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Cali and Friends Bios

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2nd Level Orange Feather
Sep 27, 2002
(NOTE: Each bio includes a pic at the bottom)


REAL NAME: Caledonia Gustafson

SIGN: Aries

CAT AFFINITY: American Shorthair (Calico)

CAT QUIRK: Calis quirk is really more of a blessing. Near perfect balance that attributes her skill in extreme sports.

AGE: 21

HEIGHT: 5'7"


EYES: Gold

HAIR: Orange and Green


FETISHES: Tickling (delivering and recieving) Minor foot fetish

BIRTHDATE: April 15th 1981

ETHNICITY: Scottish/Norwiegan

PLACE OF BIRTH: Rockaway Beach, NY

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Guitar, Singing, Skateboarding, Video Games, Rollerblading, Boxing, Rugby, Getting High

TURN ONS: People who arent afraid to be themselves, fun loving nature, nice eyes...

TURNS OFFS: Narrow mindedness, people who judge, preppies and posers...

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Cali is your quintessential party girl with no limits or boundaries to her behavior. Shes always ready to have fun or come to the aid of a good friend. Shes incredibly head strong, indipendent and if you ever stare at her chest when you talk to her she'll knock your teeth out.

BACKGROUND: Cali grew up in a Bungalow housing development nestled in Rockaway Beach, Queens NY. Living in the massive extended family that is a Bungalow community, she quickly learned how to relate well to nearly all ages and personality types. Earlier on she became enthralled with the Punk music movement coming out of New York and began to learn guitar by the time she was 6. Soon after she started hanging out with the skateboarders on the boardwalk, learning their craft. To say she was an active child is an understatement, on top of all this she was training with a boxing coach. Now she could rock, skate and kick some ass.....you'd think she was perfectly suited for the inner city....that is until her family packed up and moved out to the suburbs of long island when she was 12. This was like slow suffocation for our heroine.

Cali felt lost in school, not knowing how to relate to the suburban kids. For the first time in her life, she was fraid to be herself and slowly began to retreat inward, becoming an introvert. This was up until fate interviened. Two kids on her block were being harrassed by a bully. Cali arrived and swifly laid waste to the unsuspecting knucklehead and forever established herself among her classmates. She was "That crazy street chick" at first, but then grew to be loved and respected by many, including her future best friend Isa.

By the time Cali got to High School, Isa had become like her sister and the two had begun serious talk about starting a band. After many failed attempts they thought they would never find the right sound. Both of them worked at a local bar&coffee house known as "The Writers Block" that had a nightly open mic. Having successfully faked their ages, they both got jobs as bartenders/waitress' and were a nightly attraction on the stage. With Cali on bass and Isa on acoustic, they would perform on their breaks. Rarely at the same time though, one usually had to remain working. It was always an interesting transition, Isa's melodious ballads followed up by Cali jamming out and belting out mind-blowing vocals.

One night fate came into play once again. The best live band in the area, "Meats of Evil" was scheduled to play. They were known for outstanding instrumentals and drumming but the lead singer wasnt quite right in the head. Cali and Isa had met their drummer, Petra, a few months earlier working at the music store they frequent a lot. Backstage a fight had broken out between the lead singer and lead guitarist over creation rights to their title track "My head is sewn to the carpet". Some harsh words were said and next thing you know, both had stormed out in two different directions leaving a stunned Petra and two other band members in the dust. Petra came to the bar and explained the problem to Cali and Isa. After calling over the rest of the band and some quick planning, Cali made an announcement that the bar would be closed for the next 15 minutes. The place responded sourly, until that is Meats Of Evil came onto the stage with two new guitarists/vocalists. Cali and Isa gave the group what it was missing and worked over the crowd so well, they didnt even care the bar had been closed for an hour! After some format changes, switching to a lighter ska sound than the screaming hardcore style of the previous lead singer and adding a horn section, Giant Radioactive Rubber Pants was born.

MUSIC: Ska, Punk, Metal, Classical, Techno, Industrial, Alternative, Celtic.
FAV BANDS: Catch 22, OLD Metallica, Daft Punk, Tilt

STRENGTHS: Persevearance, strength, strong will and a damn nice fashion sense...

WEAKNESS': Cali has a problem with Indulgence. She over indulges in the pleasures of life with little self control (drinking, partying, etc.)

PETS: none

SPORTS: Skateboarding, Snowboarding, Rollerblading, Boxing
FOR FUN: Sitting up on top of the Wakupogue drive in theater smoking with her friends, training, terrorizing the neighborhood on her skateboard, excersizing, sitting in her room listening to loud music (or playing it)

INTERESTING FACTS: Cali has 8 piercings; 2 in her left ear, 1 in her right, a ring in her left brow, stud in her lip, a ring in her right nipple, ring in her navel and....um...we'll leave it at that. The chinese symbols on her arm read "Life" and "Death" and the tattoo on her calf is Japanese. "Neko Chan" literally translates into "Cute Cat".

