heavy bags had fallen at the height of the silly girl’s stretch. Now, pulling and wincing against the weight atop her arms, Lilly stood with her short frame stretched, her white lace ups barely touching the concrete floor. Looking down over her short sleeved black t-shirt and sensible black pants the trapped girl continued to struggle, pressing her shapely butt against the stack and pulling as best she could. Two minutes of fruitless tugging and groaning later, Lilly threw in the towel. Ridiculous as it was, she was well and truly held in place.

“Lilly…?” Dee’s voice called curiously after another ten minutes of hanging around. “Lilly, are you in here?”

“…Over here, Dee!” Lilly replied in a mousy tone, more than a little embarrassed by her strange predicament.

“What…hahaha!” The tall blonde forty one year old buckled forward with laughter when she walked around to see her young coworker caught beneath the coffee bags. “Oh my! What on Earth happened? Haha!”

“I just-nff!- I was just standing….well, I stretched and....” The young woman pulled at her arms uselessly as if to demonstrate her position. “…I don’t know, the stupid things just fell on me! I can’t get out…”

“Ohohoho! Oh Lillian, whatever’s to be done with you?” Dee chuckled, her large milky cleavage jiggling as she laughed.

“Just-uhn- can you…can you get me out of here?” Lilly struggled again as the older woman approached.

Dee stood nearly 6ft and was one of the nicest people Lilly had ever met. Her bubbly personality had shined from their first day working together and they’d been close friends ever since. With a sunny smile, long blonde locks and the figure of an Amazon the she made a lot in tips. Between them, both Lilly and Dee were a dynamic pair, popular with the customers, quick to smile and always friendly. Not to mention they both loved a good gossip after hours. Dressed much the same as Lilly, Dee looked her younger coworker up and down and burst out laughing once again.

“Haha! Oh, I have to show Steve!” The voluptuous blonde grinned and turned to go back the way she came.

“No, please!” The younger woman implored suddenly at the thought of further embarrassment. “Don’t tell Steve, please!”

“Alright, alright, I was only joking!” Dee smiled and turned back toward Lilly. “You know if he sees you he’s going to say you didn’t stack them properly…?”

“I know, I know!” Lilly replied and kicked the pile of bags with her heel, irritated at herself and the silly situation. “I’ll do it properly, I swear! Just help me out.”

“Okay…let’s see.” The older woman said thoughtfully as she looked the olive skinned girl up and down, her bright blue eyes stopping on a small slither of exposed midriff where the twenty year old’s t-shirt had hiked up.

“You might need to get a ladder…?” The young woman asked, Dee’s sudden pause in activity being somewhat odd.

“Maybe…just tell me one thing before I get you down…” The voluptuous blonde said with a wry smile across her full red lips as she wiggled two long nails quickly across the small length of Lilly’s exposed tummy. “…does this help?”

“Eeeheehee!” Lilly giggled suddenly and squirmed against the coffee sacks. “No it doesn’t!”

“No? Gee…well, how about this?!” Dee grinned playfully and looked her young friend square in the eye as she wriggled all ten of her well manicured nails across Lilly’s tummy.

“Heehee! No! Heeheeiihee!” The dark haired girl answered through her high pitched giggling as the older woman’s feather light touch made her dance awkwardly in place. “Eeeheehee! Come on, quit it!”

“Oh it’s not that bad!” The statuesque blonde relented, letting Lilly hang limp once again.

“You’re so mean!” The busty young waitress said with a hint of laughter in her voice.

“Mean am I?” Dee said the fake offense and narrowed her eyes, a cheeky smirk growing across her face as she wiggled her fingers a couple of inches from Lilly’s tummy.

“No! No, I mean nice!” Lilly quickly changed her tune and sucked her well toned stomach in, backing into the stack of bags as best she could.

“Too late now, I’m just a big meanie!” The forty one year old teased and sent her fingernails flurrying across the trapped girl’s lower tummy.

“Eeeeeheeheee! Ohnohoplease! Deeheehee!” The defenseless girl squealed as her friend’s long nails ran rampant across her bare skin.

Kicking her legs, Lilly jumped in any direction she could but never got more than a couple of inches. Forcibly pulled back to the middle by her own arms there was no respite from Dee’s devious digits. Unfortunately for the sensitive twenty year old she knew full well that even if her arms were free, the older woman would have easily had the upper hand. No matter how playful or lighthearted the easy going waitress always seemed to collapse into a giggling mess whenever anyone ran their fingers across her skin. Being unable to defend herself, even for a brief moment of horsing around between friends, was a terribly frightening thought.

“What the heck are you two doing?” Steve’s deep voice boomed suddenly as he appeared beside the shelves. “We’ve got nearly thirty customers out here and more coming in the door, quit messing around!”

Standing taller than Dee with short dark hair and wide shoulders, Steve was a generally kind and friendly boss, albeit stern when he had to be. Owner of the café, the thirty five year old man ran a tight ship, and there was scarcely a customer who walked away unhappy because of it. With hands on hips the girl’s large boss stood frowning, unimpressed by the silly game before him.

“Bye Lilly!” Dee smiled and avoided eye contact with both Steve and her young friend as she quickly shuffled back to work.

“Hey!” Lilly called out as the tall blonde woman quickly ducked out and she was left to stare sheepishly back at her boss. “Um…I was doing the bags and…”

“I don’t need to hear it.” The large man interrupted and stepped further into the room until he loomed a dark shadow over the much smaller girl. “If you’d have stacked these properly like I told you, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“I’m sorry, I just…” The petit girl replied as she starred up at her irritated boss before being cut off a second time.

“You were just being lazy.” Steve said and began walking back towards the door. “Well good work, you can take the last half hour off. Maybe next time you’ll think about that before cutting corners.”

“…what…wait!” Lilly called, her words falling on deaf ears as the handsome coffee shop owner disappeared back behind the shelves. “You can’t just leave me here! …Hey!”

Sure enough, that’s exactly what he did. Left to hang in the storeroom for over half an hour, the muffled sounds of a busy café her only company. Every few minutes Lilly would try and free herself again, straining to slide her arms out from under the weight of the coffee beans. Planting her feet against the pile the dark haired girl heaved and hoe’d until her cheeks flushed red and it was still no use. As the sounds from out front began to fade the remorseful twenty year old ceased her escape attempts and determined to wait it out. Steve had already said his piece and was always quick to make friends again, fear of further scolding wasn’t a problem. They’d make fun of her for sure but that came with the territory of being slightly clumsy, nothing the young woman couldn’t handle with a little self-depreciating humor.

“Okay, Lilly?” Steve’s voice asked from behind the shelves coupled with the sounds of his and Dee’s footsteps, the café locked and silent behind them.

“Oh yes, just having fun hanging here!” The green eyed girl replied with mock enthusiasm.

“Good…” The clean shaven fellow said as he and Dee appeared, walking toward the cheeky young woman. “…I guess we can leave you there until tomorrow then?”

“Oh, I don’t know…” Dee said with the same playful smile as before. “…if we leave her up there, I’m not sure I can resist tickling that tummy of hers!”

“Is that what you two were doing earlier?” Steve raised an eyebrow and took clear notice of his young employee’s slightly exposed bronze midriff. “I wondered what all the noise was about.”

“Oh yes, little Lilly is quite the giggle box!” The busty blonde insisted and ran five fingers quickly across the trapped girl’s lower tummy.

“Eeeff!” Lilly squeaked and pursed her lips, forcing the laughter back.

“Ticklish are you?” The looming man asked and suddenly the petit girl felt even smaller than usual.

“No! I mean yes, but not much!” Fumbling her words the panicked girl saw she was surrounded and couldn’t think what to say. “…Can I go home now?”

“Well, let’s see…we could go home…but…” The word ‘but’ made Lilly’s stomach sink as Steve took a step back and looked curiously back and forth between the two women. “…I think it might be more fun to let Dee tickle you for a bit. What do you think Dee?”

“Sounds good to me!” The energetic blonde replied to Lilly’s instant horror, and positioned herself directly in front of the hanging girl.

“Noho! No, don’t! Oh please, Steve!” Looking at her boss with wide pleading eyes and a sense of nervous disbelief the poor girl squirmed with anticipation. “Don’t let her!”

“Here I coooome…” Dee taunted her young friend and poised all ten long nails menacingly in the air.

“Nodohon’t! Pleheese!” The older woman hadn’t even made contact but Lilly had already begun to giggle, the thought of Dee’s long nails raking across her skin a humiliating and terrifying prospect. “Please Deehee! Don’t tickle me! Don’tdon’t!”

“Closer….closerrrr…” The boisterous woman teased, her hands slowly creeping ever closer toward Lilly’s tender skin.

“Ohnooo! Don’t do it!” Lilly closed her eyes tight and shook her head as if hoping to wish it all away.

“Aaaaaand…” Dee’s smile turned into a full blown grin as she quickly scribbled every nail all over her coworkers ticklish lower tummy. “Tickle time!”

“Neeeeiiiheehee! OhnohohopleaseSteeeeve!” Erupting with schoolgirl giggles the vulnerable girl twisted and turned hoping a few seconds would be the end of it.

Flashing another wide eyed look of terror toward her boss the sensitive young woman saw no sympathy in his face. Watching on from several feet away with apparently no emotion, Steve’s expression remained plain. Not having enough concentration to consider whether or not the handsome older man had a good poker face, Lilly’s focus was forced elsewhere. Laughing delightfully to herself Dee seemed to think the twenty year old’s helpless squealing was just the cutest thing, letting her fingers run wild across the small expanse of midriff.

“Such a giggly girl!” The buxom blonde said, not seeming to realize just how torturous her playfulness really was. “Didn’t I tell you she was a little giggle box?”

“PleaseDee! Eeeheehee! Deeheeestop!” The fitful girl squeaked, her fleshy cleavage bouncing beneath the thin cotton t-shirt.

“You know, that does look like fun…” Steve interjected and placed a hand gently on Dee’s shoulder, guiding her backward. “…mind if I have a turn?”

“Go right ahead!” Dee chimed before Lilly even knew what was happening.

