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New in town


1st Level Red Feather
Jul 18, 2008
"However, right before I fold the map, I notice another unexplored deserted area far to the south although currently I have no plans for another adventure. The princess just wants a hot bath and a massage, but if I get in the mood once again, I know where I'm going next...

Aygomen Glenn."

I have found your 'paper trail'... or was it quite simply a path of iconic feathers for me to find? (Symbolically speaking, of course.) As I read of your exploits, I am thunder struck that nobody else has replied to the trail of beautifully descriptive verse found within each thread of text. I must confess, that I am a bit excited and nervous. If I had more time... perhaps this will be a good test to see if I can keep my libido in check. Gathering my most inner thoughts, I slowly touch the keys of my laptop.


You see a building with a sign out in front that says "A Sweet Tickle". intrigued, you enter hoping that this place might at least, hold some of your answers. I greet you at he door as you come in.

I am practically dressed all in black, holding a white massage towel, folded under my arm...

I clear my throat, trying to remain calm and composed... professional.

"Welcome, Miss..."

There is a slight pause as I wait for an answer. Quickly seeing that you are as caught off guard as I am, I ask;

"Do you have an appointment with us?"
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"No, I'm just checking the place out." Frankly, I am surprised to see someone here. A fairly well dressed man, no less. In my mind, the name "A Sweet Tickle" did scare me a bit. Perhaps my experiences in the other building shook me up and I now assume that the remaining denizens of this fallen town are nutcases.

(I assume this is in the same city where my previous adventure took place, correct? Or am I in Aygomen Glenn now as it is the board we are using?)

While the man kept himself looking proper, I do the same with my hair and my flowing princess dress, its edges dirtied from brushing across the dusty ground. "What do you do here?" I ask him.
I carry on the conversation in a proper manner, trying hard to put the young woman at ease. I smile at her as I continue.

"I am the head masseur here... and owner."

I can't help thinking that the dress you're wearing seems slightly out of place in this town.

"You must be new here. I haven't seen you before. Welcome to Aygomen Glenn."

It is quite a stunning dress however and complements your figure most exquisitely. I swallow hard to clear my throat, trying to keep my curiosity from coming across as being creepy.

"Would you care for a massage?"

My mind is running a mile a minute... what a silly question. I mentally wish that I could take that last comment back, hoping that I didn't blow it.

"We have several levels and styles that you can choose from..."

I take a step forward and extend my hand, psychologically inviting you in. My God, your pretty... I grin at you, hinting that there may be more to this than what you can imagine. The pause seems like an eternity.

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"I'm Shawn Lorelei Darlacrane." I give you a demure handshake. "Princess Shawn Lorelei Darlacrane. This is my first time in Aygomen Glenn and I must say, it looks like it was once a thriving community. I thought I saw a circus tent on my way here..."

It is quite strange to find a lone massage parlor in an empty city, but perhaps this is an indication that this place is not really deserted. "Yes, I would like a massage." I reply, but not for a second have I forgotten the name of this building. "First, tell me your name and how you can be running a business when there is no one else around."
I take your hand and quickly turn your palm upward and with one fluid motion, bend down and give you a light kiss on the wrist.

"The pleasure of course, is all mine. My name is Volsung Watanabe... welcome." I bow and take a step back. "The city and my establishment, such as they are, are at your disposal. I must excuse the apparent shambles of the city. There was in fact, a great drought here a while back." There is a faint hitch in my voice as I continue to relate the sad story. "Then most of the people moved away..."

I get up from my stooped position and wonder to myself if any of this is emotionally moving to you, as I look into your eyes. "As for the circus tent..." *Laughing* "There is no love lost there..." There is a faint air of repulsion that quickly passes my face... "Clowns..." I mutter with distain. "But that is all in the past, is it not?" I immediately return to a feeling of optimism.

"Now you asked about the name of the place..." I look up at the ceiling reflectively. "The name... What's in a name? That which we call a rose..." I pull a while rose out from under the folded massage towel as a magician might and hold it out for you to take. "...By any other name would smell as sweet."

"For you Princess, a massage would be MY pleasure."