FAV FOOD: Anything spicy, Japanese Chinese, anything with Ranch Dressing, Mac n Cheese (with the real cheese sauce, not the powdered shit) and croutons.


FAV CLOTHING: Her devil girl baby-T

WHATS NEW: Just started her second semester in college, has a great group of friends and all looks well. Plus some wierd guy moved into that house on top of the hill...


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REAL NAME: Isabella Torres

SIGN: Aquarius

CAT AFFINITY: Havana Brown

CAT QUIRK: When Isa is aroused or in an overly pleasant/friendly mood, she has the tendency to purr which becomes louder with the growing mood.

AGE: 22

HEIGHT: 5"4'


EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown


FETISHES: Tickling (only does it in hopes of getting it back),major foot fetish

BIRTHDATE: Febuary 9th 1980

ETHNICITY: Latin/Native American

PLACE OF BIRTH: San Manuel, Arizona

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Guitar, Violin, Poetry, Cartoons, Bicycling, Soccer, Pro-Wrestling

TURN ONS: Sincerity, Strong Will, Nurturing, nice eyes....

TURNS OFFS: People who hate, violence, bad breath.

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Isabella is a friendly and loving soul who always puts others ahead of herself. She easily develops special bonds with other emotional individuals quickly and is incredibly easy to talk to about anything. She has a mischievous side, like that of a child, but most prominent is her passion. Everything she does from her music to her poetry is laced with subliminals of supressed yearning and aching to show how much she can truly show her love for someone, namely Cali.

BACKGROUND: Isabella was born in the rural town of San Manuel Arizona. She was homeschooled for most of her early life from her mother on the school books, and her grandparents on the traditional ways of both her peoples. Isa actually lived just outside San Manuel, a few miles into the desert in a small housing development populated mostly by the many members of her extended family. Her fathers family from San Marcos, Honduras and her mothers Navajo tribe loved her dearly so she was never without a friendly face in her young life. Isa showed great promise in Music and Writing, and it was realized by her parents that her true potential would never be realized where they were. It was decided when Isa was 12 that she was to move across country with her Aunt Rosa in New York. She could attend a good high school and then one of the renowned city colleges they heard so much about.

Isa really didnt know how to react in public school. She had been so used to knowing all the faces around her and this sea of strangers was quite an imposing sight. She ended up falling in with the "band geek" crowd which instantly made her a more obvious target then ever before. What made her even more of an introvert was these strange feelings she had been developing for "the wrong team". Then everything came into focus when in the grips of a female behemoth behind the school, Cali swung into action, saving her. Cali was like nothing she had ever seen before. The emotions that surged through her frightened and excited her all at the same time. At that moment Cali had forever become an of devotion and loyalty to Isa.

The two had become like sisters by the time they got into High School and "friendly flirtation" had become sort of an inside joke. Mostly they just got all touchy feely to freak out the popular kids in the hallways. Cali had helped Isa learn to really let go and live life, but most of all, gave her the strength she needed to survive in the real world. Cali did date guys though and hid her sincere bisexual attractions for the sake of the friendship. Isa always claimed she was "saving herself" for the right guy, but by age 17 she had come to grips with the fact that that wasnt exactly accurate. She was a lesbian and she was saving herself for the right girl, she only hopes that the right girl would realize what was right their beside her. Cali was never THAT good at hiding her feelings after all....

After a number of years Isa realized her true passion was Guitar rather than the Violin which her mother made her learn. Before GRRP was formed or even the two performing at the bar, Isa would often frequent local open mikes in secret with her guitar and strum out haunting ballads of life in the desert. Isa never thought of herself as any good (never told Cali) but one night decided to try the open mike at a famously aggressive audience base at a particular alternative club. She began to play and instantly recieved a foul response from the audience. The audience hushed when Cali came from nowhere (this was her club!) and sat down beside her, Isa shocked and unable to speak. Cali plugged in her bass guitar and motioned for Isa to start again. She did and Cali accompanied with a reverbed and echoed baseline giving it that added structure. The audience was pleased, and the ground work for for their future band had been set.

MUSIC: Ska, Classical, Techno, Spanish, Classic Rock, Alternative, Celtic.
FAV BANDS: Santana, Aerosmith, Sarah McLachlin, Depeche Mode

STRENGTHS: Passionate, artistic, applies herself fully to everything she does, youthful nature.

WEAKNESS': Very flirtacious nature. Even though Cali is her true love, she will often come on to most any attractive female that looks her way.