“Wait! Wait, no!” The frightened girl begged as Dee took several steps back and her boss came forward, both hands already clawing toward her. “No more, come on you guys! This isn’t fair!”

“Fair’s fair!” The large man countered as he loomed over the petit and anxious girl, his fingers already snaking their way up under her shirt.

“Nohohohoooo! Pleaheese! Dee, help me!” Lilly laughed through her words with nervous anticipation.

“Kootchy koo!” Steve said in his deep baritone voice and immediately squeezed the ticklish twenty year old’s sides, his hands firmly gripped around her bare sensitive skin.

“Aiieeehahaha! Nonoohohahaha!” A short scream of surprise was followed no longer by giggling but full on laughter as Lilly bucked back and forth.

Rummaging around under the poor girl’s shirt the slightly smirking older man found plenty to amuse himself. Rapid goosing up and down her sides was followed by a series of soft rapid pinching, the young woman switching between giggling and laughing without an ounce of control. Unable to predict her bosses’ next move, Lilly yelped with fright each time he did something new, a sound the thirty five year old café owner apparently relished. Switching techniques frequently, Steve tickled his trapped employee’s tender midsection for nearly a full three minutes.

“Hahaha! M-make him stop! Aaheehee! Ohno! Neeheehe!” Lilly continued to roll and buck what little her awkward position would allow, the tall man suddenly spidering all ten fingers over her abdomen making her practically speechless with rapid fire giggles. “Eeeheehee! Eeeeeeheeeheee!”

Hiking the helpless girl’s shirt up higher as it rested atop his wrists, Steve exposed the entirety of her tanned tummy without having to pause his attack. His smirk turning to a smile, the thirty five year old eagerly ran his fingertips all over, down her heaving abdomen, up the sides, along the bottom, across her hips, for poor Lilly it felt like fingers were everywhere. Maddening though it was the vulnerable waitress still managed to flash an occasional look of despair toward Dee, who only appeared to look more amused each time.

“My turn, my turn!” The forty one year old blonde said excitedly clamping her hands together.

“Ahano! No more turns!” The bare bellied waitress said as Steve stepped back, letting the shirt drop and cover her once again. “Please let me go!”

“No, no, I think Lilly’s right. No more turns.” Steve said plainly to Dee before turning back and looking down at the younger waitress. “Let’s both just tickle her.”

“No! Ohno!” Lilly’s green eyes darted quickly between her two tormentors as they closed in around her, both of them with terrifyingly playful smiles. “Please, you can’t! You can’t!”

“I think she’s a little worried…” Dee said, her concern clearly fictional.

“Worried? Don’t worry little Lilly…” The large man played along and raised his hands toward the trembling girl. “…we’ll cheer you up!”

“Ohno, pleaseyouguys! Seriously, seriously!” The dark haired girl stressed with disbelief as she watched the blonde woman’s hands rise up to join her bosses’. “D-d-don’t tickle me, please, oh pleeeeease!”

“So polite!” The older blonde woman titled her head as if impressed by a clever child. “Too bad we have to tickle you!”

“No pl-EEEEEII!” Lilly screamed as the twenty collective fingers of both Steve and Dee ran wild across the top of her shirt. “Hahahaiiee! Ahahstopstaahaha!”

Kicking frantically against the pile of bags, the poor girl twisted and turned but there was no safe place. Racing across the thin cotton of her t-shirt, the two ticklers poked around the stretched girl’s tummy and dug cruelly between her taut ribs. Unbeknownst to Lilly her genuine pleas for freedom were having quite the opposite effect, each ‘please’ and desperate ‘no’ or ‘stop’ only serving to egg her attacker’s on. Like a pair of hungry monkeys thrown into a room full of bananas, Dee and Steve clawed, grabbed, pinched, stroked, poked and did anything else they could think of to make their young coworker squeal. By the two minute mark Lilly’s face was flushed red and after nearly five whole minutes the pitiful girl’s expression was a contorted mix of forced laughter and misery.

“Let’s get rid of this!” Dee declared suddenly, taking grip of Lilly’s t-shirt and sliding it upward.

“Hh-hey!” The harmless young woman whined between deep breaths as the t-shirt was being shuffled over her hefty bosom. “Don’t do that! Hhh! Cut it out!”

“Aw, I think she misses being tickled!” Steve teased as he watched Dee lift the shirt, Lilly’s olive skinned boobs held in only by a lacy yellow bra.

“Don’t fret Lilly dear, we’ll get back to you in a second!” Dee’s cheeks rose with her smile as she quickly pulled the black shirt up over her coworker’s head and bunched it tightly up around her crooked elbows. “We just need more places to have fun!”

“Y-you can’t be serious!” Lilly bellowed as she looked down at her exposed torso, the bright yellow bra her top half’s only protection. “You-you…please! Please don’t tickle me, not like this!”

“Not like this? How would you prefer we tickle you?” The tall dark and handsome man asked rhetorically and got only a nervous silence in reply. “No answer? Like this it is!”

“Ohnocomeon, no!” The horrified girl sputtered before the twenty fingers were dancing their way over her bare skin. “Nono! Ah! Ah! Ahahahaaaa!”

Breasts jiggling as they bounced spasmodically beneath the bra, Lilly felt feathery tingling from the neck down. Keeping their respective assaults light, both Steve and Dee barely made contact as their fingertips glided over the vulnerable girl’s sensitive skin. Across her heaving rib cage, down the small of her back, along her hips, lower tummy, they were everywhere. A sudden flurry of fingertips all crawling over her midriff at once resulted in alarmed screeching followed by a stream of high pitched giggling. Dastardly poking across the young woman’s hips sent her into fits of full blown belly laughter and when Steve viciously hooked his finger under her bottom ribs the hypersensitive girl nearly wet herself.

“Oh Stephen, I’ve just had the most wicked idea!” The voluptuous blonde waitress cooed with pride as she relented her long nails from a particularly ticklish tummy attack. “Stand back, let me show you!”

Complying, although not quite right away as he drilled his fingers in between a few soft ribs first, the dark haired man took a few short steps backward. Panting heavily, Lilly craned her head back and sighed with relief, looking back to see Dee standing directly in front of her. Taking deep breaths the young waitresses’ pace quickened when the blonde woman raised her hands up high, long nails wiggling slowly in the open air. Looking quickly to Steve it was clear she would get no mercy there and focused back to Dee’s menacing digits. Coming closer and a painfully slow rate their target was clear, Lilly’s stretched taut, silky smooth, fully exposed and agonizingly ticklish underarms.

“I…I have to get home!” Lilly lied blatantly, unable to pry her eyes from the ten wiggling fingers advancing toward her. “I-I have…an appointment!”

“Tut tut little Lilly!” Dee teased, her long nails scarcely two inches from the younger woman’s deep hollows. “Such a fibber! You know what happens to fibbers, don’t you…?”

“Oh! Oh please, no!” The twenty year old’s eyes darted side to side, pulling herself up, trying to climb away but those deadly digits were still less than inch away. “Nnnnnnplease!”

“Fibbers get tickled!” The Amazonian forty one year old took great delight in stating her new rule and cruelly raked all ten long nails down the entire length of Lilly’s heartbreakingly smooth underarms.

“EEEHAHAHA! AAHAHA! NOOOHOHOOO!” Screaming with laughter the poor girl dropped immediately, arching her back and shaking from side to side.

Mouth wide in a smile she fought to diminish, Lilly tossed and turned, legs kicking wildly. Sliding her nails back up and raking them down again, Dee made sure her crazed new toy kept bucking, thrusting forward and back in violent waves of electric like shock. Watching his petit employee crazy with involuntary laughter, her bronze tanned cleavage bouncing hypnotically, Steve subtly adjusted his swelling erection. The trapped waitress had lost all control, her voluptuous frame straining for freedom, anything to get out from under the torturous tickling.

“Ow!” Dee jumped back suddenly, leaning forward and placing both hands on her right shin. “She kicked me!”

“Lilly, really…” Steve said with fake disappointment as he put a caring hand on the blonde woman’s shoulder. “…there’s no need for that.”

“I’m sorry! Hhh! I didn’t mean it!” Lilly apologized as she gasped for air, the kick having been a complete accident. “I couldn’t- I didn’t know!”

“That’s it missy, you’re in trouble now!” The pained older woman looked up, both hands nursing her battered shin.

“No, please! I’m really sorry!” Her genuine apology aside the scantily clad girl couldn’t imagine what new nightmare her coworker was plotting. “Please, I’ll do whatever you want! I was just- it…it tickled so much and I couldn’t-“

“Excuses, excuses!” Dee shook her head and released her shin, quickly snagging Lilly’s right ankle in her hands.

“Haha! Now we’re talking!” Steve laughed with excitement and followed suit, quickly leaning forward and taking a firm grip of his young employee’s left ankle.

“…no.” Lilly whimpered softly as the two ticklers turned their backs on her, lifting her legs as they stood upright. “Please…I can’t….I can’t take it! I’ll do anything, I swear, anything you want! Don’t! No! NO!”

Feeling both of her black lace up pumps begin to slide over her heels, the captive twenty year old descended into a distressed panic. Holding an ankle each under the crooks of their arms, Lilly’s two older coworkers stood to the outside of her legs and simultaneously used their free hands to grip the bottom of her shoes. Twisting and kicking wildly it took quite some effort to maintain their respective holds, clamping their arms firmly as the two sadists revealed a pair of petit white cotton socks. In unison, both Steve and Dee tossed the young woman’s shoes to the cold concrete floor and grinned devilishly at one another.

“Socks, or no socks?” The dark haired thirty five year old asked to no one in particular, his eyes fixated on the struggling girl’s squirming left foot.

“Neither! Neither! Please let me GO!” Fearful quivering clear in her voice the rattled girl continued to beg for all she was worth.

“Both!” The busty blonde replied and without a seconds more hesitation immediately ran five fingers across her sock covered sole.

“NEHEEEIIIIIEE!” Lilly shrieked and clenched her eyes shut as Dee’s devious digits frolicked across the thin white cotton.