I draw back a curtain and invite you to step beyond.
The kiss, no matter how gentle, and his gentlemanly mannerisms sent a tingle down my spine. In a devastated city such as this, I never expected to find one so charming... then again, I am comparing Aygomen Glenn to the previous city I went to, populated by robots, ghosts and one weird (now deceased) guy.

I step past the curtain, the towel in hand, and enter a room where a massage table stood. It looks like Volsung had been taking good care of his parlor while everything else in the city fell apart. Hopefully, he is as good with massages as he is at housekeeping. In a changing room, after taking great care in searching for hidden cameras and finding none, I take off my dress. It slides down to my ankles in a puffy pile of silky fabric.

I emerge from the changing room wearing only the towel around my torso. Lying face down on the table, I await the comforting hands of my host.
The room is dimly lit. There are several air candles burning in strategic places in the room, filling the area with the scent of sandalwood throughout. There are several objects on the walls, but coming from a brightly lit space into a darkened one, you cannot make out what these might be. Is that a length of rope?

I see you lying on the table with a towel wrapped around your middle. I rub may hands together, but you are not sure if I do this to warm them, or perhaps to relate something else...

"Now just relax Princess..." you feel strong hands across your shoulder blades, pressing down... pinning you to the table. "I think that you will like this." Pressing firmly with my thumbs and with the heel of my hands, I slowly massage your muscles, like a baker who is kneading out dough. "How is that? You will let me know if I get too rough... won't you?" I slowly work my way down your back. "Here, let me get this for you..." I gently pull on the towel and let it drop to the floor, underneath the table. "There! That better?" I continue kneading your lower back.
"Oh, that feels so good..." As your skilled fingers found their way into my sore spots, my compliments soon turn to moans, "Mmmm..."

However, when you remove the towel, I let out a gasp. The air caresses my naked body, my bare butt right before your eyes. No, this guy can't be some pervert, right? He is only seeking access to my lower back. I choose not to utter any complaints, although my eyes, closed a moment ago during the amazing massage, are now wide open watching for sudden movements.

Of course, I am aware that when I'm faced down, he can do a lot of things behind my back that will easily escape my notice. Stay calm, I think to myself. It is too soon to trust him but don't jump to conclusions just yet.
"Oh, I hope I didn't alarm you." I say in the calmest voice I can muster. "I just wanted better access to your lower back." I rub from the small of your back, working my firm finger tips outward. "Just finishing up... that spot... yes. How's that? Better? You know, the whole time I could barely keep you on the table my dear. Now if really want the full treatment..." My voice trails off as though I was living some past experience.

"It requires a bit of stretching actually." I take you by the wrist as though it were already some forgone conclusion, and move your hand over your head. Before you know what's going on, you hear a pair of cuffs snapping shut. You instinctively pull, but your hand does not move from it's out stretched position. All though this procedure, I explain:

"If you could do it yourself, naturally I would let you..." I repeat the entire course of action on your other wrist. And now you find yourself stretched out like some Olympic swimmer, nearly touching the finish line, face down on the table.

"The challenge of course is to remain relaxed throughout..." I repeat the phrase as though I were hypnotizing you. "You must remain relaxed..."
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Right now, I am not sure what to think. Here is this guy putting me in a vulnerable position, and yet he expects me to relax? It's not as if I was about to slide off the table. Rather than complain about it though, I ask him as calmly as possible, "Why do I need to be cuffed? What are you doing?"

To be helpless and naked with a man standing over me is anything but comfortable. The soothing tone of his voice is threatening to pull me into an even more slackened state where he can then secure my legs as well. And then... he can do whatever he wants. Just what is he up to?
I quickly hand cuff your ankles together. Watching you shimmy and squirm on the table. I become increasingly annoyed at the deception I've had to demonstrate up to this point.

"It mush be clear to you by now..." I continue making adjustments around the table. You hear the sound of chain being dragged across the floor. "... that there is no turning back now." The chain connects to the cuffs around your hands and reaches over to the invisible horizon caused by the darkened room. "You should not have come here alone..." You then hear the same familiar noise at your feet. "... and in a deserted city as well... tsk, tsk, tsk." I make a sucking noise across my clenched teeth. It reverberates all around the darkened room.