PETS: A foul mouthed Parrot named Cheech (no thanks to Cali, "Pretty bird, can you say cocksucker?")

SPORTS: Soccer, Minature Golf

FOR FUN: Sitting up her old oak tree playing the guitar, hanging around Cali, watching Saturday Morning cartoons, writing.

INTERESTING FACTS: In her early years, Isa's mother, Nascha was a late blooming flower child in the 60s hippy revolution. Into her new social crew she brought the beliefs and mysticism of her native people, entrancing many an open minded moon-doggy. She quickly became a figure head in many a spiritual circle among the young rebels up until spotting one particular spanish rebel with the nicest eyes....Years later she gave birth to a new generation of flower child, Isa. Isa can speak Spanish, Navajo and Latin fluently.

FAV FOOD: Italian, Mexican, Spanish, any kind of fish, anything with garlic

FAV COLOR: Light Blue

FAV CLOTHING: Psychedelic spiral top

WHATS NEW: Has dedicated herself to making Cali notice her in "that way". Its not going to be easy though...


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REAL NAME: Miko Fujisawa

SIGN: Taurus

CAT AFFINITY: Japanese Bobtail

CAT QUIRK: Miko likes to chase things. Birds, Mice or even a crumpled up ball of paper. She could bat it around the floor for hours....one of the more amusing quirks to witness...

AGE: 18



EYES: Green

HAIR: Black


FETISHES: Tickling (recieving), minor foot fetish (also recieving)

DATE OF BIRTH: May 5th 1984

PLACE OF BIRTH: Koriyama, Japan


HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Kendo, Video Games, Roleplaying, Comics, Techno Music

TURN ONS: A gentle and loving nature, compassion

TURNS OFFS: Controlling nature, no manners

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: As her appearance reflects, Miko is still a young child at heart with the personality of a well mannered yet slightly mischievous little girl. She is always shy at first, hardly speaking a word to new people she meets but will eventually warm up to the person based on how good of a person they are. The rest of the group will often judge a new friend based on how quickly Miko opens up to them. She is also incredibly compassionate, always lending a shoulder to cry on or friendly ear to listen. But dont think for a second shes a delicate little asian flower....their are thorns on that stem.

BACKGROUND: Miko was born into a "vaguely" traditonal Japanese household. Her parents are named Kazuo and Mizuki. Her grandfather taught her how to use a sword. And thats about as much as anyone knows. For some reason or another, Miko doesnt talk about her family much and seems to be more enthralled with the USA. She got involved in a student exchange program when she was 17 and got transfered over. Despite the fact that the program was for only the one year, shes been here ever since and probably for a lot longer. Yet another bit of info no one really knows. No one bothers to ask though. Shes happy with her house mom Beverly and loves her new home and friends.

MUSIC: Techno, Alternative, J-Rock, Ska
FAV BANDS: Chemical Brothers, Bjork, Beck, PJ Harvey, Pizzicato 5

STRENGTHS: Wits, Speed, Grace, Intelligence

WEAKNESS': She has the general tendency to get herself into trouble in various ways. This is why the rest are very protective of their "little sister".

PETS: none

SPORTS: Kendo, Gymnastics, Diving

FOR FUN: Beating the snot out of someone in a fighting style video game, watching TV, hanging out with friends, sleeping.

INTERESTING FACTS: Mikos sword technique is quite a site to behold. There are times in the heat of battle when you can actually see "Chi" energy eminating from her body and sword. They are linked and fight as one. The true extent of her abilities have yet to be seen.

FAV FOOD: Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Schezuan, Korean, Vietnamese and Tacos.


FAV CLOTHING: Her old school uniform

WHATS NEW: Her first day in class and she already made a new friend. One with green and orange hair that actually tried to tickle her during class! What are the odds?


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REAL NAME: Mabel (Mab) Louise Malvanado (call her Mabel and you die...)

SIGN: Saggitarius


CAT QUIRK: Mab is deathly afraid of Dogs. Even a Chihuahua puppy would send her to the ground in fear. (With "furry" dog-people she just tends to feel very uneasy or nervous.)

AGE: 27

HEIGHT: 5'9" (6'1" with heels)


EYES: Violet

HAIR: Dark Red


FETISHES: Domination, Humiliation, Trampling, Foot Worship (recieving), Tickling, Caning, Spanking, Roleplay.

BIRTHDATE: December 1st 1975

PLACE OF BIRTH: Staten Island, NY

ETHNICITY: Irish/Italian

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Painting, Sculpture, Business, Psychology, Sex Industry, Cooking.

TURN ONS: If they can wear her out before she wears them out, muscles, friendly personality, sensitivity.