Not one to miss out, Steve wasted no time joining in. Darting his own five fingertips all over the twenty year old’s devastatingly ticklish foot sent her thrashing. With both of her small feet barely protected, poor Lilly was beside herself. Not quite able to fathom the sheer dread of her situation the squealing waitress still couldn’t believe her bad luck, even as it was happening. To have someone, anyone, tickle her hypersensitive feet for even a moment was frightening but for it to happen when she was utterly helpless and outnumbered was just inhumane.

Unable to speak real words and almost unable to even form consonants, Lilly was a wreck of constant laughter. Steve and Dee varied in everything from touch to technique and the difference was nothing short of maddening. Dee’s long nails raked painstakingly up and down, lazily dragging over the thin cotton that wrapped right around the twenty year old’s heel. Steve’s fingertips poked and stroked, digging under her toes where the white cotton bunched and kneaded the balls of her feet for unwanted hilarity. Holding on tight the pair struggled to keep hold of their tickle toy’s legs, her knees bending and pulling and tugging with strength fueled by pure terror.

“And now, for the grand reveal…” Dee teased and hooked an index finger under the rim of Lilly’s small cotton sock.

“Ahuh!” The petit girl gasped for air and a sudden sob escaped her throat when she felt both socks being slowly pulled over her delicate feet. “Hngh! Noho! Noho! Don’t do it!”

Of course, they ignored her completely. Lilly’s tiny toes squirmed like ten terrified baby birds at the mercy of a cat. Now barefoot, the trapped young woman’s creamy soles wrinkled with anticipation as she continued to kick for freedom. Seeing her socks tossed carelessly aside caused a lump in the poor waitresses’ throat. Unable to see what her captures were doing, the normally cheery faced girl’s expression contorted into a look of complete anguish. Sensing the excitement of Dee and Steve as they fought to hold her in place, Lilly couldn’t help but tear up at the thought of what was to come.

“Ready little Lillykins?” The buxom blonde turned her head with a friendly smile and a wicked wiggle of her fingers.

“Dee, PLEASE!” Lilly made sure to look right at her friend, the trapped girl’s own green irises surrounded by white, so wide with panic were her eyes.

“She’s ready!” Steve declared and dragged a single finger down the entire length of his employee’s soft bare arch.

“NOHOOOOO!” The sockless girl screamed and was immediately set upon by both her coworkers. “PLENOHOHA! AAHAHAHA!”

From weakly struggling misery to outright ballistic thrashing, Lilly screamed with ticklish laughter. Five fingers on each foot scribbled randomly, under her toes, down her insteps, up the arches and spidering cruelly around the berserk girl’s heels. The tears that had begun to well in her eyes dripped freely down the vulnerable girl’s flushed red cheeks. Insane with forced, howling laughter the bare foot waitress shook her head, the lose ponytail slipping free and letting her long black hair cascade over her shoulders.

Surprised by their trapped coworker’s intense reaction, Steve and Dee exchanged wide eyed glances. Neither one wanting to stop and talk, the dastardly pair returned silently to their merciless game. Sharing the same broad, eager smiles, the older waitress and dark haired manager tickled with abandon, dancing their fingers over every inch of Lilly’s frantically wiggling feet. Dancing nails sped over the hysterical girl’s arches, across her toes and spiraled down to her soft tender heels. Curling her toes and stretching them again, flailing her feet in every direction, there was no respite. Steve and Dee didn’t even let the poor ticklish waitress catch her breath, so ruthless were they in their determination.

“Oh Lilly, I could just tickle you all day!” Dee teased and forced the howling girl’s toes back, raking her well manicured nails down the stretched smooth arches.

“YEEEEIIIGGHHAHA!” Lilly’s vocal chords strained as she screamed toward the ceiling, the older woman’s long nails tailor made for torture.

Eliciting shrieks so loud they were usually reserved for wounded animals, Steve mimicked the blonde woman’s action. With his bicep wrapped firm around Lilly’s ankle, the dark haired man was easily able to press her small toes backward, the creamy white sole becoming taut and free of wrinkles. Taking his free hand the cruel manager explored the screaming twenty year old’s bare foot, paying extra attention to the sublimely sensitive are beneath her toes. A sudden throb beneath his boxers reminded the thirty five year of the growing hardness between his legs, a jolt that distracted him just enough to lose grip.

“Ahuhhh!” The bare foot waitress wailed when the tickling stopped, her left leg falling down against the bags, toes barely touching the cold concrete floor.

“I’ve got an idea!” The lustful older man said as he looked at Dee, who still stood with Lilly’s right ankle locked under her arm. “Quick, put her down…”

As ordered, the forty one year old blonde lowered Lilly’s ankle with much more care than Steve had done the right. Stepping back, Dee looked the young woman up and down, a tickled mess of rosy red cheeks, mussed hair and tears dripping from her chin as she gasped desperately for air. All too eager to step in, the handsome café owner practically jumped forward, his large hands pawing hastily at Lilly’s trouser front. Unsnapping the girl’s pants button the big man had the twenty year old’s zipper down within seconds, and just as quickly tugged them downward. In no fit state to fight back the poor girl could only pant and whimper as her black trousers were bunched around her ankles, tugged over her feet and callously tossed aside.

“Huhh! Hhu! No…pleeeeaase…” Lilly whined as she blinked tears from her eyes, now hanging in nothing more than her lacy yellow bra and white red poker-dotted panties. “Deeheehee…huhuh…no morehorhor…”

“I think…” Dee said, taking her young friend’s chin between her thumb and index finger while looking her in the eye. “…she wants more!”

“No! Hhhhh! No more!” The tormented girl took a long deep breath and cried, her voice slightly hoarse and jaw aching from the constant unstoppable laughter.

“No more rests!” Steve added and with a sadistic toothy grin began viciously lobster clawing at the trapped girl’s supple rib cage.

“Aaaaahahaha! Nohoooo!” Lilly shook, the large man’s fingers digging deep into the soft sensitive spots between each rib.

In nothing more than her thin cotton underwear, the helpless twenty year old had never felt so vulnerable. Defenseless and surrounded by two people whose intentions appeared only to make her suffer, Lilly screamed from both ticklishness and her own abject horror. It had been quite some time since the hypersensitive young woman had been tickled last, and at least then it had been one on one, and she’d been able to fight back. Not so with Dee and Steve. Driven by an ever growing lust the thirty five year old’s focus was locked squarely on his young employee’s bobbing boobs. Goosing her ribs repeatedly, the tall man’s lustful throbbing increased, painfully pressing against his belt line.

Curiously, Dee noticed with a surprised smile, Steve wasn’t the only one with visible arousal. Through all the kicking, thrashing, uproarious laughter and dim light of the storeroom it had nearly flown under her radar, but the observant older woman still noticed. Low down on the front of her panties, the young ticklish waitress had a small patch of white turned slightly damp grey. Gliding her eyes upward confirmed it, Lilly’s pert nipples poking through the yellow bra, she was hornier than a virgin at an orgy.

“Woah there, big guy!” The voluptuous blonde said and pulled back on Steve’s shoulder, stopping his animalistic assault. “Allow me…”

Wordless and sobbing, Lilly didn’t even bother fighting back as Dee slid her hands around the young woman’s back and deftly unsnapped her bra. Taking the cups in hand, the forty one year old raised the bra upward, over the young woman’s biceps and it bunched it around her elbows. Stepping back, Steve swallowed with wide eyes as he examined the trapped waitresses’ buxom bare breasts. Round fleshy melons starred back the dark haired man, light brown nipples rigid with aroused pressure.

“But wait…” Dee said, Steve’s eyes not moving an inch as the older woman hooked her index fingers around the elastic rim of Lilly’s panties. “…there’s more.”

“Nnnnnno….” Lilly squirmed as she felt the cool air of the storeroom brush against her smooth hairless pussy, the liquid lust dripping hot down her thighs.

Squeezing her legs together the topless twenty year old fought to keep the last remaining piece of clothing, but it was no use. In her weakened and near exhausted state Lilly could feel the cotton sliding between her thick thighs, snapping between her knees and then falling easily down over her lower legs. Completely naked it was only then that the horny young woman noticed how turned on she really was, a unintended and shocking side effect of her predicament. Why the olive skinned girl had become so aroused she couldn’t say, perhaps it was the humiliation or being dominated by her coworkers, having their hands crawl all over her, a mix of all three. Whatever it was, the nude girl knew it certainly wasn’t the nightmarish tickle torture.

“Go ahead.” The buxom blonde said plainly with a nod as she stood up and dropped the damp panties to the floor.

“NOOOO!” The petit girl screamed suddenly as Steve tore his shirt off revealing the muscular torso beneath and launched toward her, fingers clawing the air and a frightening starved hunger in his eyes. “EEEEIHEE! GETHIMOFAA! AAAHAHAHA!”

Somehow, as his large arms coiled around her and his fingers pinched and pawed at Lilly’s bare flesh, Steve seemed to be everywhere. Nuzzling between her head and shoulder the tall man’s long wet tongue licked furiously at the squealing girl’s slender neck. The big man’s impressively toned pecks pressed against the much shorter girl’s bosom, fingers stroked her ballooning boobs and burrowed into her underarms, poking between her ribs and dancing mercilessly over the nude girl’s tummy. With the rough burlap sacks against her back and the primal man’s muscular frame pressing into her front, the young waitresses’ entire world had become very small, occupied by her own naked body and her bosses’ inescapable tickling.

Ravenously, the shirtless older man gripped at the trapped girl’s bare flesh, his mouth sliding down over her jiggling breast. As his hands squeezed her ribs, hungry lips suddenly engulfed Lilly’s swollen nipple. Ticklishness outweighing pleasure, the young waitress squealed with panicked laughter, a rush of warm lust jolting through her nubile frame. Fingers raced up the squashed sides of her breasts and danced maniacally under Lilly’s arms, violent thrashing her only freedom left. Further down her quaking body the berserk girl’s soaking pussy pumped a river of thick lust down her kicking thighs, the handsome man’s ravaging attack turning her on almost as much as it tortured her.

All but forgotten about by the two randy individuals, Dee stood looking on with a content smile. Steve’s erection was ready to leap out of his pants and Lilly’s arousal ran down her leg as a light sheen of sweat began to coat both of them. As the chiseled café owner kissed and sucked downward, his hands gripped the young girl’s shapely behind and squeezed. Her face twisting into the wide eyed expression of a lunatic, saliva ran from the corner of the twenty year old’s mouth as Steve’s tongue drilled into her navel. Heaving with excruciating force the poor nude girl’s bucking was subdued as the older man held her tight.