Suddenly you hear the chain dragging sound again. But this time it is not on the floor. You feel your bonds tighten... more, and more...about to pull you apart. You feel your back pop. Your weight slowly becoming less and less against the table.

"Back feeling better? I heard that pop." I say casually.

Amazingly you lift off the table entirely, suspended by the chained cuffs at your wrists and ankles... I push the table away and watch you swinging ever so slightly back and forth, in mid air.

"Oh, I almost forgot... I am a bit sensitive to screaming. I hope you don't mind." I reach into my left pocket and pull out a ball gag... "Now would you ever be so kind as to open your mouth please?"
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What the hell? I pull at the chains, only succeeding in wiggling and bouncing above the floor like a puppet. My naked body is in full view of this... whoever he is, he will not be distracted by my ample bosom to the point of causing his own destruction. No, this man came prepared with an elaborate system of restraints and a pretense that had me fooled completely. What does he want with me?

My eyes are wide open when he shows me the ball gag. A part of me wants to scream in the hopes that there is someone else in this city willing to help. Instead, I keep my mouth shut tight and turn away from him.
I crouch down underneath your hanging form and look up at you... I obviously notice your breasts, now exaggerated by their new positioning, swinging free and independently of your confined movements.

"My, what a nice pair of tits you have there my fair one. What size are those?"

I take a fore-finger and trace an invisible line under and over the hanging protuberance. My mouth begins to water and I lick my lips.

"Maybe we can hold off on the gag just yet, besides who is going to hear you in this vacant town? Plus, you might have something to say about what I'm going to do for you next..."

I put the ball gag back in my pocket, for now.

The chain noise cranks up again as I press a button on the floor with my foot. Your body rises another two feet, putting me eye level with your completely exposed front. I walk up to your hanging left breast and lick the areola. It tastes slightly salty, but sweet on my tongue. I put my mouth over the quickly growing nipple and kiss it, gently sucking, putting my teeth around the little knobby bit of flesh. My tongue swishes and flicks around your areola as I gently tug on your tits with my mouth. Then I do the same with the other breast, until both nipples are wet, full and erect.

I notice for the first time, the bulge growing in my pants.

Just as your nipples relax and begin to recede, I blow little puffs of air onto them, drying the wetness away, causing them to fully erect again.
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As soon as you put your tongue on my nipple, my face creases into a frown. "Hey! Stop that!" I shriek, but by then you have already worked it into full erection. It shines with your saliva, and I thrash helplessly while you take the other one between your lips.

With the ball gag sitting in your pocket, I have nothing but angry protests for you, "How dare you! I'm a princess! Release me right now or... or..." It occurs to me that, much like back in the previous city, there is no hero here to save me, no knight in shining armor to crush this villain and sweep me off my feet. The most I can do is sway and turn my body to keep my breasts out of Volsung's perverted reach.

"Let me go or you'll be sorry!" I scream at him again.
"Ok, that's enough..." I drag the ball gag out of my pocket again and work towards putting it in your mouth. "I certainly don't need the lecture." I make sure that it is firmly held in place.

I look you in the eye. "Believe it or not, I actually want you to like me. I think that this is all a show." I continue speaking as my disposition slowly changes from anger to compassion. "The high and mighty Princess trots in here..." My temperament shifts again, as though I were the one being treated unfairly. "... too good for you, aren't I. Well, I have a way to force you to like me." I shoot you an evil grin. "Whether you like it or not, well that is your affair..." I turn away from your line of sight, but not out of ear-shot.

"...but I think you will."
"What? No, don't you dare gag meuuurmmffpg!" My tongue, my last line of defense, fails to keep the ball gag out. I shake my head, throw it forward and backward, my hair flailing about, but the gag stays on.

Who does this guy think he is? No one can force me to like someone. I am panting from my struggles. My eyes burn with rage, fists clenched and arms tensed. If he touches me again, he will get an earful.
I press another floor button with the tip of my shoe.