TURNS OFFS: Guys who see her as nothing more than a sexual object, bad breath

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Mab comes across immediately as the girl who doesnt take sh*t from anyone. The tough, indipendent, head strong type who cant help but succeed in life...either that or they think shes a bitch. This is only a defensive front however, beneath she has the spirit of an innocent child, wanting nothing more than to shake off the bonds of responsibility and maturity and just have fun. This supressed child is only released when it is first translated into sexual playfullness by her stronger side. She is very matter-of-fact, a real wordster able to talk her way through any situation and can argue like no one else. She has the ferocity of a mother lioness protecting her cubs when it comes to her friends and values them more than anything else in her life.

BACKGROUND: Mab was born into a well to do Italian family in Staten Island. Growing up, nothing was ever too good for her and she got most of what she wanted....all except permission to be a child. It seemed that since day one, her parents discouraged any and all "juvenile" behavior. Mab was forced to forgo childhood and grow up before her time. Public school wasnt any better, being unable to relate to the other children who knew how to have fun and instantly became a target for violence....the "snotty rich girl". After a number of schoolyard scuffles, her parents decided to send her to private school for most of her early life.

At age 15 Mab was sent to an all-girl Catholic boarding school where she established a much more menacing and commanding persona. Now living apart from her parents and with such a refined and demanding demeanor, Mab was practically running the place within the week. The other rich kids, accustomed to lives of luxury and not actually handling their problems had to deal with Mab, wether or not it got violent in the process. Mab wasnt a bully persay, but just knew no other way to express herself outside of what she was tought both by her parents and the public school kids that tormented her. She did have "friends" but even they were only loyal out of fear.

Mab graduated top of her class, with little reaction from her parents except for the occasional mention of their intelligent daughter to fellow business partners. She had taken a liking to Psychology in High School and decided to make it her field of study. It was also her excuse to get as far away from her family as possible, to a college in upstate NY. She had grown accustomed to living on her own. Her years in college were an eye-opening experience for her. She quickly found that she couldnt lay claim to this place quite as easily as the last. Slowly but surely she learned to balance out her personality, while indulging her dominant streak working as a Dominatrix to make money for tuition.

One night, while on the internet she was Instant Messaged by someone she never met, living out on Long Island. Behind a keyboard as many know, it is far more easy to be truthful and open yourself up. Especially when the other person happens to be Cali. The two began to chat on a nightly basis for weeks, able to talk about any subject wether sexual, emotional, spiritual, or otherwise. Eventually Cali brought up how she had a major tickling fetish and Mab was floored. A tickling FETISH? In all her years as a Domme (4 at that point) she had never heard of such a sexual practice but was very intrigued by it. After a number of months the request finally came for Mab to come visit Cali and her friends. How could she say no?

MUSIC: Techno, Industrial, Classical, Metal
FAV BANDS: Type O Negative, Daft Punk, Bach, Alice Cooper

STRENGTHS: Perseverance, strong soul and will, protective, fierce, indipendent

WEAKNESS': Although she means well, she has the annoying habit of pointing out others mistakes or nagging them because of something they did or plan on doing.

PETS: none

SPORTS: Track, Soccer

FOR FUN: watching Live Theater, Musicals, Painting and hanging out with people.

INTERESTING FACTS: Mabs "inner child" has been known to manifest itself as a completely indipendent mentality from her own personality by way of various stimuli. This is apparent when Mabs eyes become large and "cute".

FAV FOOD: Greek, Japanese, Italian


FAV CLOTHING: Anything tight n'shiny

WHATS NEW: Mab just got herself a room not to far from Calis hometown, she plans on keeping her first real friends really close.


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REAL NAME: Petra Galifanakis

SIGN: Capricorn


CAT QUIRK: Petra has the near-narcaleptic tendency to fall asleep in unusual places, especially when shes high or drunk.

AGE: 23

HEIGHT: 6'3"


EYES: Gray

HAIR: Blond


FETISHES: She doesnt have any fetishes persay, but does seem to enjoy tickling and has a limitless open mind.

BIRTHDATE: January 10th 1979

ETHNICITY: Australian/????

PLACE OF BIRTH: Melbourne, Australia

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Drums, Surfing, Horror Movies, Paintball

TURN ONS: nice butt, long hair

TURNS OFFS: vegetarians, republicans, guys who chew with their mouth open

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Most people have a hard time getting a read on Petra. Her permanant dazed visage and cigarette caping her lip gives the impression that no one is home. Within runs an adventurous spirit longing to surf the waves in the summer sun. Petra is suprisingly observant of the world around her despite her oblivious appearance and the type who says little but only when somethings worth saying. She is something of a loner by nature, drifting in and out of the group randomly and is usually found in her garage beating away on the drums. An impecible sense of rythm runs through her veins and she is always picking up musical beats in everyday sounds and events (and is more often, at the same time, wrapping her drum sticks on anything with a good sound). The only time she shows any true facial expression outside the vacant stare is when she gets deep into her drumming, is being tickled, or is making love.