“HEEHEEEEIIE N-NOHOO!” Lilly shook her head as she could feel her bosses’ hot wet mouth move lower, across her lower tummy and down. “D-don’t leEEEIHEE! Don’t let him! AHAHA! DEE!”

Kissing cravingly at the crease between the pleading girl’s thigh and drenched wet pussy, Steve wrapped his large biceps around the back of her knees and gripped the top of Lilly’s voluptuous thighs. As she fought to squeeze her legs together the older man hoisted her up, planting the hyperticklish girl’s legs over his burly shoulders. Holding the struggling young waitress in place the dark haired man ran small kisses all around her thighs, licking the hot juices and biting softly at her flesh. Every nerve ending on high alert, Lilly couldn’t stop her frenzied laughter, her bosses’ fingers digging cruelly into her sides.

“OHNO! UHAHA! D-DON’T!” The maddened girl screeched when she noticed Dee coming toward her through tear blurred vision, the blonde woman’s nails wiggling through the air.

“Don’t worry little Lilly…” Dee said, her words drowned out by the volume of Lilly’s helpless laughter. “…it’s just a little tickling!”

“NO-OOOH! AHAHA! AHAHA! AHAHAAAAA!” The nude waitress bellowed, as the forty one year old’s long nails skittered under her arms and Steve’s long wet tongue suddenly swiped across her tender clit. “AAH! AAH! AAAHAHAEEE!”

With his hands clamped firmly around her thighs the kneeling man fought to pry Lilly’s legs apart. His head squeezed, ears pressed in, Steve employed a snake like speed as he flickered the tip of his tongue. Fit to burst, the sweat soaked young woman could already feel the magma hot pressure of arousal pushing between her thighs. Teetering dangerously close to the edge it seemed the only thing holding the bewildered girl back was Dee’s devious and distracting nails. Feathering in the hollows of her underarms and along the sides of her wobbling bosom, the busty blonde’s playful fingers drove Lilly insane.

Apparently intent on sending her young friend to the crazy house, the forty one year old Amazon continued to explore. Dancing her fingers underneath Lilly’s breasts made the girl giggle wordlessly, as did raking them down her heaving tummy. Spidering them up her sides made her scream and when Dee scribbled softly around the petit waitresses’ nipples a banshee’s shriek ripped from the young woman’s throat. For several long and frantic minutes the tall blonde woman stood behind Steve, leaning forward and letting her ten long nails run rampant. By the time the older woman’s fingers were squeezing Lilly’s tender rib cage the poor girl was so aroused every nerve felt like it was about to shatter.

Unable to comprehend the world around her, the drooling twenty year old barely noticed when Dee took a hold of her right ankle. Turning her back to the screaming girl, the tall blonde hooked her arm around Lilly’s lower leg. Pulling the girl’s leg taut and stretching it wide, the sadistic older woman had suddenly given Steve an all access pass. With a hand now free the dark haired man lightly stroked his fingers between the howling girl’s pussy and butt, forcing her to thrust forward into him. A series of loud husky moans mixed amongst the nude girl’s laughter as her bosses’ tongue lapped relentlessly across her clit. Tightening her bicep, Dee held firm around Lilly’s ankle, stretched her toes back and immediately raked her long nails down the entire length of the hysterical girl’s bare foot.

Tearing at the seams with lust and overwhelmed by severe ticklishness, Lilly fell into squeaking, silent laughter. Dripping with sweat and tears, her long hair sticking to her skin the tortured waitress kicked her free leg. Arms aching and jaw sore from the unending laughter, the twenty year old could only hope she would pass out as Dee’s long nails danced around her heel and Steve’s talented tongue coiled around her clit. The hot lust boiling, her pussy steaming, a sudden throb sent tingling up the red faced girl’s spine. A second shocking pulse made Lilly squeal and a third caused every inch of her naked skin to crackle with electric pleasure.

“AWN! UUUHN! UUH!” Lilly shook violently as if a demon gripped her soul and wailed loud, guttural moans.

Her toes spread wide and every muscle tensed, the young woman’s eyes closing tight and bursting open wide. Her left leg wrapped tight around Steve’s shoulder and her right pulled wildly to escape Dee’s tickling. The buxom blonde held firm and though she’d let Lilly’s toes curl the older woman’s nails continued to play. Shaking her head and gritting her teeth, the twenty year old’s long black hair splayed from side to side. Suddenly, the long awaited eruption of molten pleasure exploded, ripping a wave of lust throughout the trapped girl’s petit frame. Mouth opening wide in a giant O the olive skinned girl thrashed as a thunderous orgasm racked her young body, her clits sensitivity skyrocketing.

Despite her state of hysterical bliss, Lilly was still able to somehow comprehend the notion of disbelief. As her body quaking orgasm began to subside, unbelievably, her attackers did not. Steve’s tongue continued to lick furiously with no sign of slowing its pace and Dee’s deft digits carried on their hellishly ticklish assault. Lost to a world of titillation, the young woman’s body screamed with post orgasmic sensitivity, the clit licking and foot tickling more intense than ever before. Having long since lost any control, the very concept of resistance totally alien to her, the tortured young woman didn’t hold back as a second cataclysmic orgasm rocked her weary body.

“Steve…Steve…” Lowering Lilly’s leg the statuesque blonde spoke softly to her engrossed boss, his mind miles away as he continued devouring the poor girl’s pussy. “…Steven!”

“…Huh?” The ravenous man responded dopily when he felt Dee’s hand on pull at his shoulder. “What’s up?”

“I think she’s spent.” Dee replied, motioning her eyes up to the limply hanging twenty year old.

Tingling all over, ‘spent’ was probably an understatement. Drenched in sweat, the dark haired girl was dizzy from sexual release. As she hung from the stack of coffee beans, her bald pussy dripping with saliva and steaming lust, Lilly didn’t even twitch. Her legs draped lifelessly over her bosses’ shoulders, her arms aching and tears staining bright cheeks it wasn’t even clear if she was conscious, unconscious or waving in between the two. The nude girl’s bare breasts swelled up and down as she breathed, weakly sucking it in and wheezing it out.

“Ahh…” Steve said after careful examination of his exhausted employee, the erection in his pants still pressingly painfully against his belt line.

“Time to go home, I think.” The forty one year old said with the same friendly smile that kept customers coming back.

“Uh…yeah.” The tall man replied, a little dazed as he picked his shirt up off the floor. “What um…what are we going to do about Lilly?”

“Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of our girl.” Dee said in a caring tone as the handsome man slipped his shirt back on.

“I guess uh…I guess we got a little carried away.” Steve said as he buttoned up his shirt and looked Lilly up and down. “So uh…you sure you’re okay dealing…with this?”

“No problem at all.” The older woman said confidently and gave a small wave. “You go on home, we’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thanks…tell Lilly she can come in late.” The dark haired man said like an after thought as he disappeared out the back door.

“Now then…” Dee said once the door had clicked shut behind Steve, turning her attention back toward Lilly. “…I’ve got you all to myself…”

The End.​
I'd just like to tell you that your writing has drastically improved since your first stories. The stories themselves were always great, but the writing had quite a few spelling and grammatical errors that could pull a reader out of the story. Those have all but disappeared. I am extremely impressed. :)
Wow, thanks! :D

I started writing well over ten years ago, while still in my (late) teens...these days I never read my old work, it makes me shudder -but you've got to start somewhere. I also began by writing stories in my mailbox and saving them to drafts, no spell check, no grammar correction, and worst of all, some of those early stories didn't even have proper paragraphs!

Thanks for the kind words firewolf, most appreciated :D
Hey Mantis!

That was awesome, mate! I had only just come across this little gem yesterday, and wanted to tell you how deliciously evil it was! I love how relentless you are. A lot of my work was inspired by your style of willingness to ruthlessly torment these sexy fictional characters, and I'm still in such awe of your creativity. :)

Thank you again for sharing!
Each story is better than the last. Can't wait for the next one.
You should get in touch with MTJ Publishing. Your stories would make awesome e-comics!
Thanks scdfres!

As it happens I do work with MTJ fairly often! Along with Darkharp we've produced 5 issues of our comic Annie The Amateur Pirate, and I've had several story books published as well :D

America Ferrera is a fine choice, definitely the kind of look I was going for with Lilly.
Any new "Stuck" stories coming?

There's always more stories of every series in the works! I have a slew of ideas for Stuck scenarios, it's just a matter of finding the time to write and balancing out the other projects. I'll admit Stuck has probably been the slowest of the lot to come out with any kind of loose regularity, but it's never forgotten! :D
I'm so excited to see this again :) I've been trying to refind this for so long!
Everything I've written (with the exception of work published through MTJ) is right here in my TMF Archive! :D
Stuck #4: Hot Coffee


By TickleMantis

Lilly looked at the two giant piles of heavy burlap bags and furrowed her brow. The petit twenty year old just wanted to serve coffee, but she hadn’t worked at the coffee shop as long as the other staff and as a result often ended up doing the less desirable jobs. This job in particular was most undesirable. As usual, the burly deliverymen had hauled the bags of coffee beans into the storeroom, but they never once bothered to stack them neatly. Instead that fell to Lilly, who tied her jet black hair into a quick ponytail and begrudgingly picked up the first heavy bag.

Stacking the bags one by one, it took the olive skinned young woman nearly an hour to organize. Being as short as she was the wall of bags didn’t ever manage to get more than five and a half feet high, but with a bit of extra strength the last few could be awkwardly thrown on top. Almost like bricks, Lilly had placed them against the wall two-deep and gone upwards from there. Feeling lazy, the last few bags were simply tossed into the top corner with great effort. It looked good, apart from that top corner, but by that point the green eyed girl simply didn’t care.