"Well, I tell you what Princess...

You hear a hissing sound reverberating all around the room...

"... what you say we both take one for the company?"

A sweet odor slowly, almost imperceptibly, starts filling the room.

"How about a little Nitrous oxide hun?"
The smell invades my nostrils and immediately, I realize you are not lying about the gas. "NNNUUUGH!" I squeal with eyes shut, shaking my head as if begging you to shut it off. My body thrashes on the chains in a futile attempt to get away.

"Mphmphmphmph!" The corners of my mouth lift. I bite down hard on the ball gag but cannot stop myself. It starts out as a string of giggles, followed by increasingly loud bursts of laughter. In between them are incoherent screams, shrill enough to echo through the room.
I find myself becoming intoxicated by the invisible gas as I start to giggle incoherently. The whole situation suddenly seems funny and ridiculous.

"Like me now, don't ya..."

I look up at you. Now you seem to be having just as much fun as I am. I feather tickle around your stomach and navel. It is impossible to tell if it's the gas that's causing the reaction, or the feather's touch. But it doesn't matter to me at all. I run the feather down to your Labia Majora and begin applying generous brushstrokes, up and down.

"This do anything for you? *giggle* "Come on..." *laughing* "Say you like it..." *Feather tickles you faster* "Say it" *more laughter*
"Nnnuuuughmmff." I suck my stomach in to avoid the feather. When you aim between my legs though, that is when I go nuts in trying to get away. My legs pull against the chains trying to close. I tilt my head back with eyes squeezed tighter. No, he has no control over me, not even with his feather stroking all of the right crevices.

Every stroke brought a squeak out of me. Squeaks of denial, of protest. I have to fight it, but damn that gas is making it hard! I'm a princess, not some guy's plaything. He cannot force me to like this. He won't ever succeed...
I begin laughing hysterically now, fully intoxicated by the gas's effect. Not caring what happens in the real world. Solely focused on feather tickling your privates. Intently watching the subtle change of color and shape with each ticklish pass of the plume. Hoping that you will moan and laugh for me. As the feather moves to and fro across your emerging Labia Minora, I accidentally step on the floor button that provides slack for the chain.

I suddenly come out of the dream-like state and watch as you are slowly dropped to the floor. I should be mad, angry... The gas however, blocks my natural inclinations as I just watch you squirming on the floor.

The hissing noise stops.
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Don't get wet, I think to myself. It is what he wants. My labia is starting to swell and I find myself sucking in deep breaths to keep myself from moaning, as a result inhaling more of that laughing gas. The chuckles escaping from my gagged lips turned to pained bursts of laughter.

And then, I feel the chain loosening. The shackles are still tight around my wrists and ankles, but now I have been lowered to the floor with enough slack to do something about it. Immediately I close my legs together and back away from the feather.

The next thing that comes is an upward blow to your balls.
One minute I'm tickling you, the next...

There is a flash of light in my field of vision and then the next thing I know is I'm on the ground clutching my groin. The gas keeps me from caring very much though. I don't know how many minutes go by, but my next goal is to say something tangible.

"See? *coughing* "Your beginning to like me already..." *giggle/cough*
I use the slack in the chains to free one hand, then the other, and finally my ankles. I remove the ball gag and throw it down at you. "Shut up, you sick freak!"

No time to put my dress on. Hopefully he was right about the city and it truly is deserted. No one will see me running around naked, and so I slip out of the building before he can recover from the low blow. Faster and faster I ran, my hair fluttering behind me and my breasts bouncing with each step like the bulge-inducing beach balls that they are.

Where the hell is my car? Obviously it wasn't Volsung who stole it. The tracks lead to the darkest sections of the city, along a road between two rows of Victorian era buildings. Nearby, just at the entrance to the road, is the circus tent. It will be a great place to hide until Volsung gives up his pursuit... but he did mention clowns. Why does it have to be clowns?

I glance over my shoulder, noticing that he is nowhere in sight before I catch my breath. I decide to follow my car's tracks...
(Rats, my mind's bone dry right now. Wanna give me a nudge in a more interesting direction? Just a nudge will do.)
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