BACKGROUND: Petra's mum Jocelyn was never much of a mother. A dedicated rock groupie, she would always travel to either end of Australia for concerts and hopefully a little something more. She was a woman of loose morals and even looser...ahem...we'll skip that. Needless to say, she got herself knocked up. She doesnt remember exactly which member of the band it was.....what band it was.......if it was a band member at all.....she had been drinking. Well whatever the case, after a year Jocelyn's only choice was to quit school and enter the working world, while her own mother and boyfriend Ricky watched over young Petra. Petra, always able to explore freely with her mother gone most of the time, her grandmother somewhat oblivious and Ricky was passed out more than not, began to wander off to the beach by the time she was 5. Watching the surfers for hours a day, she decided she wanted to do it too. Her grandmother, pleaded to Ricky to do something about this and turn her attentions to something more constructive and less dangerous. Ricky, being a burn out ex-roadie himself, introduced young Petra (now 7) to the drums. Whenever she wasnt in school, she was drumming.....and whenever no one was looking she was off to the beach....it was a simple life.

Petra hit quite a growth spert earlier in life and didnt seem to have a limit. Her image was always that of the tall, akward and gangily girl who looked a number of years older than she really was. Many people will attest that if she had gotten more feminine influences growing up, she would have become an unbelievable graceful and beautiful woman. They say this also because for most of Petras really akward years in the early teens, she dressed more masculine then most guys she knew. Army fatigues and loose t-shirts covering a taped-down chest was her uniform and she wore it with pride. This was also because combat boots were perfect and practical for her oversized feet. She fell in with an eclectic group of neo-hippies, necro-nerds and latchkey kids and began experimenting with weed, alchohol and few other select encounters...

When Petra was 19, her grandmother died (as old people tend to do). And to Jocelyns suprise, left behind quite a small nest egg in her will, meant for when Jocelyn got married. Within the manilla envelope was the deed to a small house in suburban NY, USA which was itself a gift from her own dead husband. To Jocelyn, everything around her except for Petra and Ricky were signs of her failed life and despite her daughters plees, packed up and moved on out. The true reality of the situation had hit Petra until the morning she headed out to Jones Beach for a little surfing at dawn and found both the beach and surf little to be desired. Her only solace was her drumset. She would sit there, beneath the open garage door halfway onto her driveway, and would belt out the most mind-numbingly rocking beats you ever heard. This was the outlet for her frustration. After a few passers by gave her a good review and word got around, she had been approached by many bands looking for good drummers. It was after entering the local music community that Petra landed herself a job at a local music store where she met two customers who were to become her future friends and band-mates; Cali and Isa.

MUSIC: Classic Rock, Rock, 80s Rock, Metal, Industrial, Aboriginee
FAV BANDS: Jethro Tull, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Silver Chair, Mr.Bungle

STRENGTHS: Forgiving, passive nature, open minded, friendly, observant

WEAKNESS': Petra cannot listen to any music or melody without having the desire to begin drumming away on something...anything...

PETS: none

SPORTS: Surfing, Lacross

FOR FUN: Drumming in her garage, Sitting on the beach watching the sun go down, just sitting and getting lost in her thoughts..

INTERESTING FACTS: Petra has an incredibly powerful body and could easily rip most people a new one if she wanted too. All her years of surfing and flailing her arms around drumming has built up a very tight and toned physique. Yet she never takes advantage of this strength and has in fact been known to move very slowly most of the time.

FAV FOOD: Ramen Noodles, Vegimite (what Aussie doesnt?), Pizza, Mint Chip Ice Cream


FAV CLOTHING: "Trash" T-Shirt

WHATS NEW: The band Petra was drumming for "Meats Of Evil" disbanded on the night of their big performance, good thing her two new friends worked at the club and filled in the spots. (see Calis Bio for more details)


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Cheshire Cat

(this is my fictional online persona, only loosely based on the real me....of course if you can't figure that out on your own you should be dragged into an open field and shot in the head...enjoy! :D )

REAL NAME: Unknown

SIGN: Taurus

AGE: Unknown

HEIGHT: 6'1"


EYES: Blue

HAIR: Purple and Green


FETISHES: Tickling (delivering and recieving), Feet, Bondage



ETHNICITY: Norwiegan/German

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Art, Mysticism, Theology, Rituals, Hippy Magiks, Getting High, Herbalism, Spirituality, Anime, Video Games.

TURN ONS: Nice feet, long toes, girls who are ticklish and enjoy being tickled, nice eyes, cat ears.

TURNS OFFS: Ugly feet, bad laugh, bitchy personality.