Finally finished, Lilly leaned back against the giant stack of sacks and stretched her voluptuous young frame, reaching her arms high above her. Craning her arms back with a yawn, the dark haired girl bent her elbow over the top, her fingers intertwined as her forearms rested atop the grand coffee bean wall. Suddenly, with no warning and barely any kind of sound at all, the messy pile of bags in the top corner collapsed sideways. Before she even knew what had happened the young waitress’ forearms were pinned beneath the bags, arms trapped up and behind her, elbows either side of her head.

“Eep!” The startled twenty old squeaked, and tugged at her arms with no change.

Standing on tiptoes the heavy bags had fallen at the height of the silly girl’s stretch. Now, pulling and wincing against the weight atop her arms, Lilly stood with her short frame stretched, her white lace ups barely touching the concrete floor. Looking down over her short sleeved black t-shirt and sensible black pants the trapped girl continued to struggle, pressing her shapely butt against the stack and pulling as best she could. Two minutes of fruitless tugging and groaning later, Lilly threw in the towel. Ridiculous as it was, she was well and truly held in place.
This can’t be the same Lilly as #1; the descriptions are different even though the names are the same.
“Lilly…?” Dee’s voice called curiously after another ten minutes of hanging around. “Lilly, are you in here?”

“…Over here, Dee!” Lilly replied in a mousy tone, more than a little embarrassed by her strange predicament.

“What…hahaha!” The tall blonde forty one year old buckled forward with laughter when she walked around to see her young coworker caught beneath the coffee bags. “Oh my! What on Earth happened? Haha!”

“I just-nff!- I was just standing….well, I stretched and....” The young woman pulled at her arms uselessly as if to demonstrate her position. “…I don’t know, the stupid things just fell on me! I can’t get out…”

“Ohohoho! Oh Lillian, whatever’s to be done with you?” Dee chuckled, her large milky cleavage jiggling as she laughed.

“Just-uhn- can you…can you get me out of here?” Lilly struggled again as the older woman approached.

Dee stood nearly 6ft and was one of the nicest people Lilly had ever met. Her bubbly personality had shined from their first day working together and they’d been close friends ever since. With a sunny smile, long blonde locks and the figure of an Amazon the she made a lot in tips. Between them, both Lilly and Dee were a dynamic pair, popular with the customers, quick to smile and always friendly. Not to mention they both loved a good gossip after hours. Dressed much the same as Lilly, Dee looked her younger coworker up and down and burst out laughing once again.
Dee is nice, likely an important characterization.
“Haha! Oh, I have to show Steve!” The voluptuous blonde grinned and turned to go back the way she came.

“No, please!” The younger woman implored suddenly at the thought of further embarrassment. “Don’t tell Steve, please!”

“Alright, alright, I was only joking!” Dee smiled and turned back toward Lilly. “You know if he sees you he’s going to say you didn’t stack them properly…?”

“I know, I know!” Lilly replied and kicked the pile of bags with her heel, irritated at herself and the silly situation. “I’ll do it properly, I swear! Just help me out.”

“Okay…let’s see.” The older woman said thoughtfully as she looked the olive skinned girl up and down, her bright blue eyes stopping on a small slither of exposed midriff where the twenty year old’s t-shirt had hiked up.

“You might need to get a ladder…?” The young woman asked, Dee’s sudden pause in activity being somewhat odd.

“Maybe…just tell me one thing before I get you down…” The voluptuous blonde said with a wry smile across her full red lips as she wiggled two long nails quickly across the small length of Lilly’s exposed tummy. “…does this help?”

“Eeeheehee!” Lilly giggled suddenly and squirmed against the coffee sacks. “No it doesn’t!”

“No? Gee…well, how about this?!” Dee grinned playfully and looked her young friend square in the eye as she wriggled all ten of her well manicured nails across Lilly’s tummy.

“Heehee! No! Heeheeiihee!” The dark haired girl answered through her high pitched giggling as the older woman’s feather light touch made her dance awkwardly in place. “Eeeheehee! Come on, quit it!”

“Oh it’s not that bad!” The statuesque blonde relented, letting Lilly hang limp once again.

“You’re so mean!” The busty young waitress said with a hint of laughter in her voice.

“Mean am I?” Dee said the fake offense and narrowed her eyes, a cheeky smirk growing across her face as she wiggled her fingers a couple of inches from Lilly’s tummy.

“No! No, I mean nice!” Lilly quickly changed her tune and sucked her well toned stomach in, backing into the stack of bags as best she could.

“Too late now, I’m just a big meanie!” The forty one year old teased and sent her fingernails flurrying across the trapped girl’s lower tummy.

“Eeeeeheeheee! Ohnohoplease! Deeheehee!” The defenseless girl squealed as her friend’s long nails ran rampant across her bare skin.

Kicking her legs, Lilly jumped in any direction she could but never got more than a couple of inches. Forcibly pulled back to the middle by her own arms there was no respite from Dee’s devious digits. Unfortunately for the sensitive twenty year old she knew full well that even if her arms were free, the older woman would have easily had the upper hand. No matter how playful or lighthearted the easy going waitress always seemed to collapse into a giggling mess whenever anyone ran their fingers across her skin. Being unable to defend herself, even for a brief moment of horsing around between friends, was a terribly frightening thought.

“What the heck are you two doing?” Steve’s deep voice boomed suddenly as he appeared beside the shelves. “We’ve got nearly thirty customers out here and more coming in the door, quit messing around!”

Standing taller than Dee with short dark hair and wide shoulders, Steve was a generally kind and friendly boss, albeit stern when he had to be. Owner of the café, the thirty five year old man ran a tight ship, and there was scarcely a customer who walked away unhappy because of it. With hands on hips the girl’s large boss stood frowning, unimpressed by the silly game before him.

“Bye Lilly!” Dee smiled and avoided eye contact with both Steve and her young friend as she quickly shuffled back to work.
Describe as kind and stern but Dee quickly ran off. Because of duty? Fear? Dee has been tickled by Steve before? (see how I reach)
“Hey!” Lilly called out as the tall blonde woman quickly ducked out and she was left to stare sheepishly back at her boss. “Um…I was doing the bags and…”

“I don’t need to hear it.” The large man interrupted and stepped further into the room until he loomed a dark shadow over the much smaller girl. “If you’d have stacked these properly like I told you, you wouldn’t be in this mess.”

“I’m sorry, I just…” The petit girl replied as she starred up at her irritated boss before being cut off a second time.

“You were just being lazy.” Steve said and began walking back towards the door. “Well good work, you can take the last half hour off. Maybe next time you’ll think about that before cutting corners.”

“…what…wait!” Lilly called, her words falling on deaf ears as the handsome coffee shop owner disappeared back behind the shelves. “You can’t just leave me here! …Hey!”

Sure enough, that’s exactly what he did. Left to hang in the storeroom for over half an hour, the muffled sounds of a busy café her only company. Every few minutes Lilly would try and free herself again, straining to slide her arms out from under the weight of the coffee beans. Planting her feet against the pile the dark haired girl heaved and hoe’d until her cheeks flushed red and it was still no use. As the sounds from out front began to fade the remorseful twenty year old ceased her escape attempts and determined to wait it out. Steve had already said his piece and was always quick to make friends again, fear of further scolding wasn’t a problem. They’d make fun of her for sure but that came with the territory of being slightly clumsy, nothing the young woman couldn’t handle with a little self-depreciating humor.

“Okay, Lilly?” Steve’s voice asked from behind the shelves coupled with the sounds of his and Dee’s footsteps, the café locked and silent behind them.

“Oh yes, just having fun hanging here!” The green eyed girl replied with mock enthusiasm.

“Good…” The clean shaven fellow said as he and Dee appeared, walking toward the cheeky young woman. “…I guess we can leave you there until tomorrow then?”

“Oh, I don’t know…” Dee said with the same playful smile as before. “…if we leave her up there, I’m not sure I can resist tickling that tummy of hers!”

“Is that what you two were doing earlier?” Steve raised an eyebrow and took clear notice of his young employee’s slightly exposed bronze midriff. “I wondered what all the noise was about.”

“Oh yes, little Lilly is quite the giggle box!” The busty blonde insisted and ran five fingers quickly across the trapped girl’s lower tummy.

“Eeeff!” Lilly squeaked and pursed her lips, forcing the laughter back.

“Ticklish are you?” The looming man asked and suddenly the petit girl felt even smaller than usual.

“No! I mean yes, but not much!” Fumbling her words the panicked girl saw she was surrounded and couldn’t think what to say. “…Can I go home now?”

“Well, let’s see…we could go home…but…” The word ‘but’ made Lilly’s stomach sink as Steve took a step back and looked curiously back and forth between the two women. “…I think it might be more fun to let Dee tickle you for a bit. What do you think Dee?”

“Sounds good to me!” The energetic blonde replied to Lilly’s instant horror, and positioned herself directly in front of the hanging girl.

“Noho! No, don’t! Oh please, Steve!” Looking at her boss with wide pleading eyes and a sense of nervous disbelief the poor girl squirmed with anticipation. “Don’t let her!”

“Here I coooome…” Dee taunted her young friend and poised all ten long nails menacingly in the air.

“Nodohon’t! Pleheese!” The older woman hadn’t even made contact but Lilly had already begun to giggle, the thought of Dee’s long nails raking across her skin a humiliating and terrifying prospect. “Please Deehee! Don’t tickle me! Don’tdon’t!”

“Closer….closerrrr…” The boisterous woman teased, her hands slowly creeping ever closer toward Lilly’s tender skin.

“Ohnooo! Don’t do it!” Lilly closed her eyes tight and shook her head as if hoping to wish it all away.

“Aaaaaand…” Dee’s smile turned into a full blown grin as she quickly scribbled every nail all over her coworkers ticklish lower tummy. “Tickle time!”

“Neeeeiiiheehee! OhnohohopleaseSteeeeve!” Erupting with schoolgirl giggles the vulnerable girl twisted and turned hoping a few seconds would be the end of it.

Flashing another wide eyed look of terror toward her boss the sensitive young woman saw no sympathy in his face. Watching on from several feet away with apparently no emotion, Steve’s expression remained plain. Not having enough concentration to consider whether or not the handsome older man had a good poker face, Lilly’s focus was forced elsewhere. Laughing delightfully to herself Dee seemed to think the twenty year old’s helpless squealing was just the cutest thing, letting her fingers run wild across the small expanse of midriff.

“Such a giggly girl!” The buxom blonde said, not seeming to realize just how torturous her playfulness really was. “Didn’t I tell you she was a little giggle box?”

“PleaseDee! Eeeheehee! Deeheeestop!” The fitful girl squeaked, her fleshy cleavage bouncing beneath the thin cotton t-shirt.

“You know, that does look like fun…” Steve interjected and placed a hand gently on Dee’s shoulder, guiding her backward. “…mind if I have a turn?”

“Go right ahead!” Dee chimed before Lilly even knew what was happening.

“Wait! Wait, no!” The frightened girl begged as Dee took several steps back and her boss came forward, both hands already clawing toward her. “No more, come on you guys! This isn’t fair!”

“Fair’s fair!” The large man countered as he loomed over the petit and anxious girl, his fingers already snaking their way up under her shirt.

“Nohohohoooo! Pleaheese! Dee, help me!” Lilly laughed through her words with nervous anticipation.

“Kootchy koo!” Steve said in his deep baritone voice and immediately squeezed the ticklish twenty year old’s sides, his hands firmly gripped around her bare sensitive skin.

“Aiieeehahaha! Nonoohohahaha!” A short scream of surprise was followed no longer by giggling but full on laughter as Lilly bucked back and forth.

Rummaging around under the poor girl’s shirt the slightly smirking older man found plenty to amuse himself. Rapid goosing up and down her sides was followed by a series of soft rapid pinching, the young woman switching between giggling and laughing without an ounce of control. Unable to predict her bosses’ next move, Lilly yelped with fright each time he did something new, a sound the thirty five year old café owner apparently relished. Switching techniques frequently, Steve tickled his trapped employee’s tender midsection for nearly a full three minutes.
So far Lilly, assuming she’s a new character, is a seemingly innocent protagonist. Dee and Steve seemed to be good natured so far.
“Hahaha! M-make him stop! Aaheehee! Ohno! Neeheehe!” Lilly continued to roll and buck what little her awkward position would allow, the tall man suddenly spidering all ten fingers over her abdomen making her practically speechless with rapid fire giggles. “Eeeheehee! Eeeeeeheeeheee!”

Hiking the helpless girl’s shirt up higher as it rested atop his wrists, Steve exposed the entirety of her tanned tummy without having to pause his attack. His smirk turning to a smile, the thirty five year old eagerly ran his fingertips all over, down her heaving abdomen, up the sides, along the bottom, across her hips, for poor Lilly it felt like fingers were everywhere. Maddening though it was the vulnerable waitress still managed to flash an occasional look of despair toward Dee, who only appeared to look more amused each time.

“My turn, my turn!” The forty one year old blonde said excitedly clamping her hands together.

“Ahano! No more turns!” The bare bellied waitress said as Steve stepped back, letting the shirt drop and cover her once again. “Please let me go!”

“No, no, I think Lilly’s right. No more turns.” Steve said plainly to Dee before turning back and looking down at the younger waitress. “Let’s both just tickle her.”

“No! Ohno!” Lilly’s green eyes darted quickly between her two tormentors as they closed in around her, both of them with terrifyingly playful smiles. “Please, you can’t! You can’t!”

“I think she’s a little worried…” Dee said, her concern clearly fictional.

“Worried? Don’t worry little Lilly…” The large man played along and raised his hands toward the trembling girl. “…we’ll cheer you up!”

“Ohno, pleaseyouguys! Seriously, seriously!” The dark haired girl stressed with disbelief as she watched the blonde woman’s hands rise up to join her bosses’. “D-d-don’t tickle me, please, oh pleeeeease!”

“So polite!” The older blonde woman titled her head as if impressed by a clever child. “Too bad we have to tickle you!”

“No pl-EEEEEII!” Lilly screamed as the twenty collective fingers of both Steve and Dee ran wild across the top of her shirt. “Hahahaiiee! Ahahstopstaahaha!”

Kicking frantically against the pile of bags, the poor girl twisted and turned but there was no safe place. Racing across the thin cotton of her t-shirt, the two ticklers poked around the stretched girl’s tummy and dug cruelly between her taut ribs. Unbeknownst to Lilly her genuine pleas for freedom were having quite the opposite effect, each ‘please’ and desperate ‘no’ or ‘stop’ only serving to egg her attacker’s on. Like a pair of hungry monkeys thrown into a room full of bananas, Dee and Steve clawed, grabbed, pinched, stroked, poked and did anything else they could think of to make their young coworker squeal. By the two minute mark Lilly’s face was flushed red and after nearly five whole minutes the pitiful girl’s expression was a contorted mix of forced laughter and misery.

“Let’s get rid of this!” Dee declared suddenly, taking grip of Lilly’s t-shirt and sliding it upward.

“Hh-hey!” The harmless young woman whined between deep breaths as the t-shirt was being shuffled over her hefty bosom. “Don’t do that! Hhh! Cut it out!”
“pair of hungry monkeys thrown into a room full of bananas” is an interesting comparison. They’re stripping Lily but it doesn’t seem sexual yet.
“Aw, I think she misses being tickled!” Steve teased as he watched Dee lift the shirt, Lilly’s olive skinned boobs held in only by a lacy yellow bra.

“Don’t fret Lilly dear, we’ll get back to you in a second!” Dee’s cheeks rose with her smile as she quickly pulled the black shirt up over her coworker’s head and bunched it tightly up around her crooked elbows. “We just need more places to have fun!”

“Y-you can’t be serious!” Lilly bellowed as she looked down at her exposed torso, the bright yellow bra her top half’s only protection. “You-you…please! Please don’t tickle me, not like this!”

“Not like this? How would you prefer we tickle you?” The tall dark and handsome man asked rhetorically and got only a nervous silence in reply. “No answer? Like this it is!”

“Ohnocomeon, no!” The horrified girl sputtered before the twenty fingers were dancing their way over her bare skin. “Nono! Ah! Ah! Ahahahaaaa!”

Breasts jiggling as they bounced spasmodically beneath the bra, Lilly felt feathery tingling from the neck down. Keeping their respective assaults light, both Steve and Dee barely made contact as their fingertips glided over the vulnerable girl’s sensitive skin. Across her heaving rib cage, down the small of her back, along her hips, lower tummy, they were everywhere. A sudden flurry of fingertips all crawling over her midriff at once resulted in alarmed screeching followed by a stream of high pitched giggling. Dastardly poking across the young woman’s hips sent her into fits of full blown belly laughter and when Steve viciously hooked his finger under her bottom ribs the hypersensitive girl nearly wet herself.

“Oh Stephen, I’ve just had the most wicked idea!” The voluptuous blonde waitress cooed with pride as she relented her long nails from a particularly ticklish tummy attack. “Stand back, let me show you!”

Complying, although not quite right away as he drilled his fingers in between a few soft ribs first, the dark haired man took a few short steps backward. Panting heavily, Lilly craned her head back and sighed with relief, looking back to see Dee standing directly in front of her. Taking deep breaths the young waitresses’ pace quickened when the blonde woman raised her hands up high, long nails wiggling slowly in the open air. Looking quickly to Steve it was clear she would get no mercy there and focused back to Dee’s menacing digits. Coming closer and a painfully slow rate their target was clear, Lilly’s stretched taut, silky smooth, fully exposed and agonizingly ticklish underarms.

“I…I have to get home!” Lilly lied blatantly, unable to pry her eyes from the ten wiggling fingers advancing toward her. “I-I have…an appointment!”

“Tut tut little Lilly!” Dee teased, her long nails scarcely two inches from the younger woman’s deep hollows. “Such a fibber! You know what happens to fibbers, don’t you…?”

“Oh! Oh please, no!” The twenty year old’s eyes darted side to side, pulling herself up, trying to climb away but those deadly digits were still less than inch away. “Nnnnnnplease!”

“Fibbers get tickled!” The Amazonian forty one year old took great delight in stating her new rule and cruelly raked all ten long nails down the entire length of Lilly’s heartbreakingly smooth underarms.

“EEEHAHAHA! AAHAHA! NOOOHOHOOO!” Screaming with laughter the poor girl dropped immediately, arching her back and shaking from side to side.

Mouth wide in a smile she fought to diminish, Lilly tossed and turned, legs kicking wildly. Sliding her nails back up and raking them down again, Dee made sure her crazed new toy kept bucking, thrusting forward and back in violent waves of electric like shock. Watching his petit employee crazy with involuntary laughter, her bronze tanned cleavage bouncing hypnotically, Steve subtly adjusted his swelling erection. The trapped waitress had lost all control, her voluptuous frame straining for freedom, anything to get out from under the torturous tickling.
Steve has fallen.
“Ow!” Dee jumped back suddenly, leaning forward and placing both hands on her right shin. “She kicked me!”

“Lilly, really…” Steve said with fake disappointment as he put a caring hand on the blonde woman’s shoulder. “…there’s no need for that.”

“I’m sorry! Hhh! I didn’t mean it!” Lilly apologized as she gasped for air, the kick having been a complete accident. “I couldn’t- I didn’t know!”

“That’s it missy, you’re in trouble now!” The pained older woman looked up, both hands nursing her battered shin.

“No, please! I’m really sorry!” Her genuine apology aside the scantily clad girl couldn’t imagine what new nightmare her coworker was plotting. “Please, I’ll do whatever you want! I was just- it…it tickled so much and I couldn’t-“
It is amusing how the torturers, although that seems harsh so far, have the victim apologizing.
“Excuses, excuses!” Dee shook her head and released her shin, quickly snagging Lilly’s right ankle in her hands.

“Haha! Now we’re talking!” Steve laughed with excitement and followed suit, quickly leaning forward and taking a firm grip of his young employee’s left ankle.
I think it’s interesting that although Steve is in charge as the boss, he is mostly following Dee’s lead at this point in the story.
“…no.” Lilly whimpered softly as the two ticklers turned their backs on her, lifting her legs as they stood upright. “Please…I can’t….I can’t take it! I’ll do anything, I swear, anything you want! Don’t! No! NO!”