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Cheshire is a very complex and strange individual. He is very friendly and wise on many levels, often giving advice to friends. He is somewhat secretive and lives alone, yet loves to have people over all the time. He tends to over-analyze things and cause headaches with his deep philosophical or socio-political views and theories, especially when hes high. All in all hes a figure looked up to by most of his peers but theres always been something a little "off" about him that makes you wonder what else is going through that big head of his...

BACKGROUND: Cheshires background is just as mysterious as the Docs. One morning in 1998 his big purple house just seemed to appear in a vacant lot complete with landscaping, fence and utilities. Yet as if the very power of obliviousness was working in his favor, no one really seemed to take notice. Hes a good neighbor, usually out gardening or managing his store in downtown Wakupogue; a plus-size shoe and foot care store called "Puss'n'Boots". He met Cali and her friends when Cali and Petra were shopping for new shoes to perform in and hes a frequent customer at the Writers Block Club as well a devoted GRRP fan. He also throws his own tickle gatherings monthly in his home, known as "WTS Parties" (Wakupogue Tickle Society). Cheshire has an aray of strange powers that are linked to his mystic training including the ability to teleport, shapeshift and do that floating Cheshire Cat head thing. Few outside of his circle of friends are witness to his strange talents. The house itself seems to defy the laws of physics, the interior being an endless labrynth of hallways and doors leading to various strange rooms and chambers. (Unless your with CC himself in which case its easily navigated.) Its also hinted that he has something of a history with Doctor Insaniac...

MUSIC: Ska, Techno, Industrial, Hippy Rock, Metal, Celtic, Classical
FAV BANDS: Catch 22, Linkin Park, Janis Joplin, Greatful Dead, old Metallica

STRENGTHS: Wisdom, Spirituality, sharp wit, compassion

WEAKNESS': Short term memory loss...self explanitory

PETS: His house is a safe haven for all manner of stray cats from around the neighborhood. At night they line the top of his fence like birds on a wire and frequently enter through various small openings and windows of the house during bad weather. He considers them all to be kindred spirits and takes care of them best he can. A few neighbors refer to him jokingly as "Lord of the Cats". The cats also have no problem navigating through his manor unlike most humans.

SPORTS: Billiards, Mini-Golf

FOR FUN: Practicing rituals and magic, watching movies, partying, smoking, having deep, intelligent conversation, video games.

INTERESTING FACTS: No one has seemed to notice that Cheshire is purple and green. Well, its not that they dont see it or even acknowledge it, its that no one seems to find it out of the ordinary in the least.

FAV FOOD: Fish, New England Clam Chowder, Indian, Thai, Ethiopian.


FAV CLOTHING: Tie-dye shirt

WHATS NEW: Cheshire has been aware of Doc Insaniacs activities for some time now and he feels as though he should begin dealing with it personally...


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REAL NAME: Moira McGregor Gustafson


CAT AFFINITY: Scottish Calico

CAT QUIRK: Uncanny hearing. Cali couldnt get away with much as a child...

AGE: 42

HEIGHT: 5'4"


EYES: Green

HAIR: Cranberry Red


FETISHES: Tickling (delivering and recieving) Minor foot fetish (where do you think Cali got it from?)

DATE OF BIRTH: August 2nd 1961

PLACE OF BIRTH: Lochnagar, Scotland


HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Gardening, massage therapy, aromatherapy, herbalism, traditional crafts, drinking.

TURN ONS: People who can drink HER under the table, fun loving nature, nice eyes

TURNS OFFS: Narrow mindedness, bad tempers

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Moira is the quintessential tough firey female straight from the Moores of Scotland. In recent years with her daughter grown up, she has begun truly enjoying her life despite the grief from the loss of her husband when Cali was 3. She knows now that he would have wanted her to enjoy her life and move on. Shes an even bigger party animal than Cali and often embarasses her own daughter with her wild behavior.

BACKGROUND: Moira was born to a simple farming family in Lochnagar, directly east of Aberdeen. Her family had been running a pub/inn since the days of the English occupations and made the best damn Irish Whiskey this side of the British Isles. as the oldest girl, her father was notoriously protective of his little princess. That and the fact that she got herself into more trouble than he could handle. The middle child of 8 with 3 sisters and 3 brothers, she was more influenced by her brothers, growing into a tomboy much like Cali and could easily win any fight she got into. She was the toughest little girl on the moors.

In time, Moira developed into a lovely young woman, still just as firey and indipendent as that little girl she had grown from but with a certain heir of feminine grace and charm to her as well. You would never call her "easy" (at least to her face) but she had a certain method...a wink, a hip shake and the lads did her bidding. Never anything unacceptable or lude of course and she always respected everyone, flirtaciously or not.

Moira had barely finished high school when a sailor of the Norwiegan Navy passed through her town named Bjorn Gustafson. He was weary and fatigued from weeks at sea and sought rest at the McGregor Inn. Moira instantly felt a strong connection with this young man, around 23 with his flowing blond hair and ice blue eyes. She developed something of a "Florence Nightingale complex", taking care of him, nursing him back to health and all the while falling madly in love with him. All the local boys seemed to be only interested in drinking, partying and sex. He was different, he had dignity, honor and a warm heart. In a months time a group of Navy constables came looking for him. He had forgot to mention to his hosts that his shore leave was only for a day but could not leave after meeting who he believed to be his one true love. Before they could enter, Bjorn and Moira slipped out the back window (with her parents blessing) and hopped onto a passing wagon carrying wheat and livestock. They road all the way to Aberdeen and used what little money they had to sail to America.

In 1980 they had arrived and became American citizens. Bjorn passed himself off as a Scotsman and Moiras husband, after which they were married secretly in a small chapel in the Bronx. They lived in a small tenament building on the lower east side with no running water or electricity, but they were happy. In a years time they had given birth to a beautiful baby girl named Caledonia, the ancient celtic name for Scotland. As Bjorn stood over the crib of his little angel, he couldnt help but hope for a better future for his daughter. That night he left, to give himself up willingly to his Navy superiors after going AWOL for nearly 2 years. In time it blew over and he began sending money home to his loving wife and daughter Cali. But when Cali was 3 years of age, Moira recieved word that Bjorn had fallen in the line of duty.

Despite the grief that Moira had felt, she recieved the greatest gift her husband could have given. Years earlier he put out a navy life insurance policy on himself, in the hopes of providing for his family even in death. Moira, now a single mother could not bare to remain in that apartment that reminded her of her fallen hero and love. She did what she knew he would have wanted, moved to a nice neighborhood out on the Island where Cali could grow up away from the violence and filth of the lower east side. For a number of years they lived among friends in a Bungalo housing project in Rockaway Beach, the town of Cali's birth and when she had found a suitable home they picked up and moved on. They wanted the best for their baby girl...

MUSIC: Hippy Rock, Celtic, Dance, Folk.
FAV BANDS: Loreena Mckennit, Great Big Sea, The Chieftans, The Pogues.

STRENGTHS: Persevearance, strength, strong will and a strong constitution and resistance to toxins. (alchohol, etc.)

WEAKNESS': Moira, like her daughter, has a problem with Indulgence. Especially now that her daughter is fully self sufficient, she has the freedom to party it up like she was still 18, much to the dismay of her worried daughter.

PETS: none

SPORTS: Cricket

FOR FUN: Relaxing listening to music with a glass of Baileys Irish Cream or Whiskey. Hanging around with Cali and her friends (and sometimes playing a little.) And more recently, dating again.

INTERESTING FACTS: Despite her small size, Moira is one tough b*tch. The only guy that ever tried to mug her ended up suing HER for beating him to a bloody pulp. You dont mess with a scott!!

FAV FOOD: Hagis, Sausages and Mash, Corn Beef and Cabbage, Mexican food.


FAV CLOTHING: The green wool sweater her mother gave her as a "dowry" of sorts.

WHATS NEW: Only now after years of living the "grieving widow" lifestyle, Moiras finally decided to get back into the dating game. Bjorn loved her for her spirit and loving nature, he would have wanted it this way. Of course Cali has a slightly different take on the situation. "Nobody is good enough for my mom!"


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REAL NAME: Travis Morgan

SIGN: Taurus

AGE: 23



EYES: Green

HAIR: Brown


FETISHES: Tickling (delivering and recieving), foot fetish

BIRTHDATE: April 29th 1981

ETHNICITY: German/Welsh


HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Guitar, Singing, Computers, Video Games, Skateboarding, Getting High

TURN ONS: Warm personality, fair skin, nice voice

TURNS OFFS: Narrow mindedness, people who judge, preppies and posers...

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Travis is a shaggy unshaven left over from the 90s grunge scene. He was born for it, too bad it died with the 90s. He's pretty layed back, mellow but very friendly and intelligent as well. He's most passionate about his music and takes great pride in his Grunge roots. Get him into a moshpit and beware, he'll split your skull open.

BACKGROUND: Travis lived in the stewing cesspool of the Seatlle underground alternative scene. His parents were usually working or preoccupied with something else or each other, so he more or less raised himself and became a very indipendent and self-sufficient young man. He hung around the struggling street musicians who taught him their craft, belting out guitar melodies from all styles of music.

A strong sense of determination kept him moving upward through life and he struggled through school on his own with little positive reinforcement from his parents. When Travis was 14 he learned that his parents were going to be doing the "trial seperation" thing to deal with some issues. A year later it was a divorce. Travis then moved with his mother back to her home town, Wakupogue NY.