Feeling both of her black lace up pumps begin to slide over her heels, the captive twenty year old descended into a distressed panic. Holding an ankle each under the crooks of their arms, Lilly’s two older coworkers stood to the outside of her legs and simultaneously used their free hands to grip the bottom of her shoes. Twisting and kicking wildly it took quite some effort to maintain their respective holds, clamping their arms firmly as the two sadists revealed a pair of petit white cotton socks. In unison, both Steve and Dee tossed the young woman’s shoes to the cold concrete floor and grinned devilishly at one another.

“Socks, or no socks?” The dark haired thirty five year old asked to no one in particular, his eyes fixated on the struggling girl’s squirming left foot.

“Neither! Neither! Please let me GO!” Fearful quivering clear in her voice the rattled girl continued to beg for all she was worth.

“Both!” The busty blonde replied and without a seconds more hesitation immediately ran five fingers across her sock covered sole.

“NEHEEEIIIIIEE!” Lilly shrieked and clenched her eyes shut as Dee’s devious digits frolicked across the thin white cotton.

Not one to miss out, Steve wasted no time joining in. Darting his own five fingertips all over the twenty year old’s devastatingly ticklish foot sent her thrashing. With both of her small feet barely protected, poor Lilly was beside herself. Not quite able to fathom the sheer dread of her situation the squealing waitress still couldn’t believe her bad luck, even as it was happening. To have someone, anyone, tickle her hypersensitive feet for even a moment was frightening but for it to happen when she was utterly helpless and outnumbered was just inhumane.

Unable to speak real words and almost unable to even form consonants, Lilly was a wreck of constant laughter. Steve and Dee varied in everything from touch to technique and the difference was nothing short of maddening. Dee’s long nails raked painstakingly up and down, lazily dragging over the thin cotton that wrapped right around the twenty year old’s heel. Steve’s fingertips poked and stroked, digging under her toes where the white cotton bunched and kneaded the balls of her feet for unwanted hilarity. Holding on tight the pair struggled to keep hold of their tickle toy’s legs, her knees bending and pulling and tugging with strength fueled by pure terror.

“And now, for the grand reveal…” Dee teased and hooked an index finger under the rim of Lilly’s small cotton sock.

“Ahuh!” The petit girl gasped for air and a sudden sob escaped her throat when she felt both socks being slowly pulled over her delicate feet. “Hngh! Noho! Noho! Don’t do it!”

Of course, they ignored her completely. Lilly’s tiny toes squirmed like ten terrified baby birds at the mercy of a cat. Now barefoot, the trapped young woman’s creamy soles wrinkled with anticipation as she continued to kick for freedom. Seeing her socks tossed carelessly aside caused a lump in the poor waitresses’ throat. Unable to see what her captures were doing, the normally cheery faced girl’s expression contorted into a look of complete anguish. Sensing the excitement of Dee and Steve as they fought to hold her in place, Lilly couldn’t help but tear up at the thought of what was to come.
Steve still playing follower to his older cohort’s lead. Also more vivid animal imagery.
“Ready little Lillykins?” The buxom blonde turned her head with a friendly smile and a wicked wiggle of her fingers.

“Dee, PLEASE!” Lilly made sure to look right at her friend, the trapped girl’s own green irises surrounded by white, so wide with panic were her eyes.

“She’s ready!” Steve declared and dragged a single finger down the entire length of his employee’s soft bare arch.

“NOHOOOOO!” The sockless girl screamed and was immediately set upon by both her coworkers. “PLENOHOHA! AAHAHAHA!”
Dee makes a point to look at Lilly and Dee is still characterized as friendly while not noticing or ignoring Lilly’s panic. Steve interestingly does not look at Lilly and finally initializes the tickling.
From weakly struggling misery to outright ballistic thrashing, Lilly screamed with ticklish laughter. Five fingers on each foot scribbled randomly, under her toes, down her insteps, up the arches and spidering cruelly around the berserk girl’s heels. The tears that had begun to well in her eyes dripped freely down the vulnerable girl’s flushed red cheeks. Insane with forced, howling laughter the bare foot waitress shook her head, the lose ponytail slipping free and letting her long black hair cascade over her shoulders.

Surprised by their trapped coworker’s intense reaction, Steve and Dee exchanged wide eyed glances. Neither one wanting to stop and talk, the dastardly pair returned silently to their merciless game. Sharing the same broad, eager smiles, the older waitress and dark haired manager tickled with abandon, dancing their fingers over every inch of Lilly’s frantically wiggling feet. Dancing nails sped over the hysterical girl’s arches, across her toes and spiraled down to her soft tender heels. Curling her toes and stretching them again, flailing her feet in every direction, there was no respite. Steve and Dee didn’t even let the poor ticklish waitress catch her breath, so ruthless were they in their determination.
Although seemingly less obvert than in previous cases, I guess this would be where the pair of ticklers crosses over into villain territory. They really seem to kick it up a notch here.
“Oh Lilly, I could just tickle you all day!” Dee teased and forced the howling girl’s toes back, raking her well manicured nails down the stretched smooth arches.

“YEEEEIIIGGHHAHA!” Lilly’s vocal chords strained as she screamed toward the ceiling, the older woman’s long nails tailor made for torture.

Eliciting shrieks so loud they were usually reserved for wounded animals, Steve mimicked the blonde woman’s action. With his bicep wrapped firm around Lilly’s ankle, the dark haired man was easily able to press her small toes backward, the creamy white sole becoming taut and free of wrinkles. Taking his free hand the cruel manager explored the screaming twenty year old’s bare foot, paying extra attention to the sublimely sensitive are beneath her toes. A sudden throb beneath his boxers reminded the thirty five year of the growing hardness between his legs, a jolt that distracted him just enough to lose grip.

“Ahuhhh!” The bare foot waitress wailed when the tickling stopped, her left leg falling down against the bags, toes barely touching the cold concrete floor.

“I’ve got an idea!” The lustful older man said as he looked at Dee, who still stood with Lilly’s right ankle locked under her arm. “Quick, put her down…”

As ordered, the forty one year old blonde lowered Lilly’s ankle with much more care than Steve had done the right. Stepping back, Dee looked the young woman up and down, a tickled mess of rosy red cheeks, mussed hair and tears dripping from her chin as she gasped desperately for air. All too eager to step in, the handsome café owner practically jumped forward, his large hands pawing hastily at Lilly’s trouser front. Unsnapping the girl’s pants button the big man had the twenty year old’s zipper down within seconds, and just as quickly tugged them downward. In no fit state to fight back the poor girl could only pant and whimper as her black trousers were bunched around her ankles, tugged over her feet and callously tossed aside.
The way the pair trade off being the leader and how they shift ideas seems to make their culpability and deviousness equal.
“Huhh! Hhu! No…pleeeeaase…” Lilly whined as she blinked tears from her eyes, now hanging in nothing more than her lacy yellow bra and white red poker-dotted panties. “Deeheehee…huhuh…no morehorhor…”

“I think…” Dee said, taking her young friend’s chin between her thumb and index finger while looking her in the eye. “…she wants more!”
It’s odd that Dee’s boss takes her Lilly’s pants off and Dee doesn’t bat an eye and want to continue. If Dee is the nicest person Lilly has ever met, Lilly must know some very interesting characters.
“No! Hhhhh! No more!” The tormented girl took a long deep breath and cried, her voice slightly hoarse and jaw aching from the constant unstoppable laughter.

“No more rests!” Steve added and with a sadistic toothy grin began viciously lobster clawing at the trapped girl’s supple rib cage.

“Aaaaahahaha! Nohoooo!” Lilly shook, the large man’s fingers digging deep into the soft sensitive spots between each rib.

In nothing more than her thin cotton underwear, the helpless twenty year old had never felt so vulnerable. Defenseless and surrounded by two people whose intentions appeared only to make her suffer, Lilly screamed from both ticklishness and her own abject horror. It had been quite some time since the hypersensitive young woman had been tickled last, and at least then it had been one on one, and she’d been able to fight back. Not so with Dee and Steve. Driven by an ever growing lust the thirty five year old’s focus was locked squarely on his young employee’s bobbing boobs. Goosing her ribs repeatedly, the tall man’s lustful throbbing increased, painfully pressing against his belt line.
Clearly not the same Lilly… isn’t it a pity.
Curiously, Dee noticed with a surprised smile, Steve wasn’t the only one with visible arousal. Through all the kicking, thrashing, uproarious laughter and dim light of the storeroom it had nearly flown under her radar, but the observant older woman still noticed. Low down on the front of her panties, the young ticklish waitress had a small patch of white turned slightly damp grey. Gliding her eyes upward confirmed it, Lilly’s pert nipples poking through the yellow bra, she was hornier than a virgin at an orgy.
“hornier than a virgin at an orgy.” Heh.
“Woah there, big guy!” The voluptuous blonde said and pulled back on Steve’s shoulder, stopping his animalistic assault. “Allow me…”
Dee’s is an interesting character, mostly because we’re not sure what she wants yet. She’s noticing everything but not really using to her advantage. Is she just a sadist? A ticklephile? Secretly hates Lilly? Something else entirely?
Wordless and sobbing, Lilly didn’t even bother fighting back as Dee slid her hands around the young woman’s back and deftly unsnapped her bra. Taking the cups in hand, the forty one year old raised the bra upward, over the young woman’s biceps and it bunched it around her elbows. Stepping back, Steve swallowed with wide eyes as he examined the trapped waitresses’ buxom bare breasts. Round fleshy melons starred back the dark haired man, light brown nipples rigid with aroused pressure.

“But wait…” Dee said, Steve’s eyes not moving an inch as the older woman hooked her index fingers around the elastic rim of Lilly’s panties. “…there’s more.”

“Nnnnnno….” Lilly squirmed as she felt the cool air of the storeroom brush against her smooth hairless pussy, the liquid lust dripping hot down her thighs.