This new eastern suburbanite hell was the last thing Travis wanted to deal with. These people around him, so alien and bizarre compared to what he was used too. Then on the first day of class, 3rd period...he saw her. Cali came strutting in waving her tail around and Travis' jaw nearly hit the floor. Immediately his foot fetish dragged his eyes down to her sandals and knew he was in love. He'd watch her from afar, amazed at how different she was from everyone else. So much more self-assured, indipendent, original and not afraid to be herself.

After a year or so, Cali began to notice him peeking at her feet from the other side of the various classes they had together. She had thought he was kinda cute from day one, and now she had something to play with! She had gotten into the habit of torturing Travis during class by wiggling around her toes, crossing and recrossing her legs, jiggling around her foot letting the sandal hang off loosely, or go the full way, taking off her sandal and pointing the bare sole directly at him, all subtley of course. First time she did that he literally fell out of his chair! Finally, at the end of their junior year she decided to see just how far his infatuation could go...(Coming Soon: "When Travis met Cali" illustrated story!)

They've been together ever since and along with Isa make up the founding members of GRRP...

MUSIC: Ska, Punk, Metal, Industrial, Alternative, Grunge

FAV BANDS: Nirvana, Soul Assylum, old Metallica, Nine Inch Nails

STRENGTHS: Intelligence, Protective nature, quick wits.

WEAKNESS': Travis has a lot of self-doubt and confidence problems. He usually needs a good kick in the ass from Cali to succeed.

PETS: none

SPORTS: Skateboarding, Snowboarding

FOR FUN: Skateboarding, sitting in his room listening to loud music (or playing it), surfing the net, webdesign.

INTERESTING FACTS: Travis is deaf in one ear. An accident when he was 12 where he got to close to a 7 ft. subwoofer before a sound test on a bass guitar.

FAV FOOD: Italian, Chinese, Mexican


FAV CLOTHING: Flanel shirt

WHATS NEW: Giant Radioactive Rubber Pants has become the most popular live band in the area. Travis is having a blast being a local legend...possibly to much of a blast...


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Doc Insaniac

REAL NAME: Doctor Sergio Von Insaniac

SIGN: Gemini

AGE: 22

HEIGHT: 6'3"


EYES: ???

HAIR: Black with red highlights


FETISHES: Tickling, Domination

BIRTHDATE: June 13th 1980


ETHNICITY: Romanian/Czechoslovakian/German

HOBBIES/INTERESTS: Science, Engineering, Robotics, Genetic Engineering, Chemistry, Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Video Games, Sci-fi, Anime....

TURN ONS: Ticklish flesh, helplessness, girls who beg for mercy, cat ears.

TURNS OFFS: Ugly feet, body hair, body odor

PERSONALITY ASPECTS: Oh where to begin....you might say Doc is of two minds on any subject, literally. One half of his brain is deep and analytical, always running equations, historical reasearch and dreaming up new tickling technology and all the while somewhat rational of mind. Unfortunately the one in control most of the time is just pure insanity, the side that indulges in the ticklish suffering of his victims. He is a very lonely person, in disbelief that he can relate to anyone on the outside, trapped in a world of his own creation. After all, machines are so much easier to fix than people...

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the Doc, in fact only Cali and her friends know him by name (due to many ticklish encounters schemed by him). All thats known is ever since he moved into the old house on top of the hill, strange things have been happening all around town. Girls vanishing one by one only to re-appear later apparently unharmed, wandering about in a haze with no memory of what had happened to them. And then theirs that new urban myth about the...."flying squids"......

MUSIC: Techno, Industrial, Hardcore, Metal, Rave

FAV BANDS: Pop Will Eat Itself, Rammstein, Megadeth

STRENGTHS: Genius, Stubborness, cool hair

WEAKNESS': Has the tendency to involuntarily shift between his two sides even more sporatically and frequently than Mab without need for a stimuli. This makes interaction or even reasoning with the Doc very difficult.

PETS: ....hehe...heh...you'll see.... :D


FOR FUN: Conducting his tickle-reasearch, playing RPG video games, secretly terrorizing the town, "playing" with Cali and her friends.

INTERESTING FACTS: The house that Doc Insaniac now resides in once belonged to a wealthy toy designer who mysteriously vanished about 10 years before the Docs appearance. The house had been labeled "condemned" but no plan was ever made to tear it down.....strange..

FAV FOOD: Instant anything or anything take-out (hes usually to busy to actually cook anything), New England Clam Chowder, Beef Stroganoff.


FAV CLOTHING: black trench coat

WHATS NEW: Doc recently caught wind of Cali and her friends and what they do in their free time. Quite fascinating, "reasearch" will have to be done...hehe..


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