Squeezing her legs together the topless twenty year old fought to keep the last remaining piece of clothing, but it was no use. In her weakened and near exhausted state Lilly could feel the cotton sliding between her thick thighs, snapping between her knees and then falling easily down over her lower legs. Completely naked it was only then that the horny young woman noticed how turned on she really was, a unintended and shocking side effect of her predicament. Why the olive skinned girl had become so aroused she couldn’t say, perhaps it was the humiliation or being dominated by her coworkers, having their hands crawl all over her, a mix of all three. Whatever it was, the nude girl knew it certainly wasn’t the nightmarish tickle torture.
Lilly is a ticklish bisexual(or bi-curious) submissive?
“Go ahead.” The buxom blonde said plainly with a nod as she stood up and dropped the damp panties to the floor.
Dee is definitely in control here but what’s she going to do? And why?
“NOOOO!” The petit girl screamed suddenly as Steve tore his shirt off revealing the muscular torso beneath and launched toward her, fingers clawing the air and a frightening starved hunger in his eyes. “EEEEIHEE! GETHIMOFAA! AAAHAHAHA!”

Somehow, as his large arms coiled around her and his fingers pinched and pawed at Lilly’s bare flesh, Steve seemed to be everywhere. Nuzzling between her head and shoulder the tall man’s long wet tongue licked furiously at the squealing girl’s slender neck. The big man’s impressively toned pecks pressed against the much shorter girl’s bosom, fingers stroked her ballooning boobs and burrowed into her underarms, poking between her ribs and dancing mercilessly over the nude girl’s tummy. With the rough burlap sacks against her back and the primal man’s muscular frame pressing into her front, the young waitresses’ entire world had become very small, occupied by her own naked body and her bosses’ inescapable tickling.
Just a very good description.
Ravenously, the shirtless older man gripped at the trapped girl’s bare flesh, his mouth sliding down over her jiggling breast. As his hands squeezed her ribs, hungry lips suddenly engulfed Lilly’s swollen nipple. Ticklishness outweighing pleasure, the young waitress squealed with panicked laughter, a rush of warm lust jolting through her nubile frame. Fingers raced up the squashed sides of her breasts and danced maniacally under Lilly’s arms, violent thrashing her only freedom left. Further down her quaking body the berserk girl’s soaking pussy pumped a river of thick lust down her kicking thighs, the handsome man’s ravaging attack turning her on almost as much as it tortured her.

All but forgotten about by the two randy individuals, Dee stood looking on with a content smile. Steve’s erection was ready to leap out of his pants and Lilly’s arousal ran down her leg as a light sheen of sweat began to coat both of them. As the chiseled café owner kissed and sucked downward, his hands gripped the young girl’s shapely behind and squeezed. Her face twisting into the wide eyed expression of a lunatic, saliva ran from the corner of the twenty year old’s mouth as Steve’s tongue drilled into her navel. Heaving with excruciating force the poor nude girl’s bucking was subdued as the older man held her tight.

“HEEHEEEEIIE N-NOHOO!” Lilly shook her head as she could feel her bosses’ hot wet mouth move lower, across her lower tummy and down. “D-don’t leEEEIHEE! Don’t let him! AHAHA! DEE!”

Kissing cravingly at the crease between the pleading girl’s thigh and drenched wet pussy, Steve wrapped his large biceps around the back of her knees and gripped the top of Lilly’s voluptuous thighs. As she fought to squeeze her legs together the older man hoisted her up, planting the hyperticklish girl’s legs over his burly shoulders. Holding the struggling young waitress in place the dark haired man ran small kisses all around her thighs, licking the hot juices and biting softly at her flesh. Every nerve ending on high alert, Lilly couldn’t stop her frenzied laughter, her bosses’ fingers digging cruelly into her sides.

“OHNO! UHAHA! D-DON’T!” The maddened girl screeched when she noticed Dee coming toward her through tear blurred vision, the blonde woman’s nails wiggling through the air.

“Don’t worry little Lilly…” Dee said, her words drowned out by the volume of Lilly’s helpless laughter. “…it’s just a little tickling!”

“NO-OOOH! AHAHA! AHAHA! AHAHAAAAA!” The nude waitress bellowed, as the forty one year old’s long nails skittered under her arms and Steve’s long wet tongue suddenly swiped across her tender clit. “AAH! AAH! AAAHAHAEEE!”

With his hands clamped firmly around her thighs the kneeling man fought to pry Lilly’s legs apart. His head squeezed, ears pressed in, Steve employed a snake like speed as he flickered the tip of his tongue. Fit to burst, the sweat soaked young woman could already feel the magma hot pressure of arousal pushing between her thighs. Teetering dangerously close to the edge it seemed the only thing holding the bewildered girl back was Dee’s devious and distracting nails. Feathering in the hollows of her underarms and along the sides of her wobbling bosom, the busty blonde’s playful fingers drove Lilly insane.

Apparently intent on sending her young friend to the crazy house, the forty one year old Amazon continued to explore. Dancing her fingers underneath Lilly’s breasts made the girl giggle wordlessly, as did raking them down her heaving tummy. Spidering them up her sides made her scream and when Dee scribbled softly around the petit waitresses’ nipples a banshee’s shriek ripped from the young woman’s throat. For several long and frantic minutes the tall blonde woman stood behind Steve, leaning forward and letting her ten long nails run rampant. By the time the older woman’s fingers were squeezing Lilly’s tender rib cage the poor girl was so aroused every nerve felt like it was about to shatter.

Unable to comprehend the world around her, the drooling twenty year old barely noticed when Dee took a hold of her right ankle. Turning her back to the screaming girl, the tall blonde hooked her arm around Lilly’s lower leg. Pulling the girl’s leg taut and stretching it wide, the sadistic older woman had suddenly given Steve an all access pass. With a hand now free the dark haired man lightly stroked his fingers between the howling girl’s pussy and butt, forcing her to thrust forward into him. A series of loud husky moans mixed amongst the nude girl’s laughter as her bosses’ tongue lapped relentlessly across her clit. Tightening her bicep, Dee held firm around Lilly’s ankle, stretched her toes back and immediately raked her long nails down the entire length of the hysterical girl’s bare foot.

Tearing at the seams with lust and overwhelmed by severe ticklishness, Lilly fell into squeaking, silent laughter. Dripping with sweat and tears, her long hair sticking to her skin the tortured waitress kicked her free leg. Arms aching and jaw sore from the unending laughter, the twenty year old could only hope she would pass out as Dee’s long nails danced around her heel and Steve’s talented tongue coiled around her clit. The hot lust boiling, her pussy steaming, a sudden throb sent tingling up the red faced girl’s spine. A second shocking pulse made Lilly squeal and a third caused every inch of her naked skin to crackle with electric pleasure.

“AWN! UUUHN! UUH!” Lilly shook violently as if a demon gripped her soul and wailed loud, guttural moans.

Her toes spread wide and every muscle tensed, the young woman’s eyes closing tight and bursting open wide. Her left leg wrapped tight around Steve’s shoulder and her right pulled wildly to escape Dee’s tickling. The buxom blonde held firm and though she’d let Lilly’s toes curl the older woman’s nails continued to play. Shaking her head and gritting her teeth, the twenty year old’s long black hair splayed from side to side. Suddenly, the long awaited eruption of molten pleasure exploded, ripping a wave of lust throughout the trapped girl’s petit frame. Mouth opening wide in a giant O the olive skinned girl thrashed as a thunderous orgasm racked her young body, her clits sensitivity skyrocketing.

Despite her state of hysterical bliss, Lilly was still able to somehow comprehend the notion of disbelief. As her body quaking orgasm began to subside, unbelievably, her attackers did not. Steve’s tongue continued to lick furiously with no sign of slowing its pace and Dee’s deft digits carried on their hellishly ticklish assault. Lost to a world of titillation, the young woman’s body screamed with post orgasmic sensitivity, the clit licking and foot tickling more intense than ever before. Having long since lost any control, the very concept of resistance totally alien to her, the tortured young woman didn’t hold back as a second cataclysmic orgasm rocked her weary body.

“Steve…Steve…” Lowering Lilly’s leg the statuesque blonde spoke softly to her engrossed boss, his mind miles away as he continued devouring the poor girl’s pussy. “…Steven!”

“…Huh?” The ravenous man responded dopily when he felt Dee’s hand on pull at his shoulder. “What’s up?”

“I think she’s spent.” Dee replied, motioning her eyes up to the limply hanging twenty year old.

Tingling all over, ‘spent’ was probably an understatement. Drenched in sweat, the dark haired girl was dizzy from sexual release. As she hung from the stack of coffee beans, her bald pussy dripping with saliva and steaming lust, Lilly didn’t even twitch. Her legs draped lifelessly over her bosses’ shoulders, her arms aching and tears staining bright cheeks it wasn’t even clear if she was conscious, unconscious or waving in between the two. The nude girl’s bare breasts swelled up and down as she breathed, weakly sucking it in and wheezing it out.

“Ahh…” Steve said after careful examination of his exhausted employee, the erection in his pants still pressingly painfully against his belt line.

“Time to go home, I think.” The forty one year old said with the same friendly smile that kept customers coming back.

“Uh…yeah.” The tall man replied, a little dazed as he picked his shirt up off the floor. “What um…what are we going to do about Lilly?”

“Don’t you worry, I’ll take care of our girl.” Dee said in a caring tone as the handsome man slipped his shirt back on.

“I guess uh…I guess we got a little carried away.” Steve said as he buttoned up his shirt and looked Lilly up and down. “So uh…you sure you’re okay dealing…with this?”

“No problem at all.” The older woman said confidently and gave a small wave. “You go on home, we’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thanks…tell Lilly she can come in late.” The dark haired man said like an after thought as he disappeared out the back door.

“Now then…” Dee said once the door had clicked shut behind Steve, turning her attention back toward Lilly. “…I’ve got you all to myself…”

The End.​

Wonderful how after a certain point Lilly and Steve are just lost in sensation and it’s all Dee and her machinations. And when Steve comes back to reality he basically just says “Oopsie” and leaves. Then there were two. I really want to know more about the character Dee.
I've been looking for this story for years...so glad I've found it again :blush2:
I've been dying for TickleMantis to continue his Stuck series. Theyre all works of pure Gold in my opinion
I've been dying for TickleMantis to continue his Stuck series. Theyre all works of pure Gold in my opinion

True that. TickleMantis' work is one of my favorite sections in this forum, so I'm always jazzed to see new stuff.
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